Xml parser generator in Title/Summary

Microsoft XML Parser und SDK
The Microsoft® XML Parser (MSXML) SDK includes header and .lib files, and documentation for the MSXML. This SDK provides several improvements over the MSXML SDK including language filtering; improved code samples in Microsoft JScript®, Microsoft Visual Basic®, and C++; and links to utilities you can use for creating XML applications.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: November 11th, 2010

XML Sample Generator
To generate an XML sample that is easy to read and illustrates the use of various constructs in the given XML Schema.The generated document should be valid with respect to the schema. If validity can not be achieved, it should be signaled by adding comments to the generated document.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008

Chilkat XML ActiveX
Chilkat XML ActiveX is a high-level non-validating XML parser component. You can load and save XML files to an in-memory document object model (DOM), add name/value attributes to nodes and compress nodes or entire sub-trees using in-memory Zip compression.
- Publisher: Chilkat Software Inc
- Home page: www.chilkatsoft.com
- Last updated: September 4th, 2014
Xml parser generator in Description

Simple XML is a tiny and simple to use XML parser written in C. Main goal of the simple XML parser is to provide a simple and small parser that has little or no requirements. The current implementation should compile and work on any system that conforms to the ANSI-C standard.
- Publisher: Covalense Technologies
- Home page: simplexml.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: May 28th, 2010

JS/CC is the first available parser development system for JavaScript and ECMAScript-derivates. It has been developed, both, with the intention of building a productive compiler development system and with the intention of creating an easy-to-use academic environment for people interested in how parse table generation is done general in bottom-up parsing.
- Publisher: J.M.K S.F. Software Technologies, Jan Max Meyer
- Home page: jscc.jmksf.com
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2009

UltraGram is an advanced visual parser generator for Windows OS. Main features: - Parsing conflicts resolution. - Full UNICODE and internationalization support - Multiple parsing algorithms. Full support for the following parsing algorithms: LALR(1), LR(1), GLR.
- Publisher: UST Solutions
- Last updated: November 16th, 2016

BNF for Java is a BNF Compiler-Compiler, or Parser-Generator. It implements ISO Standard Backus-Naur Format, using Java. BNF allows you to create a syntax, or a complete language, to parse your data source. Your custom Java extensions generate output.
- Publisher: Daniel Cohen
- Last updated: May 24th, 2012

Bison for Windows
Bison for Windows is a general purpose parser generator that converts a grammar description for an LALR(1) context-free grammar into a C program. It can be used to develop a wide range of language parsers, from ones used in simple desk calculators to complex programming languages.
- Publisher: GnuWin32
- Home page: gnuwin32.sourceforge.net
- Last updated: May 27th, 2014
Additional Xml parser generator selection

UltraEdit is a complete text editor mostly used by professionals in web development and programming, but which can be used by regular individuals as a more complex substitute for Notepad. It's appreciated by professionals because it offers unique features such as syntax highlighting for nearly every programming language, code folding and hierarchical function listing and a powerful XML handler.
- Publisher: IDM Computer Solutions, Inc.
- Home page: www.ultraedit.com
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Haskell Platform
For experienced developers, the platform provides a comprehensive, standard base for commercial and open source Haskell development that maximises interoperability and stability of your code. For new users the platform makes it trivial to get up and running with a full Haskell development environment.
- Publisher: Haskell.org
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

AltovaXML is a FREE XML standards processor that includes the Altova XSLT 1.0 and XSLT 2.0 engine, XQuery engine, and XML validator. Now developers can use the same processors found in Altova XMLSpy 2008 within their own applications, free of charge.
- Publisher: Altova, Inc.
- Last updated: September 11th, 2018

SmaCC (Smalltalk Compiler-Compiler) is a freely available parser generator for Smalltalk. It generates LR parsers and is a replacement for the T-Gen parser generator. SmaCC overcomes many of T-Gen's limitations that make it difficult to produce parsers. SmaCC can generate parsers for ambiguous grammars and grammars with overlapping tokens.
- Publisher: John Brant
- Home page: www.refactoryworkers.com
- Last updated: October 9th, 2012

Liquid XML Studio
Liquid XML Studio is a professional application that allows you to create and edit XML documents. Main features: - XML sample builder. - XSD documentation generation - XML Dependancy viewer. - XSD refactoring tools. - XML Code Generation using Liquid XML Data Binder.
- Publisher: Liquid Technologies Limited
- Home page: www.liquid-technologies.com
- Last updated: October 6th, 2015

Sitemap Writer Pro
Sitemap Writer Pro is a professional XML sitemap generator program. Sitemap Writer Pro is an easy-to–use program, fast and efficient, which offers 7 types of sitemaps. It is a must-have-tool for every webmaster and website owner and offers a record of great features that you will benefit from.
- Publisher: Emergency Soft
- Last updated: July 20th, 2011

TikzEdt is a combined wysiwyg/text editor designed for editing Tikz code. Main features: - Syntax highlighting and code completion, based on AvalonEdit. - Real time rendering, using pdflatex and mupdf. - It contains a Tikz parser, built using the Antlr parser generator.
- Publisher: TikzEdt
- Home page: code.google.com
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2015

A Real Validator
Fast, friendly HTML and XHTML syntax checker. Uses an SGML/XML parser for the highest level of accuracy.
- Publisher: Liam Quinn
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008

agsXMPP is a SDK / library for the eXtensibleMessaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) protocol written in managed C# dedicated to .NET and Mono technologies.Main features:- cross platform, designed for: - Microsoft .NET Framework - Microsoft .NET Compact Framework (Pocket PC, Smartphone, Windows CE) - Mono etc.
- Publisher: AG-Software
- Last updated: February 7th, 2009

LibSBML is a free, open-source programming library to help you read, write, manipulate, translate, and validate SBML files and data streams. It's not an application itself (though it does come with example programs), but rather a library you embed in your own applications.
- Publisher: Sarah Keating, Akiya Jouraku, Frank Bergmann
- Home page: sbml.org
- Last updated: August 27th, 2014