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Cydia shows current network speed in Title/Summary

My Network Speed

My Network Speed

My Network Speed monitors in real time the network card and shows the speed (download / upload) in a tiny window. This is a handy application to have around when you need to know exactly with what speed you can download or upload a file from and to the Internet.

Speed Color Screensaver

Speed Color Screensaver

Speed Color Screensaver is a program that will display the current time. To do that, this program will place two glowing speedometers over a black background. The first one will show the hours, and the other one will show the minutes. Below the first speedometer, you will see the current hour in numbers, with the HH:MM:SS format, with the seconds wheel rolling at the right pace.

Belkin High-Speed Mode Wireless G USB Network Adapter

Belkin High-Speed Mode Wireless G USB Network Adapter

This package supports the following driver models:Belkin High-Speed Mode Wireless G USB Network Adapter

Cydia shows current network speed in Description



NetSpeedMeter is a free bandwidth monitoring tool showing the current network speed. The program saves your daily traffic and displays it, ordered by interface, in a daily, weekly, monthly and yearly table. Even if NetSpeedMeter is minimized to tray, the tray icon displays the traffic of the last 16 seconds.

  • Publisher: Torben Kohlmeier
  • Last updated: November 2nd, 2022
Acer eNet Management

Acer eNet Management

The Main shows current connection , Wi-Fi in Range , Connection Speed etc The Profile Manager New Profile Wizard with management buttons allows creation of a new profile, edit a profile etc. The Settings General page allows Launch of Acer eNet Management, views Wireless Adapter, Firewall settings etc and the Network page has three buttons on this page namely: VPN ,WLAN & LAN

  • Publisher: Acer Inc.
  • Last updated: September 15th, 2011


- shows current GPS data - shows Compass while moving - shows current Track (Way) as a curve - writes Track's GPS data to the file "VIWay.txt" - possibility Zoom drawn Track (+ or -) - possibility drag drawn Track by your finger

  • Publisher: Valeri Vlassov
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2012


Nemobar stands for Network Monitoring Bar and is certainly a handy tool which helps the users to check on their internet traffic. This software monitors the trafiic in a very effective way. This bar just attaches above the windows taskbar and does not present itself like a cascaded window.

  • Publisher: EFD Software
  • Last updated: March 4th, 2008
devolo dLAN Cockpit

devolo dLAN Cockpit

devolo dLAN Cockpit is a free program that allows you to configure your dLAN network. The program shows the connection speed of all adapters on the network. It also provides you with valuable information regarding the optimization of the transmission rate in the dLAN network and enables adapter updates over the network.

  • Publisher: devolo AG
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2013

Additional Cydia shows current network speed selection



NetSpeedMonitor is a network speed monitoring tool. This isn't a standalone application per se. It installs a toolbar that you can attach to the toolbar area of your start menu. There it will display the speed at which your system is sending and receiving data.

  • Publisher: Florian Gilles
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2009


NetWorx is a powerful tool for monitoring Internet connection. It can collect usage statistics, monitor connection quality and speed, identify the sources of network problems, help you stay within ISP limits, and reveal suspicious network activity.



WinMerge is an Open Source visual text file differencing and merging tool for Win32 platforms. It is highly useful for determing what has changed between project versions, and then merging changes between versions. Features: Visual differencing and merging of text files Flexible editor with syntax highlighting Handles DOS, UNIX and MAC text file formats Unicode support Difference pane shows current difference in two vertical panes Location pane shows map of files compared Highlights differences inside lines File filters in directory diff Moved lines detection in file compare Shell Integration Rudimentary Visual SourceSafe and Rational ClearCase integration Archive file support using 7-zip Plugins Localizable interface via resource DLL HTML-based Manual

  • Publisher: WinMerge Development Team
  • Home page: winmerge.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Wise System Monitor

Wise System Monitor

Wise System Monitor gives you integrated information about your system such as running processes and hardware components. The application is very easy to use. It has a main window with tabs labeled Process Monitor, Hardware Monitor, and Operating System. Thus, opening the tabs you can access to the corresponding detailed information.

  • Publisher: WiseCleaner.com, Inc.
  • Home page: www.wisecleaner.com
  • Last updated: July 29th, 2020
LAN Speed Test

LAN Speed Test

LAN Speed Test can measure file transfer, hard drive, USB Drive, and Local Area Network (LAN) speeds (wired & wireless). Using this tool is quite easy; simply pick a folder and click "Start Test". This folder can be on a local drive, USB drive, or any target location.

  • Publisher: Totusoft, Inc.
  • Home page: www.totusoft.com
  • Last updated: January 21st, 2019


Hide ALL IP can use proxy servers to hide your real IP address and location from websites. It provides a simple interface where you can view the list of proxy servers and their locations. This program can also create secure WiFi hotspots for your mobile devices.

  • Publisher: Network & Speed, INC
  • Home page: www.hideallip.com
  • Last updated: September 4th, 2018


160WiFi is a free WiFi hotspot creator to turn your Windows laptop, notebook or desktop PC into a portable sharing WiFi hotspot in seconds. Thus, you can share your wireless internet connection with another computer, iPhone, iPad, Android phone, etc.

  • Publisher: Drive The Life Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: October 22nd, 2017
OpenDNS Updater

OpenDNS Updater

OpenDNS Updater is a client that works with the OpenDNS service. OpenDNS is a domain system name provider that is free and regarded as one of the fastest and more secure DNS suppliers online. It is often used to replace ISP DNS servers. OpenDNS Updater makes sure that your IP is always known by the OpenDNS servers so that your OpenDNS settings are applied to your current network

  • Publisher: OpenDNS
  • Last updated: July 16th, 2010


Win32pad is a small, compact and powerful text editing software available in the software market. It provides the users with some extra features which are not available in the windows default text editor notepad. This editor fulfills almost all the necessary requirements for a text editor. The interface is user-friendly and easy to use.

  • Publisher: Gennady Feldman
  • Home page: www.gena01.com
  • Last updated: February 14th, 2008


SpeedOptimizer is a program that optimizes your system performance by making registry modifications and adjusting Windows settings for better performance. It also has a network accelerator feature that can accelerate the network speed and a startup manager that can manage startup applications

  • Publisher: Speedbit Ltd.
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2017