Cloudberry azure table storage in Title/Summary

CloudBerry Explorer for Azure Blob Storage
Explorer for Azure Storage lets you manage files and containers on Microsoft Azure Block, Page, and Development Storage. Using this program, you can create new Azure File storage account, add new file shares and effectively manage your data on these file shares.
- Publisher: CloudBerryLab
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

CloudBerry Explorer for Azure Blob Storage PRO
CloudBerry Explorer for Azure Blob Storage PRO is a powerful program that allows you to manage files and containers on Microsoft Azure Block, Page and Development Storage. You can track, analyze, and debug your usage of Azure storage, encrypt with a unique user password and compress files before sending to Azure, upload files in multiple threads to speed up data transfer.
- Publisher: CloudBerryLab
- Last updated: March 30th, 2015

Azure Storage Manager
Azure Storage Manager helps you organize your Azure Storage Accounts and to modify data on them. It is written in C# 3.5 and has no other dependencies (like Azure Dev Tools). Get your Azure Log Files easily and delete tables with one click. Features: - List and delete Tables - List, delete and copy blobs and entire blob containers (great for getting your log files)
- Publisher: CodePlex
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Cloudberry azure table storage in Description

Windows Azure PowerShell for Node.js
Windows Azure PowerShell for Node.js implements a simple web application in Node.js using a popular web framework Express.You will learn the basics of working with Windows Azure Compute Emulator, deploying a Node.js application to Windows Azure and storing data in Table storage.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2012

Azure Management Studio
Azure Management Studio is a tool designed to manage your Microsoft Azure cloud storage, diagnostics data and application workflows. You can easily upload and download your Microsoft Azure blob storage, Quickly inspect, edit and filter Microsoft Azure tables or view and debug your Microsoft Azure queues.
- Publisher: Cerebrata
- Last updated: May 12th, 2015

dbForge SQL Azure Backup
dbForge SQL Azure Backup is an application that you can use for backing up SQL Azure database copies to a local drive. It allows you to create a copy of your SQL Azure database on a local SQL Server, make an archive copy on your local hard drive, restore SQL Azure database from archive or schedule periodic backups to your Azure Blob storage.
- Publisher: Devart
- Last updated: April 24th, 2014

ClumsyLeaf CloudXplorer
CloudXplorer is a rich UI client for browsing Azure Blobs & Files, Amazon S3 or Google Storage that allows you to explore your favorite cloud storage with ease. You can organize accounts into logical groups, search for a specific blob/object or folder name/pattern within an account, create, expand or shrink VHDs directly in Azure Blobs storage, and more.
- Publisher: ClumsyLeaf Software
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

GainTools MBOX to PST Converter
GainTools MBOX to PST converter is finest solution to migrate and move MBOX mailboxes database from MBOX file extension to Outlook PST file format.
- Publisher: GainTools
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 11th, 2017
Additional Cloudberry azure table storage selection

ClumsyLeaf TableXplorer
ClumsyLeaf TableXplorer is a rich UI client for browsing Azure Tables and Amazon SimpleDB. You can import and export data in XML or CSV format, import data from Microsoft SQL Server, create, edit and delete entities, create or delete tables, and many more.
- Publisher: ClumsyLeaf Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 20th, 2015

Windows Azure Emulator
Windows Azure Emulator lets you code, run, test, diagnose, watch, change and configure code in Windows Azure without having any connection to the Internet at all. It is included in the Windows Azure SDK for .NET and includes the Windows Azure Storage Emulator and the Windows Azure Compute Emulator.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 24th, 2013

Azure Throughput Analyzer
You simply install this tool on your on-premise machine, select a data center for the evaluation, and enter the account details of any storage service created within it. The utility will perform a series of data-upload and -download tests using sample data and collect measurements of throughput, which are displayed at the end of the test, along with other statistics.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:

SpaceBlock is a simple Windows front-end for managing Amazon S3, Nirvanix, Azure Blob Storage, and now Sun Cloud Object Storage online service accounts. Define multiple accounts (e.g. allowing for streaming transfer between S3 accounts). Handles difficult key/bucket names (like unicode chars outside of the ASCII range & invalid urls)
- Publisher: CodePlex.SpaceBlock
- Last updated: April 3rd, 2008

Azure Storage Explorer
This program is a useful GUI tool for inspecting and altering the data in your Windows Azure Storage storage projects including the logs of your cloud-hosted applications. All 3 types of cloud storage can be viewed and edited: blobs, queues, and tables.
- Publisher: David Pallman
- Last updated: June 24th, 2011

Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer
Microsoft Azure Storage Explorer is a software program, equipped with several tools, that individuals can use to manage their accounts locally, either it's Windows, Linux, or Mac. This way, they gain time and can become more efficient. Once you complete a seamless installation process, you get in contact with a basic but well-organized interface, very responsive to user actions.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

CloudBerry Explorer for OpenStack Storage
The program is a file manager for Openstack that provides a user interface to OpenStack Swift accounts and files. The main window shows two directory browsers, each of which could be configured to either the local computer or cloud storage. You can easily copy files and folders between them using drag-and-drop.
- Publisher: CloudBerryLab
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 12th, 2018

CloudBerry Backup Server Edition
This Amazon S3 server backup program lets you back up files, folders and system image to Amazon S3 and Glacier. It can restore Windows Server as virtual machine in the cloud (Amazon EC2, Azure VM), and it doesn't require space on the local drive — backup server to the cloud directly. It can restore with USB Flash directly from the cloud and it backs up all or selected volumes.
- Publisher: CloudBerry Lab Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2021

CloudBerry Backup Enterprise Edition
CloudBerry Backup Enterprise Edition is an all-in-one online cloud backup tool. You decide where to store backups: Amazon S3, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, etc. CloudBerry Backup doesn’t process your data on 3rd-party servers, all data transfers occur between the source instance and a storage account you control.
- Publisher: CloudBerryLab
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 24th, 2016

CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3
CloudBerry Explorer for Amazon S3 provides a user interface for Amazon S3 accounts allowing you to access, move, and manage files across your local storage and S3 buckets. It doesn’t process your data on third-party servers; all data transfers occur between the source instance and the storage account you control.
- Publisher: CloudBerryLab
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 17th, 2020