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Android sprite xml parser simple in Title/Summary

Microsoft XML Parser und SDK

Microsoft XML Parser und SDK

The Microsoft® XML Parser (MSXML) SDK includes header and .lib files, and documentation for the MSXML. This SDK provides several improvements over the MSXML SDK including language filtering; improved code samples in Microsoft JScript®, Microsoft Visual Basic®, and C++; and links to utilities you can use for creating XML applications.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2010
Chilkat XML ActiveX

Chilkat XML ActiveX

Chilkat XML ActiveX is a high-level non-validating XML parser component. You can load and save XML files to an in-memory document object model (DOM), add name/value attributes to nodes and compress nodes or entire sub-trees using in-memory Zip compression.

  • Publisher: Chilkat Software Inc
  • Home page: www.chilkatsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2014
Simple XML Editor

Simple XML Editor

It is an easy-to-use XML editor. With this application you can easily edit values, rename elements and attributes, and you can search to quickly find any text in the DOM. It's great for editing .NET configuration files. Simple XML Editor has two modes: Tree View and Text View.

  • Publisher: EzTools Software
  • Last updated: February 12th, 2011

Android sprite xml parser simple in Description



Simple XML is a tiny and simple to use XML parser written in C. Main goal of the simple XML parser is to provide a simple and small parser that has little or no requirements. The current implementation should compile and work on any system that conforms to the ANSI-C standard.

Simple USB Logger

Simple USB Logger

This free software product allows capturing traffic between USB device driver and USB device, being transparent for the USB device.

  • Publisher: Incentives Pro
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2013


agsXMPP is a SDK / library for the eXtensibleMessaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) protocol written in managed C# dedicated to .NET and Mono technologies.Main features:- cross platform, designed for: - Microsoft .NET Framework - Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (Pocket PC, Smartphone, Windows CE) - Mono etc.

  • Publisher: AG-Software
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2009
A Real Validator

A Real Validator

Fast, friendly HTML and XHTML syntax checker. Uses an SGML/XML parser for the highest level of accuracy.

  • Publisher: Liam Quinn
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2008


LibSBML is a free, open-source programming library to help you read, write, manipulate, translate, and validate SBML files and data streams. It's not an application itself (though it does come with example programs), but rather a library you embed in your own applications.

  • Publisher: Sarah Keating, Akiya Jouraku, Frank Bergmann
  • Home page: sbml.org
  • Last updated: August 27th, 2014

Additional Android sprite xml parser simple selection



UltraEdit is a complete text editor mostly used by professionals in web development and programming, but which can be used by regular individuals as a more complex substitute for Notepad. It's appreciated by professionals because it offers unique features such as syntax highlighting for nearly every programming language, code folding and hierarchical function listing and a powerful XML handler.

  • Publisher: IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
  • Home page: www.ultraedit.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


B4A is a freeware that includes all the tools needed to quickly develop any type of Android app. The compiled applications are 100% native without any dependencies. B4X programming language is a modern version of Visual Basic, and is easy to learn and use.

  • Publisher: Anywhere Software
  • Home page: www.b4x.com
  • Last updated: April 24th, 2020


AltovaXML is a FREE XML standards processor that includes the Altova XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 engine, XQuery engine, and XML validator. Now developers can use the same processors found in Altova XMLSpy 2008 within their own applications, free of charge.

  • Publisher: Altova, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2018
Android Clocks Pack

Android Clocks Pack

This is a simple and most popular mobile's OS called Android's .. duplicated Clocks for all windows versions XP/Vista/7.. it consist 2 clocks Digital and hover.. wanna know more about this?...if you then use it thanks.. and it works great with android skin pack by hameddanger.



ECW Spy is a *free* utility application that lets you easily browse your file system for ECW (Enhanced Compressed Wavelet) files and view the details of those files. We developed it for people who create and manage libraries of ECW image files. It is not a replacement for the Image Web Server plug-ins (no ECWP URL support).

  • Publisher: Digital Earth Pty Ltd
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2008


ProDiff is a program designed to highlight the differences between versions of application development source code. ProDiff improves on standard diff tools by parsing and printing source code files before comparing the individual sections of the program or source code files.

  • Publisher: PBDR
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2014
ArcGIS Image Server Developer Kit

ArcGIS Image Server Developer Kit

ArcGIS Image Server is designed to be open, enabling developers to expand its functionality and integrate it with their applications. The core structures that ArcGIS Image Server uses are a combination of Extensible Markup Language (XML) and simple tables stored as shapefiles

  • Publisher: Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 10th, 2011
XF Designer 2011

XF Designer 2011

XF Designer is a user-friendly, easy to learn layout editor that handles with ease all the complex parameters required for professional publishing.Templates created in XF Designer are based on open standards such us XSL-FO and SVG and can be used at runtime to format any XML data.

  • Publisher: Ecrion Software Inc.
  • Last updated: May 24th, 2011
R:BASE eXtreme (64)

R:BASE eXtreme (64)

Features: - Robust SQL Engine - 28 Years of Production - Multi-Lingual Support - Simultaneous DOS/Windows Support - Temporary Tables and Views - Stored Procedures and Triggers - 512-Bit Built-in File Encryption - INNER JOINS and Nested INNER JOINS - Form Designer with over 85 Controls - Report Designer with over 30 Controls - Label Designer with over 30 Controls

  • Publisher: R:BASE Technologies, Inc.
Log Parser

Log Parser

Log Parser is a command-line tool to extract information from several sources (like log files, the Registry and the Windows Event Log) using standard SQL statements (with SELECT and WHERE syntax). The output can be plain text files, CSV, XML, HTML and more.