Army body fat calculator in Title/Summary

Body Fat Calculator
Body Fat Calculator determines body fat using tape measure or skin fold calipers. Support for both 3-fold and 7-fold Jackson – Pollack methods of calculating. Simply enter your measurements and the calculator will display your body fat percentage as well as the total pounds of body fat and your lean body mass.
- Publisher: Asgard Capital, LLC
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

MB Free Ideal Body Weight Calculator
MB Free Ideal Body Weight Calculator is an interesting health software designed to calculate the ideal body weight of a person which is calculated based on the gender and height of the person. This software gives best results when used for adults.
- Publisher:

BMI Calculator
Your body mass index (BMI) can be a general indicator of your general health. This calculator, which is written in Cocoa and therefore Mac OS X native, will take imperial and metric heights and weights and calculate your BMI.
- Publisher: MMISoftware
Army body fat calculator in Description

Is your weight normal for your age, height and gender? Did you know that being underweight can unhealthy just as being overweight can? How many calories per day do you really need? What's your Precent Body Fat and Lean Body Mass?
- Publisher: Design und Develop
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

MetaCalc - Metabolic Rate Calculator Use this program to estimate your metabolic rate and the recommended calorie intake according to your height, weight and age. Also taking into account how active you are and if you are male or female.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: November 24th, 2008

Exercise Diary
Exercise Diary fitness software accurately records and reports your workouts. Exercise Diary will help you to exceed your limits and achieve the body you desire. Lose fat and increase muscle mass. Every day you wait is a day of lost progress!
- Publisher: Silver Onion Ltd
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

CycliStats is an easy-to-use cycling software that keeps track of important parameters of your bicycle rides like distance, speed, climbing, time, Heart Rate, etc. It helps you in your training by enabling you to analyze your rides through various reports and graphs. CycliStats is a powerful tool which comes with a built-in Gearing Calculator and Calorie Calculator.
- Publisher: Shasta Software
- Last updated: June 6th, 2008

HealthFix+ is a health care software with which you can track your body features like weight, waist, hip and more. Additionally you can make different calculations like Body Mass Index, Body Fat percentage or Waist to Hip Ratio. This application is basically recommended for home users to follow their health related features.
- Publisher: SimADCom
- Last updated: March 8th, 2011
Additional Army body fat calculator selection

For almost 65 years, Tanita has been, and continues to be, the world leader in precision electronic scales. In 1992 we introduced the world's first integrated body fat monitor for professional use, based on BIA technology (bioelectrical impedance analysis).
- Publisher: TANITA Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 5th, 2011

Fitness Calculator Module
Fitness Calculator Mode is a calculator that integrates accurate nutritional formulas, to deliver exact results for those trainers or fitness enthusiasts that wish to have an informed way to approach their fitness efforts. The program is small and runs smoothly on any equipment.
- Publisher: FitnessApps
- Last updated: February 9th, 2010

Fitness Assistant
Fitness Assistant is a program that makes weight control predictable. SMART Calorie Monitoring System learns your metabolism and dramatically boosts your chances of reaching your target weight on the target date. The Fitness Assistant does not offer ineffective fixed calorie diet plans.
- Publisher: X3MSoftware
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 5th, 2016

GymGoal Lite
GymGoal Lite is a healthcare application for workout and take good care of your health, shape your body and mind to be free from stress and physical disorders. Finding a good gym and a good instructor is not the only way to stay fit if we have our own workout equipments and a very reliable pocket instructor in applications such as this great application.
- Publisher: Smaltek
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2008

My Workout Trainer
Software allows you to keep track of your weightlifting and cardio workouts. Choose from an extensive list of weightlifting and cardio exercises, or add your own custom exercises. Calculate your body fat percentage, BMI and BMR
- Publisher: Linear Software
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012
- Publisher: EvenStar Software LLC
- Last updated: March 17th, 2008

For many people losing weight is very difficult task, because it needs a lot of self-control. WeightWare is a small application that was developed for helping in struggle for a great body. The program helps you tabulating statistics about calories that you consume and burn each day, trainings, health history and many more.
- Publisher: Shasta Software
- Last updated: July 4th, 2008

BodyTrans tracks your training, nutrition, and mindset for overall fitness. Features include a nutrition guide, nutrition log, configurable food database, training guide, training log, configurable training database, diary, and more.
- Publisher: AeroTeal Management LLC
- Last updated: November 17th, 2009

Fatalyzer will calculate your percentage of body fat based on various skinfold measurements.
- Publisher: David Spelts Software
- Last updated: February 19th, 2010

FitTrack Pro
Is your weight normal for your age, height and gender? Did you know that being underweight can be unhealthy just as being overweight can? FitTrack is orientated around Healthy values for Body Weight, BMI, Percent Body Fat and Lean Body Mass for adults. All calculations are based on accepted formulas and NHANNES II tables. For Women and Men (over 18).
- Publisher:
- Home page: