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Circuit simulator v1.5n download in Title/Summary

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator is an integrated circuit simulator. By using this free program, you will be able to setup a circuit through QUCS´ graphical user interface (GUI). To do that, you can select eeach required component from the wide library the program has.

PE ICS08GPGTZ In-Circuit Simulator

PE ICS08GPGTZ In-Circuit Simulator

This software package allows you to program and debug ICS08 devices. P&E offers ICS08 software packages, as well as the PROG08SZ interactive programmer package, for a broad range of HC08 parts. The PROG08SZ contains both the PROG08SZ Interactive MON08 Flash/EEPROM Programmer, and the ICD08SZ Real Time In-Circuit Debugger.

  • Publisher: P&E Microcomputer Systems
  • Home page: www.pemicro.com
  • Last updated: August 20th, 2015
Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator

Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator

The Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator simulates effects of noise suppression devices (Murata EMI Filters and Chip Capacitors). Murata EMI Filter Selection Simulator also provides a simulation function that enables to select best suited noise suppression devices for the circuit conditions.

  • Publisher: Murata Manufacturing. Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2010

Circuit simulator v1.5n download in Description

PSpice Student

PSpice Student

PSpice Student is an analog circuit simulator that was specially designed for Electrical Engineering students in need of simulating circuits and of solving circuits-related calculations. If you find yourself in the posture of not understanding a bit of what your professor is teaching you in Circuit Theory class, then you should definitely try this software.

  • Publisher: Cadence Design Systems, Inc
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Spice Opus

Spice Opus

The graphical part of the program was rewritten but the original syntax of the plot and iplot commands was preserved, enabling any script compatibility with other Spice compilations. The simulator includes an interpreted programming language called Nutmeg, which allows interactive Spice sessions. Numerous memory leaks were fixed.

  • Publisher: Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia
  • Home page: fides.fe.uni-lj.si
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2018


TINA is an electronic circuit simulator and PCB design tool for analyzing, designing, and real-time testing of analog, digital, HDL, MCU, and mixed electronic circuits and their PCB layouts. You can also analyze SMPS, RF, communication, and optoelectronic circuits.

  • Publisher: DesignSoft Inc.
  • Home page: www.tina.com
  • Last updated: March 31st, 2018


PICAXE Virtual System Modelling (VSM) is a software circuit simulator that combines a ‘virtual’ PICAXE chip with animated components. Key features: - Berkeley SPICE and digital circuit simulation for all PICAXE chips (new M2 models now available) - Library of over 12,000 components

  • Publisher: Revolution Education Ltd
  • Last updated: February 10th, 2017


MentalMAX is electronic design package which includes the following software:-Schematic Entry Software- mentalMAX includes the easy-to-use, powerful SuperCAD schematic entry software. SuperCAD comes with nearly 2000 parts including most TTL and CMOS logic, opamps, discrete symbols, and others--plus you can easily add custom symbols.

  • Publisher: Mental Automation, Inc.
  • Last updated: June 22nd, 2012

Additional Circuit simulator v1.5n download selection

EAGLE by CadSoft Computer GmbH

EAGLE by CadSoft Computer GmbH

EAGLE is a PCB design software with a schematic editor. It lets you draw the circuit schematic and shift to PCB design easily; real-time design synchronization between both makes it easy to incorporate changes. With its Routing Engine, you can draw complex board layouts quickly.

  • Publisher: CadSoft Computer GmbH
  • Home page: www.autodesk.com
  • Last updated: January 12th, 2022


SPICE OPUS is a free general purpose circuit simulator specially suited for optimization loops. It is a recompilation of the original Berkeley source code for Windows and Linux operating systems. Later Georgia Tech Research Institute's XSpice mixed-mode simulator was added to the Berkeley code.

  • Publisher: Faculty of Electrical Engineering
  • Home page: www.spiceopus.si
  • Last updated: April 21st, 2008


AIM-Spice is the most commonly used analog circuit simulator today and is enormously important for the electronics industry.SPICE is a general purpose analog simulator which contains models for most circuit elements and can handle complex nonlinear circuits.

  • Publisher: AIM-Software
  • Home page: www.aimspice.com
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2008
The Constructor

The Constructor

The Constructor program makes the creation, testing, troubleshooting, teaching and printing of electrical ladder diagrams, diagram schematics and one line diagrams fast and easy. The circuit will perform the same as a hardwired electrical circuit. The design can be edited and re-tested saving valuable time when it comes to hardwired circuits and troubleshooting scenarios.



Circuitmod is an open source circuit simulator that extends the capacity of the original Falstad's Java Circuit Simulator into CMOS Chips, Led Arrays, Led Matrix and PIC Programming. The program features: TTL and CMOS Chips, LED Matrix, PIC Programming, Analog Circuits, and more.

  • Publisher: federoggio
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2016
UK2000 Jersey Xtreme P3D

UK2000 Jersey Xtreme P3D

This download adds Jersey airport to your Prepar3D flight simulator. It comes with full detailed buildings, realistic ground markings, hi-resolution ground images, UK runway markings, stunning night effects, 3D approach lights, dozens of airport vehicles, animated traffic, runway wigwags, etc.

  • Publisher: UK2000 Scenery
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2016
VHF transceiver

VHF transceiver

This small program allows you to download and upload frequency lists to and from the V10 tranceiver. You can edit these lists and maintain several different lists if you like. VHF Airband transceiver based on modern digital signal processing technology with built in multi-mode dual circuit intercom system.

Farming-Simulator 2009

Farming-Simulator 2009

The sequel of the popular "Farming Simulator" contains plenty of new features and improvements. Take on the role of a young farmer on a island and experience the workaday life in the countryside. Choose from many vehicles and equipment and explore the island which is over 4 km2 in size and freely accessible.

Ship Simulator Extremes

Ship Simulator Extremes

this game is a sailing simulator that allows you to sit at the captain's chair and take the helm of a ship to carry out a series of missions. It has realistic graphics and sounds, and you can take different points of view. You will earn different rewards with each mission accomplished, thus making you improve your ranking.

  • Publisher: Ship Sim
  • Home page: www.shipsim.com
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2017
POKéMON Simulator

POKéMON Simulator

The game can be played just with our mouse. After opening View POKéDEX we can get information for all 386 POKéMON characters with their type,attack type and the level at which they can be evolved. With the money won, we can bet or purchase several items, such as POKéBALLS,Great Balls,Ultra Balls,Potions and Super Potions