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Air Cam

Air Cam

Air Cam lets you view live video feed from your computer's webcam directly on your iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad using your home Wi-Fi networks and 3G networks. It allows you to listen to live audio from your computer, supports most webcams in the market, supports IP cams, supports external USB or Firewire webcams, and more.

  • Publisher: Senstic
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2015
Air Cam Live Video

Air Cam Live Video

Air Cam lets you view live video feed from your computer's webcam directly on your mobile device using your home Wi-Fi networks and 3G networks. Use Air Cam to remotely monitor what happens in your room, while you are in another room. When hooked up with an external webcam, you can even turn Air Cam into a home surveillance system.

  • Publisher: Senstic
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2016
Reference Fast Trend Line

Reference Fast Trend Line

RFTL is an indicator of Technical Analysis based on the spectral analysis. RFTL is a digital filter that has smoothness and a predictable behavior and can be used in automated and manual trading for designing trading systems.

  • Publisher: Finware Technologies
  • Last updated: July 1st, 2016

Air view spectral analysis in Description

Dew Lab Studio for .NET

Dew Lab Studio for .NET

Dew Lab Studio is an object oriented numerical library for Visual Studio .NET 2005 or 2008 users. Supports complex numbers, sparse matrices, math parser, probabilities, optimization, signal processing and statistic analysis routines.

Dew Lab Studio for Delphi

Dew Lab Studio for Delphi

Dew Lab Studio is an object oriented, multithreaded, vectorized, 64bit, Open CL enabled numerical library for Delphi/C++ XE3-8/10/10.1/10.2/10.3/10.4/11.3/12.0. Supports complex numbers, math parser, optimization, signal processing, statistics...

  • Publisher: Dew Research
  • Last updated: November 25th, 2023
Audio Suite

Audio Suite

AudioSuite is comprised of mainly two different applications – a waveform audio editor, and a digital mixing desk. However, once inside these two main utilities you will find that AudioSuite is also an audio player, an audio analyzing tool, an audio recorder, or an audio cutter and trimmer, among a wide range of options and possibilities.

Speech Analyzer

Speech Analyzer

Speech Analyzer is a free and professional tool that shows different graphical representations of speech and music recordings. This will allow you to perform phonetic analysis of human voice recordings (complete with spectrograms, spectral analysis, etc.), and ethnological studies of music recordings.

  • Publisher: SIL International
  • Last updated: July 9th, 2008


NeuroExplorer is a powerful data analysis program for neurophysiology. It provides features such as: - Spectral analysis of spike and continuous data - 3D data view and animation - Fully customizable WYSIWYG graphics - Shift predictors in crosscorrelograms and color markers in perievent rasters - Joint PSTH, burst analysis and many more analyses of timestamped data.

Additional Air view spectral analysis selection

Adobe Audition

Adobe Audition

Audition is a comprehensive toolset that includes multitrack, waveform, and spectral display for creating, mixing, editing, and restoring audio content. This powerful audio workstation is designed to accelerate video production workflows and audio finishing — and deliver a polished mix with pristine sound.

  • Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2024
DJ Audio Editor

DJ Audio Editor

The simplest way of editing an audio file is to look at it as a waveform, so you can detect at a glance every track, every volume variation, every artifact, etc. DJ Audio Editor opens in a graphical interface where the waveform of your audio track can take up nearly all the space available. This will help you edit and enhance your files with a long list of audio effects in the most intuitive way.

Aperio ImageScope

Aperio ImageScope

ImageScope is an app that allows you to view slide images taken by the Leica Biosystems scanner. Also with this program you can adjust magnification, pan and zoom, compare different stains, annotate areas of interest, perform image analysis, and more.



The FlexRadio PowerSD application provides all DSP and hardware control functions for FlexRadio Systems. The centerpiece of FlexRadio PowerSDR features its real-time, high dynamic range, interactive spectrum display up to 192 KHz wide (dependent on SDR hardware). The display may be calibrated in dBm for accurate signal measurement and spectral analysis.

  • Publisher: FlexRadio Systems
  • Last updated: January 29th, 2013


SpectraVue is a powerful spectral analysis/receiver program primarily used with the SDR-IQ, SDR-14 , SDR-IP, NetSDR, RF capturing hardware. The program can also be used to analyze soundcard and wave file inputs. You can save data to RIFF WAV format files for archive or later analysis.

  • Publisher: RFSPACE Inc.
  • Home page: www.rfspace.com
  • Last updated: June 23rd, 2015
Secure Web

Secure Web

Secure Web is a free application that allows you to view insightful analysis about the websites that you visit and specifically how they're tracking or spying on you online. Secure Web works by installing a browser extension in Internet Explorer, Firefox and Google Chrome.

  • Publisher: Creative Island Media, LLC
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2015
UE Spectralyzer

UE Spectralyzer

UE Spectralyzer is an ultrasonic spectral analysis program with powerful analytics and reporting capabilities that improve the diagnostic process. The program features include a single channel operation, realtime, record and playback modes, Spectrum and time series displays, frequency span, spectral overlays and frequency markers.

  • Publisher: UE Systems Inc
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2013
DB Audio Mixer & Editor

DB Audio Mixer & Editor

DB Audio Mixer & Editor 1.1 is a very well designed application that provides you with the function of mixing and editing your audio files. The program comes with a lot of tools and options that will allow you to create and edit audio files the way you want to. This application is very useful for people who want to create their own music.

  • Publisher: DigitalBorneo.com
  • Last updated: December 20th, 2009


Praat is a computer program with which you can analyse, synthesize, and manipulate speech, and create high-quality pictures for your articles and thesis. The program includes multidimensional scaling, principal component analysis and discriminant analysis.

  • Publisher: Paul Boersma and David Weenink
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


SpectraPLUS-RT provides real time spectral analysis with Narrowband, 1/1 or 1/3 Octave resolution. Signal generation and recording/playback are also available. Designed for users needing a high quality spectrum analyzer with a minimal learning curve.

  • Publisher: Pioneer Hill Software LLC
  • Home page: www.spectraplus.com
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2015