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Cloud berry table storage in Title/Summary

Cloud Storage Studio

Cloud Storage Studio

Cloud Storage Studio is a tool dedicated to Windows Azure storage. The program provides broad coverage of the Windows Azure Storage Services API, supporting a wide range of common storage related tasks. You can add storage accounts by key and by subscription, organize storage accounts into logical groups, create and delete storage accounts without visiting the Portal.

  • Publisher: Cerebrata
  • Last updated: July 24th, 2013
Storage Made Easy Cloud Explorer

Storage Made Easy Cloud Explorer

Storage Made Easy Cloud Explorer is a free program that enables you to drag and drop of files from desktop to Clouds. The program also enables the easy creation of shared file links and even editing of word documents within Windows using the Zoho web capability.

Magic Berry

Magic Berry

Magic Berry is a simple tool that lets you manage data stored in BlackBerry backup files. It supports both formats of BlackBerry backup files: IPD and BBB. This handy application displays and lets you edit SMS messages, phone call history (call logs), contacts and their details, calendar entries, etc.

  • Publisher: Mena Step Innovative Solutions
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2013

Cloud berry table storage in Description

WD Anywhere Backup

WD Anywhere Backup

WD Anywhere Backup helps you backup folders and documents. It automatically protects your files, photos, and documents with on-premise backups to a WD drive as primary storage. Off-premise backups to a cloud as secondary storage for disaster recovery purpose.

  • Publisher: Western Digital Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: May 3rd, 2011


TagTower is a personal file tagging utility that allows you to assign custom keywords (tags) to your files. This makes it easy to search files using their tags; you do not need to remember the file’s name or location. To bring up the file registry screen, simply drag and drop files into Tag Cloud or Table View.

  • Publisher: Plastiliq Software
  • Home page: www.plastiliq.com
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2018
Cheetah Sync

Cheetah Sync

By installing a small free application on your computer and downloading the free Android app, you can pair a folder on your Android device with a folder on your computer. The files will then sync wirelessly to your Android device or to your computer, or both! It is all highly configurable and up to you. Sync whatever you want, no cloud needed. No storage limitations.

  • Publisher: JRT Studio LLC
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012
Acronis vmProtect

Acronis vmProtect

Acronis vmProtect is a solution that enables complete protection of VMware environments. It supports recovery of entire virtual machines; extracts individual files and Exchange items; and recovers entire ESXi servers, including binaries, configuration and VMs to a bare metal machine.

  • Publisher: Acronis International GmbH
  • Last updated: December 28th, 2012
Send Anywhere

Send Anywhere

In order to share large amounts of data with friends, family, and fellow workers we need specific tools capable of packing and sending securely files that usually exceed the size of standard e-mailboxes. Send Anywhere has been devised as a simple and free solution to send and receive bulky files and archives instantly and without compressing or transforming your data in any way.

Additional Cloud berry table storage selection

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is the most popular office package, featuring a word processor (MS Word), spreadsheet tool (MS Excel), presentation designer (MS PowerPoint), and database manager (MS Access). Latest versions of Office also comes with OneDrive for uploading and managing your files on the Cloud.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: www.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: May 22nd, 2023
WD Backup

WD Backup

As one of the main and most reliable manufacturers of internal and external hard drives, Western Digital has always been concerned with everything related to data storage, security, and backup. To help their clients with this sensitive matter, all their drives come with WD Backup, a free tool to back up and restore data reliably either on a WD drive or the client’s preferred cloud solution.

  • Publisher: Western Digital Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: March 29th, 2018
CloudBerry Explorer for Azure Blob Storage

CloudBerry Explorer for Azure Blob Storage

Explorer for Azure Storage lets you manage files and containers on Microsoft Azure Block, Page, and Development Storage. Using this program, you can create new Azure File storage account, add new file shares and effectively manage your data on these file shares.

  • Publisher: CloudBerryLab
  • Last updated: April 5th, 2023
CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3

CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3

CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3 provides a user interface for Amazon S3 accounts allowing you to access, move, and manage files across your local storage and S3 buckets. It doesn’t process your data on third-party servers; all data transfers occur between the source instance and the storage account you control.

  • Publisher: CloudBerryLab
  • Home page: www.msp360.com
  • Last updated: September 17th, 2020
Sage 50 Accounts

Sage 50 Accounts

Sage 50 Accounts is a small business accounting and invoicing solution. It gives you complete control of your cash flow, invoicing, banking, customers/suppliers data, and VAT. It also features Sage Drive a cloud based data storage application that lets you access your accounts wherever you are.

  • Publisher: Sage (UK) Ltd
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2019


CloudMe is an online cloud based file storage service. You can use this desktop application to sync your folders with other devices. All the changes that you make in this folder are reflected across your devices and the online storage. CloudMe also acts as an interface for accessing sync folders on other devices.

  • Publisher: CloudMe
  • Home page: www.cloudme.com
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2021
CloudBerry Online Backup

CloudBerry Online Backup

CloudBerry Online Backup automates workstation backup to Amazon S3 cloud. The program runs as a Windows Service and tracks folders for new or changed files to backup to Amazon S3 cloud immediately. You can protect data from unauthorized access by encrypting it with a unique encryption key before sending to the cloud.

CloudBerry Drive

CloudBerry Drive

CloudBerry Drive mounts your Amazon S3 account as a network or external drive to your Windows computer. With this program, you can work with files in Amazon S3 directly from the Windows Explorer interface, the same way as if they were on your local drive. Also, you can use Amazon S3 with 3rd party applications, encrypt all the data sent to the cloud, and more.

CloudBerry Explorer for OpenStack Storage

CloudBerry Explorer for OpenStack Storage

The program is a file manager for Openstack that provides a user interface to OpenStack Swift accounts and files. The main window shows two directory browsers, each of which could be configured to either the local computer or cloud storage. You can easily copy files and folders between them using drag-and-drop.

CloudBerry Box

CloudBerry Box

CloudBerry Box provides bi-directional synchronization of data across remote computers. You can sync local content on several computers, use your own cloud storage account to synchronize data on remote computers, protect you data with up to 256-bit strong keys, and more.