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Delphi find files mask in Title/Summary

Find Files By Filename Length Software

Find Files By Filename Length Software

Find files by the number of characters in the filename. Find by length greater than x, length less than x or length equal to x where x is a number that you specify.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: June 4th, 2014
Find Files By Date Software

Find Files By Date Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to find files by their date created, modified and last accessed. There are features to find between a certain date range, before a certain, after a certain date and on a certain size.

Find Files By Metadata Software

Find Files By Metadata Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to find files by metadata text. For example, if a.jpg has the metadata Camera maker Sony then typing "son" will retrieve the file path and metadata. There is a feature to save your results as a text

Delphi find files mask in Description

Makesoft DuplicateFinder

Makesoft DuplicateFinder

Makesoft DuplicateFinder can quickly and easily find and delete duplicates based on different compare algorithms. It's can help you free up space on the hard drive and speed up the operating system.

  • Publisher: Makesoft
  • Home page: imakesoft.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


The VCL Provider is a very simple Delphi program that checks that these files are installed. However, it is packaged in a Setup program that installs the Delphi runtime files on to your computer. VCL Provider requires the Delphi runtime files VCL50.BPL and VCLX50.BPL.

  • Publisher: Colin Wilson
  • Last updated: December 5th, 2009
Delphi DFM Converter

Delphi DFM Converter

Delphi DFM Converter is a free program that allows you to work with Delphi DFM files. Delphi DFM Converter comes with a set of predefined generic operations and provides a mechanism to transform your files in a way you wish: conditionally create, remove, rename object properties and its values, rename objects or change their class names.

  • Publisher: Maxidix s.r.o.
  • Home page: www.maxidix.com
  • Last updated: January 31st, 2013
TMS CETools for Delphi / C++ Builder

TMS CETools for Delphi / C++ Builder

Functions: -TCESystemInfo: retrieve system info -TCERegistry: read & write the Pocket PC registry -TCEFindFile: find files on the Pocket PC -TCEFileOperations: copy, move, delete file operations on Pocket PC and between Pocket PC and desktop PC + multi file copy between Pocket PC and desktop PC -TCEDatabaseOperations: convert/transfer Access MDB files to Pocket PC cdb files and vice versa

  • Publisher: TMS Software
  • Last updated: February 13th, 2011
Find Protected

Find Protected

Search for password protected files on local disks and across a network. Find Protected addresses the security problems associated with unauthorized or illegal use of confidential company information.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Last updated: March 7th, 2010

Additional Delphi find files mask selection

Ava Find

Ava Find

Ava Find 1.5.154 is a program to search, find and categorize the files stored in your computer. When you install the program, it will ask you to wait some minutes while it builds the search cache, by examining the content of your disks. You can save the searches and the listings of results in a file, for further reference.

  • Publisher: Think Less Do More
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2022
Windows Search

Windows Search

A new tool from microsoft designed to search for files in any part of your computer in a fast and simple way. It's able to look for files in hard drives, Email attachments, local network or even the internet. The program adds itself to the taskbar where the user types the name of the files to look for.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: July 6th, 2020
Find Files Containing Your Specified Text Software

Find Files Containing Your Specified Text Software

Search for files containing specified words or phrases within the actual file.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2009
Find Files By Size Software

Find Files By Size Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to find files by the Bytes, KB, MB, GB, etc. There are features to find between a certain size, greater than a certain size, less than a certain size and equal to a certain size.



Quickfind is a software designed for fastest file and application access. You just type a word or phrase related to the file name or application name and Quickfind shows all the related files to that name or word. Just double click the desired file and Quickfind will launch it immediately. Quickfind also enables the user to open web addresses added to the favorites .

  • Publisher: Darius Baczynski
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2011
Wise JetSearch

Wise JetSearch

Wise JetSearch is a free and quick search tool. It can search files on local drives and removable drives as long as you input the file/folder name. Besides, it also supports wildcard search when you are not sure about the file/folder name.



File Search Utility which is able to quickly find Files, Folders and Text on your Local, Network, DVD, CD-ROM, USB Hard or Flash Drives. It allows you to specify several File Mask and multiple Drives and/or Folders at the same time.

File Viewer

File Viewer

This program helps you localize, view and organize files over the Internet using E-Mail Components. You can organize your entire disk with one procedure, automatically grouping files as pictures, sounds, music, video, text, documents, database, or spread sheets. The program gives you the ability to create and maintain multiple catalogs for devices, disks, folders using combinations of file types.

Find Junk Files

Find Junk Files

Find Junk Files protects your privacy online and makes your computer faster and more secure. Find Junk Files is a system optimization, privacy and cleaning tool.t removes unused files from your system - allowing Windows to run faster and freeing up valuable hard disk space

  • Publisher: eyeClaxton Software
  • Last updated: May 11th, 2011
Find Files Containing Text Software

Find Files Containing Text Software

Search for files containing specified words or phrases within the actual file.