Blue bible book in Title/Summary

GRE Red & Blue Bible
GRE Red & Blue Bible provides an English course that is specifically designed for students who wish to improve their English for the preparation of the GRE test. This program can help us learn and train our English vocabulary and pronunciation. This application offers two ways of memorizing the vocabulary: the "free” mode, and the "curve of learning” mode.
- Publisher: CloudCrown Studio
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

The KJV Desktop Bible Book
The KJV Desktop Bible Book presents a very original and nice way of reading the bible on your computer. The program features an attractive and easy to use interface. It is also rather customizable, it allows users to change the text size and highlight color. The program also includes a search function.
- Publisher: Arctic Owl Software
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2008

The KJB Desktop Bible Book
Reading the bible on your computer screen can be hard on the eyes. KJV Desktop Bible Book makes it a more aesthetically pleasing experience. It is an interactive and visually stunning desktop bible you can use to reference and study the bible. When you want to highlight a verse for easy access and wish to add notes about it, you can do so right from the main window, by right-clicking on a verse.
- Publisher: Arctic Owl Software
- Last updated: April 28th, 2008
Blue bible book in Description

InstaVerse is a program that recognizes scripture abbreviations and pops up the exact texts from the Bible they refer to. You will just need to hover your mouse over them – the InstaVerse window will pop up showing you the complete verse or paragraph as it appears in the King James Bible. This way you will be able not only to read the text, but also to include it in your own documents.
- Publisher: WORDsearch
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

BibleMax Treasury of Scripture Knowledge
BibleMax add-in module featuring the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge reference book, containing a vast amount of cross-references between books and chapters of the Bible. Each chapter of the Bible has its own set of references, featuring an overview and detailed references to the most important verses.
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 26th, 2008

Free King James Bible
The King James Bible is an English translation of the Christian Bible. As the name suggests, it was done by the famous King James I. The Free King James Bible can now be downloaded from the internet which is similar to the paperback. It is a very important tool to browse through the Holy Book anytime and anywhere. Once the Bible is downloaded, the users can refer to it for diverse topics.
- Publisher: Media Freeware
- Last updated: December 6th, 2015

Digital Catholic Bible
For those who wish to access information within the catholic Bible directly from their computer, they can try the Digital Catholic Bible, a desktop application that brings you the digital form of the Old and New Testaments. If you're not sure where a certain paragraph or Bible figure is located within the Bible, Digital Catholic Bible will help you find it almost instantly.
- Publisher: Digital Catholic Bible Development Team
- Last updated: December 6th, 2009

PocketBible New King James Version (NKJV)
The New King James Version (NKJV) is a pocket Bible available with the Pocket Bible Program. It is the software version of the Bible modern translation of the King James’s Bible. To retain the purity and stylistic beauty of the original King James, many scholars and church leaders who translated it to the modern Scripture,
- Publisher: Laridian
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Additional Blue bible book selection

The Holy Bible
Computerized version of the King James' translation of the Bible. It features several interesting features, like pictures at startup and main pages, a powerful Search feature, and various reference books and commentaries by reputable scholars. A very comprehensive and easy-to-use version of the Scriptures.
- Publisher: BiblePath
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

WORDsearch is packed with many of the helpful new features you've been asking for, such as a new Illustration Organizer, Desktop Templates, functions for Twitter, Facebook, and a host of other improvements. A new Pronounce menu option allows you to audibly pronounce over 20,000 words. Just right-click a word, and, if that word is in the audio database, you can hear the word spoken.
- Publisher: WORDsearch Corp
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 8th, 2012

Bible Study Pro
This program allows you to read and study the Bible directly from your desktop. It includes the King James' version of the Scriptures, as well as several reference books, such as commentaries and dictionaries by prestigious Biblical scholars. The program is free, but if you want more resources, you can purchase the CD containing many Bible versions and other materials.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 31st, 2010

Online Bible
Online Bible is a powerful, comprehensive Bible research software. Multiple translations, commentaries and more to aid you in studying the scriptures. Unicode support added for displaying foreign languages. You can quickly locate a word or phrase in any material using the built–in search feature.
- Publisher: Larry Pierce
- Last updated: July 7th, 2015

Skype Click to Call
Get the Skype Click to Call plugin and call phone numbers on websites with just one click. It automatically parses the numbers displayed on pages and provides a "Skype" icon near it. This also includes the Skype extension so you can share websites directly into a Skype conversation.
- Publisher: Skype Technologies S.A.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 6th, 2024

The Workman's Study Bible
This is a program for reading and studying the Bible. Its simple interface is, nonetheless, full of features that make it very comprehensive. It can show cross-references, Strong's Numbers, and more, and has powerful and customizable search capabilities. If you are a serious Bible reader, then you may find this program useful.
- Publisher: Due Diligence Software
- Last updated: May 17th, 2008

Leah's Farm Coloring Book
Children will have great fun with Leah's Farm Coloring Book. This free electronic coloring book features 10 pages to color, fun music and sound effects. It's easy to use, even for preschool children. Children can print their pictures when they're finished. Pictures are automatically saved to your 'My Pictures' folder.
- Publisher: Blue Cow Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 14th, 2009

Windows Bible
Windows Bible is a very easy to use bible program with searching capabilities, trivia, dictionary, pictures, paint program, and more. It allows you to search for word or phrase in seconds, to change font sizes and names, it has unlimited Book Markers and much more.
- Publisher: JP's Software
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020
- Publisher: TOSHIBA
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2020

Bible Bright Reader
This program is a simple Bible reader that allows you to choose between three different versions of the Scriptures: the King James version, the American Standard Bible and Young's literal translation. The program also has a very intuitive interface and a powerful search engine that allows you to look for single words or entire phrases.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008