As-interface control tools in Title/Summary

AS-Interface Control Tools
AS-i Control Tools is a Windows software for the comfortable commissioning of the AS-interface and the programming of AS-i Control with Instruction List (STEP5). Now with full support of all features of the new AS-i specification 2.1. AS-i Control programs are control programs that are processed in the AS-i Master.
- Publisher: Bihl+Wiedemann
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 25th, 2012

Ace Remote Tools
Ace Remote Tools is a suite of remote control software which allows you to view and fully interact with one computer desktop (the Host) using a simple program (Control or Viewer) running on another computer desktop anywhere on the Internet or local network.
- Publisher: MicroAce cc
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

Smart PDF Tools
Smart PDF Tools is a powerful and easy-to-use application that gives you full control over your PDF documents. You can split or merge PDF files and extract or insert pages. You can add security to a PDF by encrypting it, setting a password or restricting the way a document is used.
- Publisher: Smart Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 6th, 2019
As-interface control tools in Description

Sunbelt Remote Administrator
Sunbelt Radmin is a superfast, award winning remote control program. You can take over one or more remote systems, and even daisy chain them! Radmin is a complete remote control tool especially designed for busy system administrators. The truly crucial features are all there: superfast remote control, file transfer, NT security, telnet and multilanguage support.
- Publisher: AMT Software
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

AbsoluteControl(tm) offers wide range of OS control tools available on single click. It can set your screen resolution with highest possible refresh rate, open\close your CD drives, reboot, shutdown and poweroff your system & web-search. FREEWARE!
- Publisher: Kamatoz.Computing
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Webroot Parental Controls
As a father you’ll be always concerned about what your children but you just can’t avoid that your children access the Internet. So it’s very important to count on a tool that will be your eyes and principles while your children surf the Web, assuring you that everything you don’t want them to see, they actually won’t see. The name of this tool is Webroot Parental Controls.
- Publisher: Webroot, Inc.
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

Elecard MultiStreamer
Elecard MultiStreamer is a program designed to provide streaming of live video from any number of web cameras simultaneously. It enables the user to stream video from Desktop (The camera connected to PC via USB) and IP (The camera available o the net over IP) cameras in MPEG4 format with varying resolutions, bitrates, and framerates. There are independent control tools for IP or Desktop cameras.
- Publisher: Elecard
- Last updated: April 6th, 2008

SenseQuiet Business Suite
SenseQuiet Business Suite is an easy-to-use solution that improves your productivity. A new and powerful software that you can get it at a low price on your computers. It provides basic accounting & inventory control tools to create Invoices, record customer receipts, supplier payments, track expenses, Income Tax & Sales Tax and generate different reports and financial statements.
- Publisher: SenseQuiet Technologies
- Last updated: May 7th, 2011
Additional As-interface control tools selection

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is a software solution developed to help users to keep their personal devices safe from nowadays threats. It is best suited for owners of small to medium businesses because it allows them to secure the internal IT infrastructure easily.
- Publisher: Kaspersky Lab
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 30th, 2024

OpenProj 1.4 is an open source desktop project management application. It provides control, tracking and management of projects. The GUI is friendly and easy to use. The installation process is very easy to perform and it requires Java 5 minimum or Java 6 recommended. OpenProj works on Linux, Unix, Mac or Windows platforms, and it's free.
- Publisher: Serena Software
- Last updated: October 6th, 2008

Summa Printer Tools
Software bundle including all printing related tools:- Summa Printer Control (Revised: January 17 2012) - Plug-in for Coreldraw 12, X3, X4, X5 & X6 and Illustrator CS/CS2/CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6 (Revised: ) - ICC profile for DC series printers - DC series Color Palette installer for Coreldraw 12 - X6 & Illustrator CS/CS2/CS3/CS4/CS5/CS6 & Macromedia Freehand MX & MXa
- Publisher: Summa
- Last updated: August 13th, 2012

ETL Universal Programmer
The ETLUNIPROG software designed for support early ETL programming tools that arranged the parts of MS-DOS drivers for each separated board now combine into one software shell. The software used communicating with boards . The ETLUNIPROG user interface includes simple controls to activate boards and modes of operate.
- Publisher: Engineering Technical Laboratory
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 27th, 2008

RadioLinx IH Browser
RadioLinx IH Browser is a configuration and monitoring tool for the RadioLinx Industrial Hotspot radios. Use RadioLinx IH Browser to view your network topology, determine the best "path" between Master, Client and Repeater radios, and detect the presence of other vendors' 802.11 radios on the network.
- Publisher: ProSoft Technology
- Last updated: June 20th, 2008

BasicCard SDK
Using the BasicCard® anyone can program their own smart cards - and this takes only a few hours of your time. The BasicCard operating system takes care of all the communications for you. It will even encrypt and decrypt the commands and responds if you ask it to. All you have to do is specify a different two-byte ID for each command that you define.
- Publisher: ZeitControl cardsystems GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 17th, 2015

EasyEclipse Expert Java
EasyEclipse Expert Java, version 1.3 is a prepackaged Eclipse distribution which contains each and everything you need to start developing java code, without any additional downloads. All the plugins and necessary java development tools – all are integrated in this prepackaged software. In order to start developing Java code with Eclipse, all you need is EasyEclipse Expert Edition.
- Publisher: nexB
- Last updated: July 24th, 2009

MIDI Remote is a remote control tool for RME's MADI devices. In version 1.6, the MADI Bridge, Micstasy, ADI-648, ADI-642, ADI-6432, ADI-8 QS and the M-series converters are supported. MIDI Remote includes extensive and superior features to easily control lots of devices at the same time. It is capable of multi-client operation.
- Publisher: RME
- Last updated: August 19th, 2010

OSRAM DALI Professional
OSRAM DALI Professional is a lighting control for complex scenarios.Main features: - Control of 64 ECGs, 16 groups, 16 lighting scenes in every DALI line. - Four integrated, freely configurable floating relays in the controller. - Functions overlapping all lines. - Daylight-dependent regulation and event-based control with presence function for all groups.
- Publisher: OSRAM GmbH
- Last updated: October 13th, 2015

Business plus+
BPA Restaurant Professional is a robust restaurant POS software system integrated with a complete business accounting software package. Business plus Accounting gives you the tools you need to run a better business , provide a better experience for your customers and gain greater control over your costs and profits
- Publisher: Business Software Solutions, Inc
- Last updated: January 17th, 2012