Big number calculator online in Title/Summary

The BIG Number
The BIG Number updates all contacts that are stored in designated "Contacts" folders within an Outlook profile, whether stored in local personal folders (*.pst files) or on an Exchange Server. If you've more than one profile, simply open each one in turn and run the program.
- Publisher: SamSoft
- Home page:

Online Calculator
This is a simple calculator extension for Chromium browser. It has an interface with number pads and other arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. You also get the percentage calculation function. It supports integers and floating point numbers.
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: May 1st, 2016

MB Free Life Path Number
MB Free Life Path Number Software is an interactive and easy to use software, which talks about the life path number, or simply the sum of your birth date. It reveals your personality at birth, and also points out your lifetime characteristics.
- Publisher:
Big number calculator online in Description

Live-Online-TV Toolbar
Unique Tv Online toolbar is a free toolbar that allows you to stay connected to your community. Tv Online Site and is a 100% Free Live Online TV Portal, broadcasting over 1,000 Channels on the Internet and enjoy a big number of online tv stations. All your favorite Tv channels will be just one click away.
- Publisher: Live-Online-TV
- Last updated: May 13th, 2012

Complex Number Calculator Precision 45 is a complex number calculator and works with complex numbers, but also can be used as a real number calculator, that is a scientific calculator. This program has backward compatibility with College Scientific Calculator series, Scientific Calculator Precision 54, Scientific Calculator Precision 63, Scientific Calculator Precision 72, etc.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: July 13th, 2012

See-and-Calc is a virtual and friendly calculator with large numbers, simulating a big desktop calculator.Main Features: - 4 arithmetic functions; - Optional sound on clicking the keys; - Memory functions; - Percentage and square root; - Math sign inversion; - 00 and 000 buttons; - Choice of 2 basic color patterns. - Button for correction of mistyped number.
- Publisher: AUREOSOFT
- Last updated: January 1st, 2011

Hpmbcalc is a programmable multiple-precision hex calculator that you can use to perform big number math and encryption operations such as: square root, modular inverse, hash, CRC and check sum calculations, pseudo-random number generation, hex, dec, oct and bin conversions.
- Publisher: Hexprobe System
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2014

Complex Calculator Precision 18 is a complex number calculator and works with complex numbers, but also can be used as a real number calculator, that is a scientific calculator. The calculator has backward compatibility with College Scientific Calculator series and Scientific Calculator Precision 54.
- Publisher: Tvalx
- Last updated: December 29th, 2010
Additional Big number calculator online selection

Super Internet TV
Super Internet TV is a software tool which lets you to watch your favorite TV shows and also listen to a large number of online radio stations directly from your PC. You will be really impressed about the quality of the video and about how many settings you can change in order to watch your favorite TV shows exactly as you like.
- Publisher: Ahusoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2014

Uconeer is an advanced engineering calculator and units conversion tool that allows you to get instant units conversions for 48 categories that include mass, power, pressure, temperature, time, torque, velocity, area, angle, entropy and many more. The program is a must-have not only for engineers but also for students, teachers, technicians, Physicists and similar professionals.
- Publisher: Katmar Software
- Last updated: September 12th, 2014

1888 Number to Word Converter
1888 Number to Word Converter will help you to verbalize decimal numbers in English. All you need to do is enter any number and then press "convert" - and the number will be automatically converted into words. You will be able to convert numbers up to 15 digits long with 15 digits after the decimal point.
- Publisher: 1888softwaredownloads
- Last updated: April 23rd, 2008

Poseidon - Live RTV Player
Poseidon - Live RTV Player is an internet television tuner program that allows you to view online TV stations and to listen online radio stations from around the world. This program comes with free automatic TV and radio station updates so it will never be out of date. The lists of TV and radio channels are growing day by day.
- Publisher: B.E.I.C. ELECTRONICS Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 28th, 2012

My Talking Calculator
A talking calculation robot, includes the standard style, mini style, cartoon style,detail style which could display the detail steps of calculation. Calculate and talk expression in the text file. Memory variable, parameter, unknown on.
- Publisher: DucklingSoft Software Developmet Lab
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2012

NewzToolz is a comprehensive and free toolbox to help you make the most of your Usenet newsgroups. It includes tools to solve the most common problems you may find when downloading/posting files to a group, including a file extractor, a file decoder, an NZB downloader, a file joiner, and more. With NewzToolz, you can even set up your own server and create as many news groups as you wish!
- Publisher: TechSono Engineering
- Last updated: May 7th, 2011

MPN Calculator
Most Probable Number calculator to estimate microbialcount in food and water. Can be user customized fornumber of dilutions, quantity of sample, number oftubes, and number of significant figures displayed.
- Publisher: Partnership for the Umpqua Rivers
- Last updated: November 27th, 2011

A multiparty video chat application that does not require a reflector, central server, or other special hardware. iVisit features include multiparty real-time audio, double-speed video, unlimited chat rooms, business cards, a directory server, security and privacy control, and Internet and intranetcapabilities. With iVisit software, a camera, and a network connection, you can share video, audio, and text in real time with any number of online users from the convenience and privacy of your own computer. The number of users who can be involved in a simultaneous conference is limited only by the capacity of the network connection, the speed of the computer, the type of media being exchanged (video, audio, text), and the number of video windows that will fit on thecomputer screen.
- Publisher: iVisit, LLC
- Last updated: December 10th, 2009

Free Solitaire World
A new remake of favorite game for a big number of users. A nice appearance with good playability and user friendly interface. Download Free Solitaire World and Play for Free!
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

HandySaw DS
HandySaw DS is an automatic optical video scene detection tool. Due to use MS DirectShow API, this program is capable to process the big number of formats of videofiles - AVI, MPEG, MOV, etc. Basically, it can process any video file for which there are corresponding DirectShow filters.
- Publisher: Dmitry Sinitsyn
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 13th, 2023