Freeware chm editor in Title/Summary

CHM Editor
CHM Editor is a handy WYSIWYG editor which can be used for editing and translating CHM files. You can translate your e-Books in CHM format easily and quickly. Besides, this is the perfect tool for localization your CHM Help files. You can solve several tasks at once by using CHM Editor.
- Publisher: GridinSoft LLC
- Last updated: February 5th, 2021

Imager Enhancer - Freeware graphics editor
Image Enhancer automatically enhances and improves color in your images. You don't need to know a thing about computers or photography to get great looking digital photos every time. Alamoon Image Enhancer is a fully-automatic, hands free, one-click photo enhancer.
- Publisher: Alamoon.Com
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 4th, 2010

RustemSoft XMLFox Freeware XML editor
RustemSoft XMLFox Freeware XML editor is a program designed for authoring, updating, exploring, well-formedness checking or validating XML documents. It offers: XSD Schema Based Editing, Tag Prompting, XML and Schema Validation, XML View, Tree, Grid, and XML Script editing modes, Standard Editor (Copy/Paste/Find/Replace) traits, XSD Schema building feature.
- Publisher: RustemSoft
- Last updated: June 24th, 2017
Freeware chm editor in Description

Beyond CHM
Beyond CHM is a powerful chm reader and chm editor, It enables user to open multiple tabs at the same time. With this CHM viewer, user can edit CHM files, including highlighting CHM text, changing font and font size, removing contents, adding comments and so on, all the changes can be saved persistently.
- Publisher: Beyond CHM
- Last updated: May 13th, 2012

Free JavaScript Editor
Free JavaScript Editor is intended to create and modify JavaScript code. Great news it supports technologies like CSS, DHTML and Ajax as well. Good to know that this editor supports enriching your code thanks to the availability of a library of JS objects, variables, functions and snippets. Luckily, the tool is well-documented.
- Publisher: Yaldex Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 17th, 2009

AEdiX is a freeware text editor as well as a source editor especially designed for software developers. It has multiple file support. Users can easily switch between files by clicking the tabs or using keyboard shortcuts. AEdix 3.0 contains a Fast search toolbar by which users can start a new search without opening the search dialog.
- Publisher: Kirys Tech 2000
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008

Nevron Diagram Designer
Nevron Diagram Designer is a freeware diagram editor powered by Nevron Diagram for .NET controls. It is suitable for creating various kinds of diagrams and performing different layout algorithms on them. The Diagram Designer also can make you familiar with the features provided by Nevron Diagram for .NET
- Publisher: Nevron Software LLC
- Last updated: October 13th, 2011

CHM EBook Editor
CHM EBook Editor is a CHM eBook Created tool that is based on the database and the html template, Fast and Visual. The html template resources include HTML, JavaScript, CSS, JPG, JPEG, GIF Flash, MIDI, ZIP, RAR, etc. CHM EBook Editor can conveniently import many text documents into a database file, that will facilitate you to collect and to reorganize the information. You can select a html template for each node, or apply a html template to all nodes. Has selected the different html template, you can browse to the different style web page. CHM EBook Editor has brought some html templates, and updates or adds the new html template frequently. The possible these templates not to be able to satisfy your requirement, at this time, you can modify the template which we provided, or design some new html templates. After settings the html template and other options, You can compile the entire database or part database into an attractive CHM eBook. CHM EBook Editor has formidable function but it is practical. CHM EBook Editor will save the time and the money for you or your company.
- Publisher: Ebooksoft, Inc.
- Last updated: November 14th, 2009
Additional Freeware chm editor selection

Photo! Editor
Photo! Editor is an image editing and enhancing tool designed for digital photography. It offers a wide range of tools and features that can get your raw photos ready to the publishing or sharing. You can use special effects, denoise and red eye effect removal tools to enhance your camera pictures. Photo! Editor supports all the popular image formats, like JPG, BMP, PNG, GIF and TIFF.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 29th, 2021

PSPad editor
PSPad is intended for editing simple text and code. In this regard, the tool supports various convenient features, such as syntax highlighting, hex editing and autocompletion. Its interface is quite similar to those of other programs of its type, though outdated and much less minimalistic. It is good that there is accompanying help documentation in case you have any questions.
- Publisher: Jan Fiala
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

Autodesk Pixlr
Pixlr is light, fast and reliable image editor. It's one of those tools that lack the heavy-hitting features of bigger, more expensive alternatives, but do great in their smaller field with some of the features one would want in an editor that is light and fast.
- Publisher: Autodesk
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 29th, 2014

HHD Software Hex Editor
Free Hex EditorNeo is award-winning large files optimized freeware editor for everyone who works with ASCII, hex, decimal, float, double and binary data. Freeware Hex Editor Neo allows you to view, modify, analyze your hexadecimal data and binary files, edit, exchange data with other applications through the clipboard.
- Publisher: HHD Software
- Last updated: January 7th, 2013

High Quality Photo Resizer
High Quality Photo Resizer is a handy tool created to make resizing images a simple and fast job. It allows modifying the dimensions of multiple photos at once, in batches, in a quick and easy manner, regardless of their type, as all the popular image file formats are supported.
- Publisher: Naturpic Software
- Last updated: August 30th, 2013

Abee Chm eBook Creator
CHML files are compiled HTML documents, mainly used by Microsoft HTML-based help program. However, this format can actually be used to create eBooks storing any type of contents, with the advantage of supporting keyword search, full-text search and indexing. Abee CHM eBook Creator can help you create CHM files.
- Publisher: AbeeTech
- Last updated: March 15th, 2008

GedPad is a line-editor for GEDCOM files. GedPad includes the following features: -Indented presentation of the GEDCOM data levels -Hyperlinked record link references, with tooltip descriptions -Old and new copies of changed lines are displayed -Full Undo/Redo -Search for text -Single line or global replace GedPad is freeware. Just download and use it without ever paying any fees!
- Publisher: Nigel Bufton Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 28th, 2009

OPeLo is FREEWARE Sourcecode editor for OPL.It has Color Syntax Highlithing, Code Completion, Memberlist - CTRL+J pops up a complete list with all OPL commands, User-defined Variables and Functions. There is also parameter list help: if you define proc xxx:(a&, b&, etc.) or array&(items) the editor shows you each time you write "xxx:(" a ToolTip with the Parameter info also in this case a&,b&,etc
- Publisher: Emil Tchekov

MCW-D 200 Editor
MCW-D 200 Editor is a freeware windows editor software for digital wireless conference system (CD-R with Editor, Controller Demo, Voting Demo, supplied with control unit MCW-D 200). The program is offered in three languages and it is easy to install. Upon installation the program presents itself with a nice GUI especially designed for MCW-D 200 control unit.
- Publisher: beyerdynamic

XVI32 is a freeware HEX editor. The name XVI32 is derived from XVI, the roman notation for the number 16. XVI32 doesn't write any data to your registry. It can display both text (ASCII/ANSI) and hexadecimal representation. You can switch byte offset (address) of first byte between 0 or 1 to examine also record structure of plain text files.
- Publisher:
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- Last updated: February 21st, 2013