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Application performance in Title/Summary

3ds Max Performance Plug-in

3ds Max Performance Plug-in

Create stunning 3D. Visual effects artists and graphic designers creating games, film and television content can take advantage of incredible performance gains with 3ds Max® 2010 and 2011 running on ATI FirePro™ professional graphics, compared to comparably-priced consumer cards.

  • Publisher: ATI Technologies Inc.
  • Home page: www2.ati.com
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2011
AutoCAD Performance Plug-in

AutoCAD Performance Plug-in

The new AutoCAD® 2010 and 2011 performance plug-ins from AMD are designed to optimize application performance on ATI FirePro™ professional graphics. Building, infrastructure and manufacturing practitioners will experience a phenomenal performance boost when running AutoCAD® 2010 or 2011 on ATI FirePro™ professional graphics, compared to AMD's consumer graphics.

  • Publisher: ATI Technologies Inc.
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2011
Javelin Performance Class Printers

Javelin Performance Class Printers

Javelin Performance is a free software application for the Javelin J330i card printer. The Javelin firmware and drivers must be installed together, otherwise they will not work. This application is easy to install and will allow you to use all the functions of the printer

  • Publisher: NBS Technologies
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2010

Application performance in Description

Network Instruments Observer

Network Instruments Observer

Observer platform unites high-level application performance monitoring with deep-dive packet-level problem solving analytics. Explore Network Instruments, LLC's new completely customizable performance dashboards—designed for quick assessment of network and application health and a gateway to problem resolution.

Statement Tracer for ADO

Statement Tracer for ADO

Features: - Monitoring any number of applications. - Tracing ADO queries in real time. - Measuring performance rates. - Enabling and disabling monitoring at any moment. - Minimal decrease in the performance of the application that is being debugged. - New feature: You can save all the records in a text file.

  • Publisher: Above Software
  • Home page: www.aboves.com
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2009


HiT OLEDB/400 (OLE DB for IBM i, iSeries or AS/400) is Windows client middleware for SQL access to IBM DB2 for i servers from custom applications and third party products. HiT OLEDB/400 accepts application SQL commands via ADO or directly via its object properties and methods.

  • Publisher: HiT Software
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2011
Memory Improve Professional

Memory Improve Professional

Memory Improve Professional to take care of all the issues relating to your system memory performance. Your system memory is indeed the vital part that needs to keep on performing at its best. Time to time maintenance and memory optimizing is essential to keep your system better. This tool will optimize your system memory so that you get optimized performance by resolving all memory issues.

FinitySoft Memory Manager

FinitySoft Memory Manager

FinitySoft Memory Manager is a software program that helps you optimize the memory of your computer. FinitySoft Memory Manager has a highly technological and powerful optimization engine that boosts your system performance by bringing back that memory you have lost during the so called memory leaks.

  • Publisher: FinitySoft
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Additional Application performance selection

Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit

Microsoft Windows Performance Toolkit

The Windows Performance Tools (WPT) Kit contains performance analysis tools that are new to the Windows SDK for Windows Server 2008 and .NET Framework 3.5. The WPT Kit is useful to a broad audience, including system builders, hardware manufacturers, driver developers, and general application developers.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: msdn.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2012
Hummingbird Exceed

Hummingbird Exceed

Open Text® Exceed® - is the most secure and popular PC X server in the market. It allows users to cost-effectively connect the powerful Microsoft® Windows® desktops to a wide variety of X Window enabled servers, and access high-end X applications. Exceed is renowned for its performance, stability and user-friendliness.

Sencha Cmd

Sencha Cmd

With Sencha Cmd, you can create a near-native app experience, using modern web technologies for Progressive Web Apps. By specifying the “progressive” config in Sencha Cmd, your mobile web app gets built with a simplified installation experience, and users can easily install the app on their mobile device home screen.

  • Publisher: Sencha Inc.
  • Last updated: December 31st, 2017
WildPackets OmniPeek

WildPackets OmniPeek

Serving as both a portable network analyzer and a software console for OmniEngine software probes and Omnipliance and TimeLine network recorders, the OmniPeek network analyzer offers an intuitive, easy-to-use graphical interface that engineers can use to rapidly analyze and troubleshoot enterprise networks.

  • Publisher: WildPackets
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022


NeoLoad is a load testing tool for web and packaged app technologies. It can simulate business processes, from simple API calls to complex application behaviors. It supports protocols such as SAP GUI and Citrix. Loops, conditions, and other drag & drop controls simplify test design creation.

  • Publisher: Neotys
  • Home page: www.neotys.com
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2022


gMapMaker is a Google Maps downloading utility for Windows. It doesn't really allow you to download a map to use offline. Instead, it creates an image file from a map. Say, you want to download a map of a park in your city but you don't need anything but the satellite images, then you can simply download it as a JPEG file.

  • Publisher: Damien Debin
  • Home page: damiendebin.net
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2011
Game Turbo Booster

Game Turbo Booster

This is a real time performance product made specifically to give your applications the best speed possible. This product will improve all applications that are being used by the user. Game Turbo Booster optimizes your computer’s performance and makes your computer faster by the use of a matrix and by prioritizing the CPU's performance based on the matrix.

  • Publisher: PC Power Software
  • Home page: www.pbsoftware.org
  • Last updated: November 7th, 2017
Fusion Utility for Mobility

Fusion Utility for Mobility

AMD Fusion Utility for Mobility has been specifically designed to optimize energy and Performance settings of notebooks, thus enabling each user to an individual computer experience. You can choose from a list of 10 default power-saving and performance profiles or customize your own.

  • Publisher: AMD
  • Last updated: November 21st, 2009
dynaTrace AJAX Edition

dynaTrace AJAX Edition

dynaTrace AJAX Edition is an advanced deep-dive Web application designed to deliver performance monitoring and diagnostics options for JavaScript execution. Moreover, it offers DOM access, rendering options and network traffic for analyzing and troubleshooting web applications.

  • Publisher: Compuware Corporation
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2014
Actian PSQL

Actian PSQL

Actian PSQL is a professional solution for packaged business applications. Main features: - Online Defragmentation. - VM live migration support for all editions. - Improved Unicode support and an updated PSQL installer. - Easier globalization of PSQL applications.

  • Publisher: Actian Corporation
  • Home page: www.actian.com
  • Last updated: December 27th, 2016