Color analysis codes html in Title/Summary

BibleMax Robinson's Morphological Analysis Codes
A comprehensive collection of codes for studying the role of words in the different Greek versions of the Bible. It can be useful for scholars, clerics or laypersons interested in the analysis of Greek Biblical texts. You must download and install BibleMax software before installing this module.
- Publisher: BibleMax
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 29th, 2008

HTML Color Tuner
There are millions of colors and trillions of combinations. Why just use a few simple ones? Add your web site more flavors! Do you like these font color and back color combination? Real time RGB and Hex color converter and tuner. Fore color and back color display on one panel. You see the 'difference'.
- Publisher: DataDynamica
- Last updated: November 18th, 2011

Jedi Color Picker
Jedi Color Picker is a customizable eye dropper, for picking colors from your monitor. It can pick the color at a selected pixel and convert it into HTML/CSS, Delphi, C++, Visual Basic, and Windows Color Reference codes. Color space can be changed between RGB, HLS, CMY, and CMYK as required.
- Publisher: Vlastimil Burián
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 19th, 2018
Color analysis codes html in Description

SiteScan Broken Link Checker
Spider websites for slow or broken links. Find missing images, JavaScript, CSS files and downloads. Show page & file SEO meta-data. Find in-links, out-links & server redirects. Extract email addresses. Measure server response . Save & export results.
- Publisher: ByteShift Ltd
- Last updated: August 7th, 2015

CharProbe allows you to easily find and automatically copy: ASCII Codes, HTML Codes, Virtual Key Codes. You can also export custom tables to TXT or HTML and convert between decimal, hexadecimal, octal and binary numbers.
- Publisher: Dextronet
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

HTML Shrinker Light
HTML Shrinker Light is an easy to use tool that speeds up your website by reducing the size of html & script files. It is an intelligent tool which enables you to removes all images, scripts, styles, NB spaces or font tags to make your files even smaller. HTML Shrinker Light is highly configurable and provides you with options to enable/disable shrinking criteria and to add new shrinking rules.
- Publisher: The Plugin Site
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 9th, 2008

Amazing Screen Color Picker
Amazing Screen Color Picker is a graphic software for picking and analyzing color of the screen. With the built-in magnifier, it is easy to pick color of the cursor point precisely.This software launchs with the startup of Windows, and you can call it by hot key conveniently.
- Publisher: silvereaglesoft
- Last updated: January 4th, 2010

Metadataminer Catalogue
You can easily define the contents (list of local or network folders and file types to display) and layout (header, footer, title and associated images). You save options of the output in a configuration file including language, so you can easily switch from one catalogue in French to another in English
- Publisher: Soft Experience
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 1st, 2010
Additional Color analysis codes html selection

Fast HTML Checker
The fact that a website looks nice on your browser and that it seems to be fully functional does not mean that the page is 100% correct. Fast HTML Checker will analyze any web page, directory, or even an entire site looking for possible HTML5 and CSS errors, providing you with its exact position within the document, a brief explanation of what is wrong with it, and how to fix it.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

LittleRGB Color Picker
LittleRGB Color Picker is designed to get the RGB and alpha values of every pixel in a given image. Get RGB and hex color values off your screen with a click. Saves it to clipboard. Freeware. No restrictions on use. Its a great program and its worth having on your computer.
- Publisher: HighDesert Software Co.
- Last updated: November 16th, 2008

Oil Painting Assistant
Oil painting assistant is software for helping you to make successful oil paintings from your own digital photos, scanned or downloaded images. With a series of simple steps, you can obtain a printable grided image for transfering it to your canvas. Also, the program yiends a color analysis showhing you how to obtain any of the colors shown in the image.
- Publisher: Mike Rozak
- Last updated: March 12th, 2008

EasyHtml is 100% free HTML-editor. It is basically same as Window's memo, except EasyHtml has many useful features. EasyHtml has multi-language support which makes it possible for the user to make new languages easily. You can open as many HTML-document as you want to EasyHtml (MDI,multi-document-interface)!
- Publisher: ToniArts
- Last updated: August 11th, 2010

JavaScript Maker
JavaScript Maker version 2.7 is a Windows 32-bit application which helps to manage the content of a website by allowing you to make dynamic HTML functions. It is a tool for creating and editing programs written in JavaScript. No prior knowledge of JavaScript language is required to use JavaScript Maker.
- Publisher: Byte-Size Software
- Last updated: May 21st, 2008

Android Theme Studio
Android Theme Studio is an app that helps you create themes for Android ROMs. The program in designed to handle all the problems that Android custom ROM themers face and to cut down the needed time for creating a theme professionally without having to deal with long XML files. This program will help in renaming files, adding data to XML files, editing icons, and creating the final theme package.
- Publisher: Mouhab Tarek

News Scroller Wizard
News Scroller is a highly configurable vertical text scroller and vertical news ticker. Creating the news ticker or scrolling text will take a few minutes using the Flash News Scroller Wizard. The news scroller features smooth scrolling, URL links, configurable background color, and basic html tags.
- Publisher: Gokhan Dagli
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

BabelColor CT&A
CT&A (Color Translator & Analyzer) is a collection of tools specifically designed for the measurement, conversion, and analysis of individual colors or small batches of colors (depending on the tool). Tools are grouped by theme in individually managed windows; these windows are controlled with a menu or toolbar.
- Publisher: The BabelColor Company
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 14th, 2017

Flash Text Fader
Flash Text Fader Wizard is a tool that allows you to design your text fader in a few minutes and instantly see the results. Flash Text Fader features URL links, configurable margins, optional border, configurable background color, and basic html tags.
- Publisher: Gokhan Dagli
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 15th, 2008

Webmaster's Toolkit
Webmaster's Toolkit - this is a software utility that allows you quickly measure the size of objects on the screen with pixel ruler, picking the colour value from any pixel of the screen and alter or produce your own colors with the Photoshop-style Color Picker.
- Publisher: SpiceBrains
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 9th, 2008