Convert hlp to chm freeware in Title/Summary

CHM to HTML Converter
CHM to HTML Converter is a product which allows you to convert any CHM files or E-Books to HTML easily, and you can extract any/all source files from the CHM, such as HHP, HHC, HHK and etc. Special Features:- Decompile MS CHM help file or CHM E-Book quickly and easily - Recover the .HHP .HHC .HHK files perfectly - Decompile all MS CHM files / CHM E-Books in a batch
- Publisher: Armenian Dictionary Software
- Last updated: November 10th, 2009

HLP to RTF Converter
HLP to RTF Converter is a product which allows you to convert any Windows Help files HLP to RTF easily. It is designed to create printable, manual-quality RTF format documents or recompilable projects from Microsoft Windows Help. It allows you to generate a completely recompilable Help project, complete with all text, formatting, jumps, graphics, keywords and more.
- Publisher: Armenian Dictionary Software Inc.
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

CHM Decoder
CHM Decoder is a freeware program designed to decompile CHM files or e-book and extract all source files. Offers you a simple interface and is completely freeware.Now you cand convert a CHM (Compiled Windows HTML Help) and view it on your PocketPC or your web pages. This program provides command line and so you can easily convert several documents simultaneously using the batch mode.
- Publisher: GridinSoft LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Convert hlp to chm freeware in Description

With CHM2Word, you can easy convert topics in CHM file to Microsoft Word Document to print or edit. So you never worry about print topics in CHM file again.Main features:- Convert the specified topics in CHM file to Microsoft Word Document. - Save your time to print a CHM file. - Drag and Drop supported to convert a CHM file to Microsoft Word Document.
- Publisher: Dawningsoft Inc
- Last updated: February 27th, 2012

ChmDecompiler is a decompiler for .CHM file. With ChmDecompiler, you can convert any .CHM files to .htm easily, and you can extract any/all source files from the .CHM, even the .HHP project file can be recreated perfectly. Extract all source files from a Chm file or ebook, then you can edit and recompile those source files, that's all.
- Publisher: GuohuaSoft
- Last updated: March 19th, 2021

Flip CHM
Flip CHM is a quick and easy way to convert Windows html help (.chm) files into stunning booklets with amazing page-flipping animations and sound! It also can automatically convert the CHM Table of Contents to bookmarks and consolidate all associated topic files into a page-flipping eBook,
- Publisher: A-PDF Solution
- Last updated: January 10th, 2012

iPubsoft CHM to PDF Converter
iPubsoft CHM to PDF Converter allows you to convert help files or eBooks to PDF format smoothly without any hassle. The program features batch conversion mode that allows you to convert several CHM files in one conversion, output high quality PDF file for reading, saving and sharing without any adjustment, and more.
- Publisher: iPubsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 11th, 2015

Free DjVu to PDF Converter
If you are a programmer who likes to run software by command line, you can use the command line mode provided in Free DjVu to PDF converter, to complete the batch conversion progress with command code automatically. DjVu to PDF is also multifunctional freeware which allows you to customize the look of PDF ebooks as you need.
- Publisher: Flipbuilder Solution
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 26th, 2018
Additional Convert hlp to chm freeware selection

FreePDF will convert your documents into a PDF file in a breeze. You will need to choose a file on your PC and send to print it. Then choose a FreePDF printer driver and click the OK button. The resulted file can be send by e-mail, saved to a desired location, or set to be added to next PDF right from within the program window. Also, it is possible to protect your file with a password.
- Publisher: Stefan Heinz
- Last updated: October 31st, 2014

ABC Amber BlackBerry Converter
ABC Amber BlackBerry Converter is a very useful tool that converts emails, contacts, SMS messages, PIN messages, autotext entries, calendar events, phone hotlist entries, memos, phone call logs, tasks, etc. from IPD or BBB (BlackBerry backup) files to any format you wish (PDF, HTML, CHM, RTF, HLP, TXT, DOC, MDB, XLS, CSV, etc.) easily and quickly
- Publisher: ElcomSoft Co. Ltd.
- Last updated: September 21st, 2011

ABC Amber CHM Converter
ABC Amber CHM Converter is a batch decompiler for Compiled Windows HTML Help files (*.chm) you've been searching for a long time. Taking CHM files or CHM ebooks, it will convert them to any document format you wish.
- Publisher: ProcessText Group
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 28th, 2010

MagicPDF is freeware utility that has all the most frequently used functionalities of Adobe Acrobat, as far as PDF creation and conversion is concerned. MagicPDF installs itself as a virtual printer in your printer list. Just print and get your PDF.
- Publisher: Magic Document Solutions
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

FlipBuilder CHM to PDF
Working with Free CHM to PDF converter, you can convert Microsoft Compiled HTML help (.chm) files to Acrobat PDF documents in a few steps, for reading on iPad, iPad2 and other mobile phones, as well as easily share these converted PDF eBooks.Main Features:- Convert CHM to PDF eBooks. - Convert CHM folders into PDF files.
- Publisher: Flipbuilder Solution
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 19th, 2013

chmProcessor can create CHM (compiled HTML help) files from HTML and Word documents. It automatically splits the document into different sections using the title of pages. You can also create PDF, XPS, and JAR files as output. You need to install HTML Help Workshop from Microsoft - this is required for compiling the Help file. For creating PDF, you need to install PDFCreator.
- Publisher: Toni Bennasar Obrador
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 7th, 2012

Windows HLP To RTF
Windows HLP To RTF ( HLP To Word) is a tool to convert Windows Help files (*.hlp) to Rtf format files directly. It can combine Word 97/2000/XP to process the Rtf files, you can edit, print or convert to other format that you want. What you should do with using it is just to select a *.hlp files and determine the output folder.
- Publisher: YpgSoft
- Last updated: May 30th, 2011

Windows HTML To WORD
Windows HTML To WORD is a tool to convert HTML Files to perfect Word document. With this tool, you can make a specification of an application from the *.htm files. Windows HTML To WORD V8.0 Make Word document from html file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original html file.
- Publisher: YpgSoft
- Last updated: April 22nd, 2011

MeowMultiSound is a free sound converter that supports mp3, wav and ogg sound files. It allows to convert files in both direction. Features drag and drop support and an option to generate Id3v1 tags common to several files.
- Publisher: Meow-prod
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Apex Video to MP3 WMA WAV Converter Free
Apex Video to MP3 WMA WAV Converter is an easy to use freeware application that lets you extract audio from the videos in your computer from avi, mpeg, mov, rm, wmv, vcd, dvd, to MP3, WMA, WAV, MP2 files letting you for instance extract music from live concerts and play it on your iPod. It supports batch conversion, and allows you to set start and end points to extract a clip of the movie.
- Publisher: Apex Software Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 4th, 2012