Script to control tools interface in Title/Summary

AS-Interface Control Tools
AS-i Control Tools is a Windows software for the comfortable commissioning of the AS-interface and the programming of AS-i Control with Instruction List (STEP5). Now with full support of all features of the new AS-i specification 2.1. AS-i Control programs are control programs that are processed in the AS-i Master.
- Publisher: Bihl+Wiedemann
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 25th, 2012

CYBER QII Control Interface
The CYBERQII is one of the most advanced BBQ controls on the planet. It is called the CYBERQII because it can be used to control two pits simultaneously. You can access it using this Control Interface through cyber space from any remote location, or use it locally with your PC.
- Publisher: thebbqguru
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

IBM Rational Synergy for Microsoft Source Code Control Interface
Rational Synergy for Microsoft Source Code Control Interface is a component of Rational Synergy. If you or your organization did not purchase your software and support through Passport Advantage or Passport Advantage Express, you are required to sign in to the new IBM Software Group OEM Portal to access the actual files.
- Publisher: IBM Corporation
- Last updated: May 23rd, 2012
Script to control tools interface in Description

ScriptDev is a powerful script language IDE, it can support some very popular script language, for example, Python, Ruby, Lua, Tcl, Perl and so on. Features: - Edit, debug, run tcl, python, ruby, perl, lua scripts; - Script compiler / encryption and generate an executable file (the script for each different level of support);
- Publisher: scriptdevelop
- Last updated: January 2nd, 2010

fragMOTION is a 3D modeler used for the creation and animation of characters. The program loads and edits multiple motions in the same workspace. The built-in keyframe editor allows you to copy, paste and delete keyframes with ease. it gives you the ability to create your own plugins using C or Lua script.
- Publisher: Fragmosoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Webroot Parental Controls
As a father you’ll be always concerned about what your children but you just can’t avoid that your children access the Internet. So it’s very important to count on a tool that will be your eyes and principles while your children surf the Web, assuring you that everything you don’t want them to see, they actually won’t see. The name of this tool is Webroot Parental Controls.
- Publisher: Webroot, Inc.
- Last updated: March 31st, 2008

HipChat can help you communicate and share files with others. As the product is a client that uses the HipChat services, its advantages are logically derived from those of these services, which include chat rooms, one-on-one messaging, searchable chat history and image sharing.
- Publisher: Atlassian
- Last updated: May 29th, 2018

simPlugins Panel Builder
Panel Builder is an add-on Instrument Package that allows the creation of custom Instrument Panels to interface with various flight simulators. The program works with the MS Flight Simulator X - Simconnect Interface, MS Flight Simulator 2004 (2002) - FSUIPC Interface, X-Plane 9 and 10 - using plugins, DCS World - P-51D Mustang and Condor - UDP Interface provided by Condor.
- Publisher: BajuSoftware LLC.
- Last updated: November 28th, 2013
Additional Script to control tools interface selection

DAEMON Tools Pro
DAEMON Tools Pro provides multiple virtual DVD drives where you can mount images of optical discs. It can also grab images from physical discs and save into various formats. DAEMON Tools can create Dynamic and Fixed virtual hard disks where you can store your files. TrueCrypt containers provide password-encryption for additional security.
- Publisher: Disc Soft Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 4th, 2023

Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows
Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Windows is a software solution developed to help users to keep their personal devices safe from nowadays threats. It is best suited for owners of small to medium businesses because it allows them to secure the internal IT infrastructure easily.
- Publisher: Kaspersky Lab
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 30th, 2024

Panopticum Tools 1.1 provides a new set of additional modules for the Adobe Premiere 6.x.This set includes 12 different filters for getting some interesting video effects.(among them you will find that some are absolutely unique).All the modules of this set have simple and and understandable interface.
- Publisher: Panopticum
- Last updated: July 16th, 2013

Git Extensions
Git Extensions is a toolkit aimed at making working with Git under Windows more intuitive. The shell extension integrates into Windows Explorer and presents a context menu on files and directories. The program offers the necessary tools to work with Git, but it's intended for experienced users.
- Publisher: Henk Westhuis
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

OpenProj 1.4 is an open source desktop project management application. It provides control, tracking and management of projects. The GUI is friendly and easy to use. The installation process is very easy to perform and it requires Java 5 minimum or Java 6 recommended. OpenProj works on Linux, Unix, Mac or Windows platforms, and it's free.
- Publisher: Serena Software
- Last updated: October 6th, 2008

XYplorer is a file manager featuring tabbed browsing, advanced file-search, optional dual pane interface, and the ability to automate frequently recurring tasks. You can automate file transfer operations in this program by writing simple scripts. XYplorer is fully customizable; you can change the fonts, colors, icons, program associations, etc.
- Publisher: Cologne Code Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

ApexSQL Script
ApexSQL Script lets you script SQL objects and data into scripts and deployment packages.You can also script objects directly to Source Control and integrate with popular source control systems. For the purpose of database migration, ApexSQL Script can be used to create a single script from multiple sources.
- Publisher: ApexSQL Tools
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Extron Electronics - DSP Configurator
This program lets you configure Extron DSP-based digital audio processing tools. DSP Configurator tracks each product and allows complete control, so that audio system professionals only need to be familiar with one DSP program. Its user interface allows for quick and easy visualization of all input and output signal paths inside a single window.
- Publisher: Extron Electronics
- Last updated: May 31st, 2015

Vista Start Menu
Vista Start Menu offers many new features not available in the system Start menu. You can start a program or open a document in a couple of keystrokes, without having to take your hands away from the keyboard. Easy-to-use zooming allows those with large monitors and people with poor eyesight to work with comfort.
- Publisher: OrdinarySoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

Kutools for Word
Kutools provides additional tools and functions to MS Word, which simplifies frequent operations. It can be used to merge multiple Word files, split documents according to specific criteria, insert multiple images, convert images to equations, convert between DOC, DOCX, and PDF, etc.
- Publisher: ExtendOffice
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 25th, 2019