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Chemistry add in for word in Title/Summary

Chemistry Add-in for Word

Chemistry Add-in for Word

The Chemistry Add-in for Word allows you to insert and modify chemical information (labels, formulas, 2-D depictions, etc.) from within Microsoft Office Word. Also, it allows you to store the chemical information and manipulate it in a semantically-rich manner.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2023
Word Magic Voice Recognition Add-on

Word Magic Voice Recognition Add-on

This add-on provides Voice recognition capabilities on one hand, so you can dictate your text in English or Spanish (depending on your Voice Recognition Engine) for your program to type out, and on the other hand, the Voice Commands with which you can operate the whole program and select all Options using only your voice.

  • Publisher: Word Magic Software Inc.
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2012
MS Word 2007 Ribbon to Old Classic Menu Toolbar Interface Software

MS Word 2007 Ribbon to Old Classic Menu Toolbar Interface Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to add the old, easy-to-use Word 2003 menu to the more complicated Word 2007 menu. For your convenience, both the Word 2003 menu and the 2007 menu will be available together. Word 2000 or higher.

Chemistry add in for word in Description



mySpellingGenie is much more than just a comprehensive online English dictionary. It is a flexible and entertaining way of learning and practicing your spelling. Thus, you can use this program to help you with your English exams and tests (SAT) or to prepare yourself for high-level Spelling Bee contests.

  • Publisher: mySpellingGenie.com
  • Last updated: May 17th, 2012
Powerpoint Find and Replace Professional

Powerpoint Find and Replace Professional

PowerPoint Find and Replace tool for solving the purpose of finding and replacing in PPTs using accurate search criteria. It follows user requirement for accurate search and replacement. User can add or delete the multiple file from selected list.

  • Publisher: WindowIndia
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Excel Find and Replace Professional

Excel Find and Replace Professional

Excel Find and Replace tool for solving the purpose of finding and replacing in excel files using accurate search criteria. It follows user requirement for accurate search and replacement. User can add or delete the multiple file from selected list.

  • Publisher: WindowIndia
  • Last updated: September 17th, 2013


You can draw and design your own crosswords and word search puzzles, or let Puzzle Generator do it for you. Just feed it with a list of words and their corresponding cues or definitions and the program will generate your personal puzzle according to your preferences. You can save the unused words for a future project and export your puzzles either as a Word or an image file.

Word Files Binder

Word Files Binder

Word Files Binder is an excellent tool to merge multiple word documents into single document. It is very fast and time saving software to bind listed word files in single word files without change in originals documents.

Additional Chemistry add in for word selection

Quran in Ms Word

Quran in Ms Word

Quran in MS Word adds a menu to MS Word which allows browsing and searching the Quran for “Suras” (chapters), “Ayahs/Ayats” (signs), verses, and other texts of the Holy Quran, and quickly adding them to the currently opened MS Word documents. Finding Quran translations is also possible using this tool.

  • Publisher: Mohamad Taufiq
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Kutools for Word

Kutools for Word

Kutools provides additional tools and functions to MS Word, which simplifies frequent operations. It can be used to merge multiple Word files, split documents according to specific criteria, insert multiple images, convert images to equations, convert between DOC, DOCX, and PDF, etc.

ProWritingAid Add-In for Microsoft Word

ProWritingAid Add-In for Microsoft Word

ProWritingAid Add-In for Microsoft Word allows you to find and highlight ways to improve your writing within Microsoft Word. This add-in is compatible with Microsoft Word 2007, 2010 and 2013. ProWritingAid Add-In for Microsoft Word requires an internet connection to work.

  • Publisher: Orpheus Technology
  • Home page: prowritingaid.com
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2015
TEC-IT TBarCode Office

TEC-IT TBarCode Office

Inserting barcodes of any kind into your Word documents and Excel sheets has never been simpler. TEC-IT TBarCode Office is an add-in that integrates seamlessly with your Word and Excel tools adding a new entry in their ribbons, from where you can insert any of its pre-configured barcodes – all of the highest quality and following the strictest standards – with just one click.

  • Publisher: TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
  • Home page: www.tec-it.com
  • Last updated: July 28th, 2016


Teachmaster is a foreign language vocabulary building tool. It provides the framework for people who want to acquire vocabulary learning skills. Basically, the application itself is no good for building vocabulary. Actually, it contains no vocabulary, as It is the end-user who creates vocabulary lists that are then used.

  • Publisher: Teachmaster
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2009
Quran Word

Quran Word

A comprehensive software to look for Ayahs and insert them in Word documents using the elegant Hafs calligraphy. It searches the Qur’an for selected words in the documents quite rapidly. It has the option of inserting Ayahs automatically by writing just the name of a Surah and the number of Ayahs.

  • Publisher: Mowahedin
  • Home page: mowahedin.com
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2017


Docear4Word is an add-on for Microsoft Word (2003 and later) that allows you to insert references and bibliographies from BibTeX files to MS-Word documents. It provides more than 1700 citation styles (APA, MLA, Turabian, Harvard, IEEE, ACM), search and filter functions for entry selection and an option to specify page numbers.

  • Publisher: Docear
  • Home page: www.docear.org
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2014
OnBarcode Barcode for Word Addin

OnBarcode Barcode for Word Addin

Barcode Generator Add-In for Microsoft Word is a program that allows you to create and insert linear and matrix barcode types. It is a specific barcode generator for Microsoft Word 2007 and 2010. This add-in allows more than 20 linear and 2D barcode to be created in Word documents.

Liyana Mahaththaya Word

Liyana Mahaththaya Word

Liyana Mahaththaya Word is a free-to-use add-in for Microsoft Word. All punctuation marks, numbers, symbols and English letters are typed in Times New Roman font. Only the user profile used during the installation can access Liyana Mahaththaya Word add-in efectively.

SBBIC Khmer Spell Checker

SBBIC Khmer Spell Checker

SBBIC Khmer Spelling Checker for Microsoft Word is a program that enables you to check the text when writing in the Khmer language. The add-in combines lists from KhmerOS, SBBIC and PanCambodia. The program has support for Microsoft Word 2010 and 2013.

  • Publisher: Society for Better Books in Cambodia
  • Home page: www.sbbic.org
  • Last updated: September 25th, 2014