Big number calculator and calc in Title/Summary

The BIG Number
The BIG Number updates all contacts that are stored in designated "Contacts" folders within an Outlook profile, whether stored in local personal folders (*.pst files) or on an Exchange Server. If you've more than one profile, simply open each one in turn and run the program.
- Publisher: SamSoft
- Home page:

CE CALC - Hydraulics Calculator
CE CALC - Hydraulics Calculator is a professional hydraulics design calculation tool. Performs civil engineering calculations for hydrology, open channels, culverts, gravity sewer, transmission lines and unit conversions. This app has a user-friendly interface.
- Publisher: LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 11th, 2016

CE CALC - Civil Calculator
Stand alone software version of the CECALC website. Runs on the Windows .NET platform. Performs civil engineering calculations for hydrology, open channels, culverts, gravity sewer, transmission lines, traffic/road geometry, surveying/earthwork, pavement, concrete floors and unit conversions.
- Publisher: Up2Specs Engineering
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 18th, 2012
Big number calculator and calc in Description

See-and-Calc is a virtual and friendly calculator with large numbers, simulating a big desktop calculator.Main Features: - 4 arithmetic functions; - Optional sound on clicking the keys; - Memory functions; - Percentage and square root; - Math sign inversion; - 00 and 000 buttons; - Choice of 2 basic color patterns. - Button for correction of mistyped number.
- Publisher: AUREOSOFT
- Last updated: January 1st, 2011

Machinehead Bicycle Software
Machinehead Bicycle Software is a versatile and comprehensive suite of cycling-related utilities useful for the amateur and professional alike. It comes with tools that are good for your bicycle (a gear calculator, a spoke length calculator, a crank length calculator, and a chain length calculator) and good for you, such as a power calculator and a heart rate calculator.
- Publisher: Nigel Jones
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 29th, 2010

Complex Number Calculator Precision 45 is a complex number calculator and works with complex numbers, but also can be used as a real number calculator, that is a scientific calculator. This program has backward compatibility with College Scientific Calculator series, Scientific Calculator Precision 54, Scientific Calculator Precision 63, Scientific Calculator Precision 72, etc.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

Hpmbcalc is a programmable multiple-precision hex calculator that you can use to perform big number math and encryption operations such as: square root, modular inverse, hash, CRC and check sum calculations, pseudo-random number generation, hex, dec, oct and bin conversions.
- Publisher: Hexprobe System
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2014

Complex Calculator Precision 18 is a complex number calculator and works with complex numbers, but also can be used as a real number calculator, that is a scientific calculator. The calculator has backward compatibility with College Scientific Calculator series and Scientific Calculator Precision 54.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: December 29th, 2010
Additional Big number calculator and calc selection

Uconeer is an advanced engineering calculator and units conversion tool that allows you to get instant units conversions for 48 categories that include mass, power, pressure, temperature, time, torque, velocity, area, angle, entropy and many more. The program is a must-have not only for engineers but also for students, teachers, technicians, Physicists and similar professionals.
- Publisher: Katmar Software
- Last updated: September 12th, 2014

Loan Calc
Loan Calc is an easy-to-use tool intended to calculate loans and mortgages repayments in a very simple way. Loan Calc calculates repayments amount, monthly and total interest, total repayments and generates a full repayment list from a start date. Loan Calc is currency-independent so it can be used with any currency.
- Publisher: Max Programming, S.L.
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Financial Calculator
This program shows large numbers without showing them in exponential form. This program could translate into any language. This program has two official languages (English and Persian) which you could use them for creating translated language file.
- Publisher: bdshahab
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 18th, 2021

My Talking Calculator
A talking calculation robot, includes the standard style, mini style, cartoon style,detail style which could display the detail steps of calculation. Calculate and talk expression in the text file. Memory variable, parameter, unknown on.
- Publisher: DucklingSoft Software Developmet Lab
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2012

MPN Calculator
Most Probable Number calculator to estimate microbialcount in food and water. Can be user customized fornumber of dilutions, quantity of sample, number oftubes, and number of significant figures displayed.
- Publisher: Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers
- Last updated: November 27th, 2011

NMS Calc
NMS Calc is a tool useful in selection of optimum NMS work- and client stations. The NMS Calc is the IP system calculator facilitating completion of devices for camera installation. The „List of cameras” includes all necessary monitoring system parameters.
- Publisher: AAT HOLDING S.A
- Last updated: July 18th, 2016

Free Solitaire World
A new remake of favorite game for a big number of users. A nice appearance with good playability and user friendly interface. Download Free Solitaire World and Play for Free!
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

NewzToolz is a comprehensive and free toolbox to help you make the most of your Usenet newsgroups. It includes tools to solve the most common problems you may find when downloading/posting files to a group, including a file extractor, a file decoder, an NZB downloader, a file joiner, and more. With NewzToolz, you can even set up your own server and create as many news groups as you wish!
- Publisher: TechSono Engineering
- Last updated: May 7th, 2011

HandySaw DS
HandySaw DS is an automatic optical video scene detection tool. Due to use MS DirectShow API, this program is capable to process the big number of formats of videofiles - AVI, MPEG, MOV, etc. Basically, it can process any video file for which there are corresponding DirectShow filters.
- Publisher: Dmitry Sinitsyn
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023

Green Force: The Ultimate Commandos
Green Force: The Ultimate Commandos is a first person shooting game, based on Pakistan’s SSG Commandos operation concepts. You will raid on terrorist hideouts in order to rescue the hostages taken by them, face a big number of opponents that you need to annihilate to accomplish your mission.
- Publisher: Raptor Interactive
- Last updated: May 30th, 2013