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Delphi indy udp port forwarding in Title/Summary

Router Port Forwarding

Router Port Forwarding

Router Port Forwarding is a port forwarding and port triggering tool for router. You can easily add, delete, view port forwarding entry of router. This program can detect multiple routers on your network. Port triggering function is also supported. You can use the port check function to check if your port is opened.

Port Forwarding Wizard

Port Forwarding Wizard

Port Forwarding Wizard is a powerful port forwarding program that will let you Infinite port forwarding until the destination IP address is achieved. You can automatically manage port mappings of your router and use UPnP technology communicating with your router to view,add or delete port mapping.

  • Publisher: upRedSun Corporation
  • Home page: www.upredsun.com
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2012
Reverse Port Forwarding Wizard

Reverse Port Forwarding Wizard

Reverse port forwarding can be referred to as reverse tunnel. Reverse tunnel is a very useful way to access some application on the computer that behind a restricted or tight Firewall/Gateway/Router. For security concern, a lots of administrators will configure Firewall/Gateway/Router to refuse the connection from outside.

Delphi indy udp port forwarding in Description

Port Forwarding Wizard Enterprise

Port Forwarding Wizard Enterprise

Port Forwarding Wizard Enterprise is a powerful TCP/UDP port forwarding program that offers a smart route strategy for dynamically choosing a destination computer to port forward. The program will let you port forwarding to multiple IP addresses at the same time.

Simple Port Tester

Simple Port Tester

Simple Port Tester is a neat application created to test TCP and UDP ports. This tool offers a fast and easy method to check and see which ones of your ports are opened. It is especially suitable to test whether port forwarding is working properly. Therefore the application opens a port and listens for the available connections to provide truly accurate testing.

UDP Gateway DM780 to DXKeeper

UDP Gateway DM780 to DXKeeper

DxKeeper must be up and running before gateway is started - in order to allow the gateway to establish DDE communication to DX Keeper. The Gateway software starts minimized. The current version of the program transfers/forwards a COMPLETE ADIF record to DXKeeper, including Contest and contest serials.

  • Publisher: Matthias Peter
  • Last updated: April 13th, 2011
UDP Test Tool

UDP Test Tool

Simple Com Tools UDP Test Tool is both a UDP packet generator and listening application in one. UDP Test Tool provides the ability to both create and capture UDP packets from any PC to or from any PC, server, or IP device. It provides a incredibly easy way to to debug UDP packet transfer and helps resolve issues that are unobtainable by most other network analysis tools.

  • Publisher: SimpleComTools
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2011
PC Port Forwarding

PC Port Forwarding

Port forwarding functionality is similar to the network address translation (NAT) except that it performs translation of only the port numbers. PC-Port-Forwarding performs everything on a Windows PC without any additional hardware or complicated setups of various components.

  • Publisher: Verigio Communications
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2012

Additional Delphi indy udp port forwarding selection

Lorex Auto Port Forwarding

Lorex Auto Port Forwarding

Lorex Easy Connect is a software application that allows you to view your security device over the Internet quickly and easily. You can view live video from your security cameras from any PC, Mac, or smart phone from anywhere in the world! It automates port forwarding, turning a formerly complicated process into something you can do in a few easy steps.

  • Publisher: Lorex Technology
  • Last updated: March 30th, 2012
Digimerge Auto Port Forwarding

Digimerge Auto Port Forwarding

Digimerge Auto Port Forwarding is a program that easily automates router port forwarding. The application provides the following features: - Easy connection of Digimerge DVR - Automatic detection of router - Enables quick and simple remote access to your DVR.

  • Publisher: Digimerge
  • Last updated: November 20th, 2014
Port Forwarding Wizard Lite

Port Forwarding Wizard Lite

Port Forwarding Wizard Lite is an application that enables you to add port forwarding entry into your router. The program has support for routers with UPnP option and Apple AirPort. It will auto detect your route and fetch current port forwarding entries from router and display the data for you.

  • Publisher: iForwarder and upRedSun Technologies, LLC.
  • Home page: www.port-forwarding.net
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2016
Port Forward Network Utilities

Port Forward Network Utilities

Port Forward Network Utilities is a handy suite of network tools to help get your ports forwarded. The program provides everything you need to diagnose, troubleshoot, and fix port forwarding issues, including accessing your security cameras when you are away, forwarding ports to both Xbox and Playstation consoles, setting up a server at home, such as Minecraft or Teamviewer, and more.

  • Publisher: Portforward.com
  • Home page: portforward.com
  • Last updated: June 29th, 2017
Bitvise SSH Client

Bitvise SSH Client

Bitvise SSH Client provides an SSH terminal for file transfer and tunneling. It facilitates terminal emulation with support for the bvterm, xterm, and vt100 protocols. You also get encryption and security meeting the requirements of PCI, HIPAA, or FIPS 140-2 validation.

  • Publisher: Bitvise Limited
  • Home page: www.bitvise.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Yawcam is intended to stream your camera’s signal via HTTP and FTP. The tool lets you share the captured video by providing others with the cam’s IP. The recipient can then adjust such parameters as video quality, the number of frames per second and scale. The broadcast signal is available not only on the local network but also to other remote users.

  • Publisher: Yawcam.com
  • Home page: www.yawcam.com
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2016


PFConfig allows you to forward network ports from one network node to another. PFConfig includes a list of routers to select. Once your router is selected, you can choose which applications will be forwarded. Additionally, you can add applications manually.

  • Publisher: Portforward.com
  • Last updated: August 9th, 2010


Xshell is a software emulation program that can perform multiple maintenance operations while offering support for protocols like SSH, TELNET and RLOGIN. It comes equipped with a command-line shell to help users manage Unix or Linux hosts more efficiently.

  • Publisher: NetSarang Computer, Inc.
  • Home page: www.netsarang.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


MyRouter is a simple program that enables you to share your Internet connection with other WiFi devices. The program also provides file sharing feature that allows you to easily transfer files between your PC and the connected devices to your hotspot. Moreover, there is a Port Forwarding option which enables you to open or close a port on a specific user (IP Address) connected to your hotspot.

  • Publisher: MyRouter, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 14th, 2013


Transmission-Qt is an open source Bittorent client. The application includes features such as encryption, a web interface, peer exchange, magnet links, DHT, µTP, UPnP and NAT-PMP port forwarding, webseed support, watch directories, tracker editing, global and per-torrent speed limits.