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Plugins for chemistry add-in in Title/Summary

Chemistry 4D

Chemistry 4D

Chemistry 4-D Draw is a next-generation chemistry program combining the most advanced technologies in structure drawing.The program allows you to create high-quality structures simply by entering molecular names. It assigns systematic names to structure

  • Publisher: CBIS - Chemical and Biological Information Systems
  • Home page: www.cheminnovation.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2012
Virtual Chemistry Lab

Virtual Chemistry Lab

This program has all the things needed in a school chemistry laboratory, from the substances to the equipment. It has all the advantages of a real lab and none of its drawbacks. The program can help them to test different reactions and solve different problems. It can be used both at school and at home.

  • Publisher: OMEGANET
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2008
HSC Chemistry

HSC Chemistry

HSC Chemistry 7 contains 22 calculation modules which are connected to 12 databases as appropriate. Most calculation modules operate like independent programs which may have data links with each others. All the calculation modules have their own user interface and manual.

  • Publisher: Outotec
  • Home page: www.outotec.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

Plugins for chemistry add-in in Description



MestReC is a part of Mnova Suite which offers a reliable and sturdy software that allows you to work with a range of different programs on the same platform.

Outlook Shutdown Addin

Outlook Shutdown Addin

Typically, the solution is to uninstall the offending addin. However, if you really like an addin and can't wait for the developer to fix it or have no addin's installed and Outlook STILL stays running the background then you'll want to try Shutdown Addin.

Genius Maker Free Edition

Genius Maker Free Edition

Genius Maker Free Edition in an educational tool that may be useful for both students and teachers. The program includes 34 tools regarding the areas of Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry, though only nine of these tools are available for free. The rest of the tools are just trial versions that you can use with certain functional and/or temporal limitations.

  • Publisher: Golden K star Enterprises
  • Last updated: September 18th, 2011


ChemToolBox is a software destinated to a broad audience (any level students, Ph.D. or even senior scientists). More precisely, it will be the ideal partner of chemists (organic chemistry, analytical chemistry or polymer chemistry), biologists and biochemists.

  • Publisher: Perso
  • Last updated: March 18th, 2009
Toggle Script Debugging Addin

Toggle Script Debugging Addin

The Toggle Script Debugging Addin is a simple addin for Visual Studio 2008 that allows you to quickly enable and disable script debugging from Visual Studio. When you don't need to debug JavaScript files, simply click on the addin icon and Script debugging will be disabled.

  • Publisher: PageBrooks.com
  • Last updated: February 25th, 2009

Additional Plugins for chemistry add-in selection

Chemistry Add-in for Word

Chemistry Add-in for Word

The Chemistry Add-in for Word allows you to insert and modify chemical information (labels, formulas, 2-D depictions, etc.) from within Microsoft Office Word. Also, it allows you to store the chemical information and manipulate it in a semantically-rich manner.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: August 10th, 2023
LyricsSeeker plugins

LyricsSeeker plugins

LyricsSeeker uses the MetroLyrics database of over 1,000,000 songs and 20,000 artists to match lyrics to the song being played on your desktop music player. While you listen, the lyrics to your favorite tracks are made available at the click of a mouse.

  • Publisher: MetroLyrics
  • Last updated: December 22nd, 2008
Resource Central Addin

Resource Central Addin

Resource Central Addin is a program designed to work with Outlook 2007, 2010 and 2013 that makes it easy to manage your organization's critical resources. You can search and sort resources by location and category, list and book available conference rooms, workstations or hot desks, order individualized catering and other services.

  • Publisher: Add-On Products
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2014
TemWebRTC Plugins

TemWebRTC Plugins

TemWebRTCPlugin is a program that provides support for webRTC to desktop versions of Safari and Internet Explorer. It implements the latest published draft, not working draft, and in case of ambiguity, will always align its behavior with the latest stable version of Chrome and Firefox.

  • Publisher: Temasys
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2019
Signal Spam AddIn

Signal Spam AddIn

Signal Spam is a plugin for Microsoft’s Outlook or Mozilla’s Thunderbird, designed to report your spam directly from your Mail User Agent. In order for your reporting to reach the best efficiency, you will have to register yourself and allow Signal Spam to use them to fight spam.

VirtualDub Plugins Pack

VirtualDub Plugins Pack

The VirtualDub Plugins Pack (VDPP) is a pack that includes the most commonly used input filters. The user can select one or more plugins to install, then the setup will copy the needed files to VirtualDub install directory and modify some registry keys if needed. It contains DirectShow plugin, MPEG-2 plugin, WMV plugin, AC-3 Plugin, FLV plugin, FLIC Plugin, Quicktime plugin and AC3 plugin.

  • Publisher: VirtualDub-Fr.org
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2009
CodeTwo FolderSync Addin

CodeTwo FolderSync Addin

This Outlook add-in enables synchronization of folders. Any changes made in monitored folders are instantly copied to the folders selected by an administrator. During synchronization the program does not compare the data included in items. If prior to the first synchronization, both folders contain identical items, these items will be duplicated and can be removed manually.

  • Publisher: CodeTwo
  • Last updated: June 26th, 2014


Geany-Plugins is a collection of different plugins for Geany, a lightweight IDE. It provides a common location for plugin authors and users with a known infrastructure and support. Geany is a text editor using the GTK2 toolkit with basic features of an integrated development environment.

Autodesk Configurator 360 addin

Autodesk Configurator 360 addin

Autodesk Configurator 360 addin uploads the currently active Autodesk Inventor document to Configurator 360, truly making it “absurdly easy” to publish configurable models to the web. An Autodesk ID is required. Parts and assemblies can be configured using model and user parameters and iLogic rules.

  • Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2016
Quality Center Microsoft Excel Addin

Quality Center Microsoft Excel Addin

The Microsoft Excel Add-in enables you to export your test plan, requirements, or defects in Microsoft Excel directly to Quality Center. You can view the exported test plan in the test plan tree, the exported requirements in the requirements tree, and the exported defects in the defects grid.

  • Publisher: Mercury Interactive
  • Last updated: February 3rd, 2011