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Create programs setup in Title/Summary

DRPU Setup Creator Demo

DRPU Setup Creator Demo

DRPU Setup Creator is a program that will create installers and uninstallers for your programs. You will be able to include every detail in the generated installer, such as registry details, added information about the files, the paths where you want your program’s files to be copied, an option to create shortcuts, the icons to be displayed, and many more.

  • Publisher: DRPU Softwares Pvt. Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 2nd, 2008
Easy Setup

Easy Setup

EasySetup is an installation maker for Windows that allows creating setup programs with very little effort. It can be used not only to creating installers for programs, but also for all kind of files, like Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Acrobat or HTML documents. The setup process screens can be edited in a visual way, simply by modifying the text on the screens to suit your installation.

  • Publisher: Bersoft
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2009


This application lets you create Windows setup/install programs quickly and easily.

Create programs setup in Description



HM NIS Edit 2.03 is an editor for Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS). This program is useful for people that usually creates Setup programs with the NSIS. By using its Script Wizard you will be able to create standard Setup programs with some clicks of the mouse.

  • Publisher: Hector Maurcio Rodriguez Segura
  • Home page: hmne.sourceforge.net
  • Last updated: May 5th, 2017
SamLogic Visual Installer 2014

SamLogic Visual Installer 2014

SamLogic Visual Installer 2014 is an easy-to-use installation software / setup tool that can be used to create a setup package / setup wizard for distribution via a CD, DVD, USB flash drive or the Internet. No programming knowledge is required; you can create your installers visually.

  • Publisher: SamLogic Software
  • Last updated: August 12th, 2014
Patch Maker

Patch Maker

Patch Maker can help you create update patches for existing applications. Thus, the ultimate goal of using this program is to create a setup wizard that will only update the old files instead of installing the whole software. Patch Maker can really be used by anyone thanks to the help of a wizard.

  • Publisher: Clickteam
  • Last updated: July 10th, 2012
Lexique Pro

Lexique Pro

This free program lets you create lexicons of different subjects easily, allowing you to share them with your colleagues, students or online by creating a setup file that will allow other users to install your lexicon in your system. It has different wizards to use most of its functions, so it is really easy to use.

  • Publisher: SIL International
  • Last updated: April 17th, 2013
Studuino Software

Studuino Software

Studuino Programming Environment allows you to create programs for controlling how your robot moves. The program is designed so that even beginners can easily create advanced programs. Simply drag and drop the icons or blocks that control your robot into the Program Field. These programs are Arduino compatible.

  • Publisher: ARTEC Co., Ltd.
  • Home page: www.artec-kk.co.jp
  • Last updated: September 30th, 2016

Additional Create programs setup selection

Python - py2exe

Python - py2exe

Py2exe is a great extension to Python's Distribution Utilities that allows you to create a Windows executable file from a Pythons script. This allows users to execute programs without the need of having the Python interpreter installed. An excellent extension that every developer must have.

  • Publisher: Thomas Heller
  • Home page: www.py2exe.org
  • Last updated: December 21st, 2008


Greenfoot teaches object orientation with Java. Create 'actors' which live in 'worlds' to build games, simulations, and other graphical programs. The actors are programmed in standard textual Java code, providing a combination of programming experience in a traditional text-based language with visual execution.

  • Publisher: University of Kent
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2016


NFOPad is a small but flexible combined nfo viewer and text editor. It's a clone of Microsoft's Notepad but much more customizable. The file extension is used to determine whether to use an ANSI or ASCII font. NFOPad also fully supports Unicode.

  • Publisher: True Human Design
  • Last updated: December 8th, 2022
Python PyGTK

Python PyGTK

PyGTK lets you to easily create programs with a graphical user interface using the Python programming language. The underlying GTK+ library provides all kind of visual elements and utilities for it and, if needed, you can develop full featured applications for the GNOME Desktop.

  • Publisher: PyGTK Team
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2012
Silent Install Builder

Silent Install Builder

Silent Install Builder lets you automate the process of installing various applications. This comes very handy specially for IT people whose task is maintaining and administering a group of computers in a given enterprise or school. It is also a valuable tool if you want to create a distribution package containing several software products.



Flowgorithm is a free application that helps you create programs using simple flowcharts. Typically, programs are written using a text editor. Depending on the programming language, this can be either easy or quite difficult for a beginning programmer. Many languages require you to write lines upon lines of confusing code just to get it to display "Hello, world!".

wxPython (unicode) for Python

wxPython (unicode) for Python

This installer contains the infamous wxPython demo, other samples, and wxWidgets documentation. wxPython is a GUI toolkit for the Python programming language. It allows Python programmers to create programs with a robust, highly functional graphical user interface, simply and easily. I

  • Publisher: wxDesigner
  • Home page: www.wxpython.org
  • Last updated: July 31st, 2012
Paquet Builder

Paquet Builder

Paquet Builder lets you create installers for your software applications. It is a mix between a Self-Extracting 7z archive maker, and a software installation generator. This program uses LZMA2, BCJ2 filter, PPMD, and other file compression systems to create a compact installer.

  • Publisher: G.D.G. Software SARL
  • Home page: www.gdgsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 17th, 2017


OBELISK top2 is an application that allows you to transfer switching programs created on the PC to the OBELISK top2 memory card via USB interface. Also, you can transfer the programs from the memory card to the time switch and vice versa. The programming and the program printout can be done comfortably from the desk.

  • Publisher: Theben AG
  • Last updated: June 18th, 2015
CPU-OS Simulator

CPU-OS Simulator

CPU-OS Simulator is a free program that enables you to run programs manually created. You can create a CPU program, enter CPU instructions in the program, run the program and observe and control simulations. You can access the part of the memory containing data so you can write or read data.

  • Publisher: Besim Mustafa
  • Home page: www.teach-sim.com
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2012