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Delphi find duplicated item in Title/Summary

Static Duplicated EMail Finder

Static Duplicated EMail Finder

Static Duplicated EMail Finder is a email removal tooll which can find and remove duplicated messages from Outlook Express (Windows XP) and Windows Mail (Windows Vista).

  • Publisher: StaticBackup Inc.
  • Last updated: October 6th, 2009
Remove Duplicated Files

Remove Duplicated Files

Remove duplicated files on computers of all types:Remove duplicated files from Home computer Delete duplicated files from Family PC Find, remove and delete duplicates from the Personal computer Remove duplicated files from the Office PC Delete file duplicates from the Company server

  • Publisher: Remove Duplicated Files Co., Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2011
Duplicate Remover for Microsoft Excel

Duplicate Remover for Microsoft Excel

Duplicate Remover is an add-in application that runs directly in practically any version of Microsoft Excel. It finds duplicated data, and you can specify a range of cells in a specific table, or choose to compare data stored in two different tables, or even find unique entries in different tables.

  • Publisher: Add-in Express Ltd.
  • Home page: www.ablebits.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2011

Delphi find duplicated item in Description

Remove Duplicates from Excel

Remove Duplicates from Excel

The add-on is designed for searching and processing duplicates in Excel tables. Program key functions: a search across rows or columns; search across an entire table or a specified range of cells; an opportunity to compare by values or formulas.

  • Publisher: Office Assistance LLC
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020


EasyCleaner checks the Windows registry, the Undo files, finds duplicated files on your computer, search for unnecesary files, manage the start up menu so you can change whatever you might need, shortcuts that have become invalid, check the disk free space in your HD unit, manage the add/remove programs list, etc. to get the best results on your system operation, perfomance and speed.

  • Publisher: Toni Helenius, ToniArts
  • Last updated: November 15th, 2011
FonePaw iOS Transfer

FonePaw iOS Transfer

FonePaw iOS Transfer helps you transfer music, photos, videos, contacts, SMS, etc. from iOS device to computer or iTunes. It supports iOS versions up to the latest iOS 12. iOS Transfer can not only do the same job as iTunes, but can also help you manage your music including selectively moving songs & playlists between iOS devices and PC/iTunes.

  • Publisher: FonePaw Technology Limited
  • Home page: www.fonepaw.com
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2024
Speedy Shopper

Speedy Shopper

Speedy Shopper was designed, from first-hand experience, to help alleviate some of this daily and weekly grind. I was annoyed at the amount of time it took to do a simple thing like shop for groceries, and looked around on the Internet for a shopping list management program.

  • Publisher: Alastria Software
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2011


X-Fonter is a font manager for Windows, which allows you to view and organize all installed fonts. It can be also be used to search for font files on your hard disk and create custom collections. You can also use this program to compare fonts with custom text samples.

  • Publisher: Blacksun Software
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2022

Additional Delphi find duplicated item selection

AusLogics Duplicate File Finder

AusLogics Duplicate File Finder

Duplicate File Finder can help you locate and remove files with same data. It uses intelligent algorithms to compare not only the file names, but also contents to ensure no false search results. You can easily customize the file-type (photos, videos, documents, programs, and archives) from its interface before scanning.

  • Publisher: Auslogics Labs Pty. Ltd.
  • Home page: www.auslogics.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


dupeGuru is a Windows utility that helps you locate and delete duplicated files from your computer. This program features a straightforward interface, immediately completes the scanning process, provides you with accurate results, and comes without a price.

Hidden Expedition: Titanic

Hidden Expedition: Titanic

Hidden Expedition Titanic is a game in which you must find objects. You´ll have to explore the wreckage of the Titanic ship to collect antique artifacts for the Titanic Museum. The player needs to dive into 17 ship locations for clues that are deeply hidden but will lead you to the ultimate artifact: The Crown Jewels!

Duplicate File Finder Plus

Duplicate File Finder Plus

Duplicate File Finder Plus - Quick finds the duplicate files on your drives relied on file content, and you can remove the unwanted files, so as to recover your valuable disk space, reduce the management costs and avoid the unnecessary confusion.

Clone Files Checker

Clone Files Checker

Clone Files Checker is a Windows tool that enables you to identify and delete duplicates from your local directories or drives, external storage devices as well as Cloud storage accounts. The program is packed with a straightforward interface, lets you preview the found duplicates, and immediately completes any given task.

The Serpent of Isis

The Serpent of Isis

The Serpent of Isis is a hidden objects and puzzle game that takes place in Egypt. Your mission is to find the Serpent of Isis, an antique piece of artwork that your grandfather discovered in Egypt, ant that was stolen from the Cairo Museum many years ago. You will have to go aboard the Mont Palu Express from Venice to London, where you will find the relic according to a mystery note.

Duplicate Commander

Duplicate Commander

Duplicate Commander can compare the files saved into the folders that you specify, both by their filename (including extension, size, date of modification) or checking its contents (this is a much slower process). Once the scan process is completed, the program will show you the list of duplicates found, and you can decide what to do with them.

  • Publisher: WinSimple
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Private Eye Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

Private Eye Greatest Unsolved Mysteries

Private Eye Greatest Unsolved Mysteries is a wonderful hidden object game in which you play a private investigator who has been hired to the great mystery. As in any hidden object game, you will be given a list with objects to find in a specific location using a camera lens.

  • Publisher: GameHouse, Inc.
  • Home page: www.gamehouse.com
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2009
Ancient Adventures: Gift of Zeus

Ancient Adventures: Gift of Zeus

Ancient Adventures: Gift of Zeus is a hidden-object game in which you have to find the items from the list as they will help you solve a mystery. The items can either be listed by their name or their silhouette. Some of the items will be placed in your inventory for future use.



FavoritesView displays the list of all your favorites (of Internet Explorer browser) and bookmarks (of Netscape/Mozilla browsers) in a single page. Each line in the list specifies the title of the item, the URL address, the created/modified date of the bookmark item, and the folder name.

  • Publisher: Nir Sofer
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020