Aion finish svn in Title/Summary

AION Screen Saver
This application is an awesome screen saver for Windows 7 with a slideshow of wallpapers from the AION game. It features beautiful and very creative images of AION game characters that rotate with random effects when computer is idle. This screen saver contains 17 high resolution wallpapers in 1920×1200.
- Publisher: ExpoThemes
- Last updated: August 19th, 2022

Aion is a MMORPG in which you are part of a given guild and need to accomplish several quests. You can choose among the two main races, and then choose the guild of which you are a member. You can choose among different types of characters, and fully customize your own. The game takes a while to load, as well as to install updates.
- Publisher: NCsoft Corporation
- Last updated: January 17th, 2019

Aion RainMeter
Aion RainMeter (ARM) is a damage and dps/ap meter tool for Aion aimed to replace the old KDM. This tool allows you to access several ARM functions in-game by simply typing them in the chat. Alternatively, you can copy them to clipboard (type, select the text and copy or cut).
- Publisher: Aion RainMeter
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 25th, 2022
Aion finish svn in Description

SVN Cleaner
SVN Cleaner description This tool adds three options to the Windows Explorer Context Menu: Remove All .svn Remove All But Root .svn Remove Local Repo Files This simple program removes recursively all .svn directories. In order to run remove-svn requires python.
- Publisher: Infinite Designs
- Last updated: October 31st, 2009

NC Launcher (GameForge)
NC Launcher (GameForge) allows you to download AION client. The launcher has been custom built for the upcoming AION game that it is hosted on the GameForge servers and company. The launcher will do its job automatically and there's no need for complicated settings or interaction.
- Publisher: NCSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 6th, 2013

Syncro SVN Client
Syncro SVN Client has been designed to offer powerful actions while keeping the interface as clean and simple as possible. The program allows you to manage and browse SVN repositories. Whether you are new to version control or you are a power user, Syncro SVN Client will give you the best tools to get up and running in no time.
- Publisher: syncRO soft Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 24th, 2016

SmartSVN is a Subversion client with SVN, SVN SSH, and HTTP/HTTPS support. With this program, you can work with tags and branches as conveniently as if they were native Subversion features. Once you have defined the project repository locations for the trunk, the tags and branches, you won't have to deal with hard-to-remember URLs anymore.
- Publisher: WANdisco, Inc
- Last updated: August 24th, 2016

Ac client
AC client is a small utility that will help you with the menu of some small games, A /spechudgun 1 backport from SVN. My menu modiffications. Some HUD modiffications. For a better menu "integration" to the mod you can see a SVN revision where there were some minor issues with hudgun while spectating.
- Publisher: SKB
- Last updated: May 9th, 2008
Additional Aion finish svn selection

SVN Notifier
SVN Notifier is a simple and useful tool to monitor your Subversion project repository for changes. SVN Notifier notifies you about recent commits and helps you keep your local copy up to date. You can review all the changes and update your local copy right from the application.
- Publisher: CollabNet.
- Last updated: September 26th, 2012

TQC Ideal Finish Analysis
TQC Ideal Finish Analysis is an advanced coating climate, coating cure and coating thickness monitoring program. Detailed graphic representations and customizable reports help you to make the right decisions to optimize your production process. It offers user friendly reporting functions for standard production work.
- Publisher: TQC
- Last updated: December 4th, 2014

PushOk SVN SCC is a free SCC API plug-in for any Microsoft SCC enabled IDE (MSVC 5.0-7.0, Borland C++ builder, Delphi). The plug-in includes all necessary tools for visual merging and visual browsing. You will be able to perform usual operations such as: checking, checkout, undo checkout and compare version.
- Publisher: Pushok Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 5th, 2013
- Publisher: TQC B.V.
- Last updated: April 11th, 2011

Agent SVN
Agent SVN is an implementation of the MS-SCCI for the Subversion version control. The plug-in allows Subversion to seamlessly integrate with the SSMS, PowerBuilder, Visual Studio, Visual C++ development environments or any other MSSCCI compliant IDE.
- Publisher: Xidicone P/L
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2025

Many software developers like to have version control functionality integrated within their IDE.When it comes to Subversion support for the PL/SQL Developer IDE, the only option until now apparently is to integrate Subversion through Microsoft's outmoded SCC-API using the PL/SQL Developer Version Control Plugin in combination with an SVN SCC Proxy.
- Publisher: SOPTIM AG
- Last updated: January 9th, 2009

A platform for gaming that unites EA fans and provides opportunities to share news and play-throughs. It provides access to a vast library of games of various genres and accumulates everything a player needs to stay connected to the online community and their friends.
- Publisher: Electronic Arts, Inc.
- Last updated: October 17th, 2024

FCE Finish
FCE Finish is a new and useful tool which helps you create and design car models.It's simple to download and install and has a very fiendly user interface.This software is free to use and has a lot of useful and interesting features. Download it and try it.
- Publisher: by freakforspeed
- Last updated: January 7th, 2011

Axosoft Rocket SVN
With quick setup and intuitive management RocketSVN Server (an implementation of Subversion 1.6) allows users to create, manage, and use any number of subversion repositories, right from the start. Once you create your subversion repositories they can be accessed anonymously or require authorization. Choose from two authorization flavors: via user or via group.
- Publisher: Axosoft, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2011

2011 National Framing and Finish Carpentry Estimator
Current labor and material prices for thousands of framing and finish carpentry items. Includes installing practically all framing lumber, from girders to roof sheathing. Even includes hard-to-find demolition labor estimates. Lists material costs and manhours for finish carpentry such as ceiling sheathing, interior trim, molding, paneling, cabinets, countertops, hardwood flooring.
- Publisher: Craftsman Book Company
- Last updated: August 31st, 2011