Cnv analysis in Title/Summary

Illumina cnvPartition CNV Analysis Plug-in
The cnvPartition CNV Analysis Plug-in is a software library that works with Illumina’s GenomeStudio data analysis software. The parameters can be changed via an editable configuration file. The program features Confidence Threshold parameter, Probe Gap Size Threshold parameter, and more.
- Publisher: Illumina, Inc.
- Last updated: May 31st, 2015

Universal CNV Adapter
The Universal CNV Adapter Plug-in is an easy to use software library that works with Illumina’s GenomeStudio data analysis software, and with separately-installed, Illumina- or third-party-provided executable programs for CNV (copy number variation) analysis.
- Publisher: Illumina
- Last updated: May 25th, 2012

Project Risk Analysis
Project Risk Analysis is an engineering and risk analysis application. The program enables the capital risks on projects to be evaluated, and calculates the financial contingency required to cover those risks in a rational and defendable manner. Too often the project contingency is guesstimated as a "gut feel" amount, without much consideration for the real risks involved.
- Publisher: Katmar Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 8th, 2015
Cnv analysis in Description

For high-volume users, NimbleScan software can give you your own array data pipeline. Input array images and NimbleScan can automatically place an accurately aligned grid and extract data from 1 or 2 color images. Advanced reporting capabilities provide application-specific analysis of CGH/CNV, ,Microbial Resequencing and ChIP-chip array datasets for easy interpretation of experimental results.
- Publisher: NimbleGen Systems Inc.
- Last updated: July 16th, 2012

Agilent SureCall
It's a data analysis tool with detection of genome-wide copy number changes.Main Features:-Supports four different types of analysis: Single Sample, Tumor-Normal, Trio and OneSeq CNV and Mutation Analysis -Supports variant annotation from many public sources, including NCBI, COSMIC, PubMed, ClinVar and custom annotation
- Publisher: Agilent Technologies, Inc.
- Last updated: July 7th, 2016

PLINK is a free, open-source whole genome association analysis toolset, designed to perform a range of basic, large-scale analyses in a computationally efficient manner. The focus of PLINK is purely on analysis of genotype/phenotype data, so there is no support for steps prior to this (e.g. study design and planning, generating genotype or CNV calls from raw data).
- Publisher: Sputnik Games
- Last updated: April 26th, 2012

Genotyping Console
Genotyping Console is available for analysis of Genome-Wide Human SNP Array. GTC Software integrates single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genotyping, indel detection, copy number variation (CNV) identification, and cytogenetic analyses into one application.
- Publisher: Affymetrix
- Last updated: November 9th, 2015

ST Thumbnails Explorer
ST Thumbnails Explorer is a perfect thumbnail viewer and photo manager with explorer interface. It allows you to browse, zoom, copy and move any thumbnail or image file. ST Thumbnails Explorer supports every thumbnail file like Adobe Illustrator v.7-11, CorelDRAW v.4-12, Macromedia FreeHand v.7-11, CorelXARA / Xara X etc. Folder tree and drag/drop feature enables the user to explore faster.
- Publisher: Softfields Technologies
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Cnv analysis selection

Hourly Analysis Program
Carrier's Hourly Analysis Program is two powerful tools in one package. HAP provides versatile features for designing HVAC systems for commercial buildings. It also offers powerful energy analysis capabilities for comparing energy consumption and operating costs of design alternatives. By combining both tools in one package significant time savings are achieved.
- Publisher: National Institute of Building Sciences
- Last updated: September 28th, 2017

Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional
Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Professional is a software program that is part of the Autodesk family and was built to offer engineers a complete set of tools to realize simulations of structural loads and execute code compliance with the aid of Building Information Modeling.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 4th, 2019

Psychrometric Analysis
Psychrometric Analysis is a handy tool that helps you to create psychrometric charts. The charts are drawn with unmatched accuracy. It allows for complete psychrometric and process analysis, all graphically displayed. It also provides a professional state point and process report detailing all of the psychrometric and process values
- Publisher: Chempute Software
- Last updated: June 16th, 2012

Autodesk Ecotect Analysis
Autodesk® Ecotect® Analysis sustainable design analysis software is a comprehensive concept-to-detail sustainable building design tool. Ecotect Analysis offers a wide range of simulation and building energy analysis functionality that can improve performance of existing buildings and new building designs.
- Publisher: Autodesk, Inc.
- Last updated: June 1st, 2012

5Spice Analysis
Easy to use analog circuit simulation for the professional circuit designer. Main features: - Subcircuit schematic symbols auto-adjust number of pins. - Switch Mode power supplies - special setting for fastest simulation. - Time-accurate switching of controlled switches and digital logic devices. - Support for analysis of alternative designs.
- Publisher: Richard P. Andresen
- Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

EpiData Analysis
Use EpiData analysis when you want to do basic descriptive statistical analyses, modifications or tabulation of data. Extended analysis such as statistical modelling can be done with other software such as Stata, R etc.rnEpiData Analysis is based on the same principles as EpiData Entry.
- Publisher: EpiData Association
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2011

SAP BusinessObjects Analysis edition for Microsoft Office
It connects perfectly to SAP NetWeaver BW and SAP HANA. This plug-in includes versions for Microsoft Excel and Microsoft PowerPoint. It allows multidimensional analysis of OLAP sources in Microsoft Excel, MS Excel workbook application design, and intuitive creation of BI presentations with MS PowerPoint.
- Publisher: SAP AG
- Last updated: June 14th, 2016

Crash Analysis Tool
Crash Analysis Tool is an application designed by Dell Company with the purpose of scanning any Dell drivers on a machine so as to prevent it from crashing. This program works together with Microsoft Online Crash Analysis, Microsoft’s crash reporting service.
- Publisher: Dell
- Last updated: March 1st, 2008

Graphical Analysis
Graphical Analysis can be used to collect, share, and analyze Vernier LabQuest sensor data. It can collect data from multiple sensors simultaneously, either with a multiple-channel interface such as LabQuest Stream or by using multiple Go Direct sensors.
- Publisher: Vernier Software & Technology, LLC.
- Last updated: June 26th, 2018

Citrix Endpoint Analysis SDK
The Citrix Endpoint Analysis Software Development Kit (Endpoint Analysis SDK) for Advanced Access Control is an add-in for Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2005 that provides instructions for developing and testing C++ and VBScript endpoint analysis scan packages.
- Publisher: Citrix Systems, Inc.
- Last updated: December 6th, 2010