Demographic survey analysis .xls in Title/Summary

Motor Survey Plus
Motor Survey Software,Vehicle Survey Software, Survey valuation system, small vehicle valuator, claim automation system.
- Publisher: CMSstores
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 7th, 2016

Leica Survey Office
Leica Survey Office offers an excellent approach to manage survey data. It provides: - Flexible data exchange. - Efficient coding. - Management of coordinates. - Uploading of new software. - Straight forward instrument configuration. - User defined data output formats.
- Publisher: GECO Engineering
- Last updated: October 30th, 2013

Survey Maker
Survey Maker is a program dedicated to the survey field, which includes solutions for the land surveyor, engineering surveyor, surface and underground mining surveyor, geodetic surveyor and hydro-surveyor. This program is a new addition to the range of software developed by Model Maker Systems.
- Publisher: Model Maker Systems
- Last updated: August 26th, 2013
Demographic survey analysis .xls in Description

Test Validation & Analysis Program
The Test Validation & Analysis Program (TVAP) includes two Excel Workbooks that are designed to be used by personnel professionals to aid in developing and validating written tests that address professional standards, the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures (1978), and relevant court cases.
- Publisher: Biddle Consulting Group, Inc.
- Last updated: December 14th, 2011

A versatile tool to design and publish surveys, complete with results analysis. It allows you to include different types of questions on your surveys, such as single choice, multiple choice, essay, fill in the blank, etc. In addition, you can create and maintain a respondents database, thus making it easier for you to send your surveys to them periodically.
- Publisher: AceBIT GmbH
- Last updated: September 25th, 2012

In areas where the geological structures are approximately two-dimensional (2D), conventional 2D electrical imaging surveys have been successfully used. The main limitation of such surveys is probably the assumption of a 2D structure. In areas with complex structures, there is no substitute for a fully 3D survey.
- Publisher: geoelectrical
- Last updated: March 31st, 2012

Survey Said Enterprise Edition
Survey Said Enterprise Edition - advanced PC based offerings that specialize in administering surveys in a variety of different environments. Survey Said is not a typical single user application. It is extremely scalable in a network environment, which makes it very cost effective when multiple administrators need access to survey creation and the analysis of the collected survey data.
- Publisher: Marketing Masters
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 2nd, 2009

SurfStats eSurvey
SurfStats eSurvey is the new survey software from SurfStats, which reduces the complexity of conducting online or telephonic surveys. SurfStats eSurvey has been designed to be an easy solution to assist users in the complete cycle of survey development, survey deployment, respondent management and the collection and analysis of survey results.
- Publisher: SurfStats Software cc
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Additional Demographic survey analysis .xls selection

Mplus is a statistical modeling program that provides researchers with a flexible tool to analyze their data. The program offers researchers a wide choice of models, estimators, and algorithms in a program that has an easy-to-use interface and graphical displays of data and analysis results.
- Publisher: Muthen & Muthen
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 5th, 2015

The Digital Shoreline Analysis System (DSAS) is an application that enables a user to calculate shoreline rate-of-change statistics from multiple historic shoreline positions. DSAS computes shoreline rates of change using four different methods: endpoint rate, simple linear regression, weighted linear regression, and least median of squares.
- Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
- Last updated: March 21st, 2013

Microsoft Excel 2013
Microsoft Excel 2013 is a program that allows you to discover and reveal the insights hidden in your documents data. You can access, edit and view documents, perform complex analyses quickly, summarize your data with previews of various pivot-table options, so you can compare them.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 25th, 2015

Remark Classic OMR
The Remark Classic OMR software scans and processes data from tests, assessments, surveys and other forms. The software is combined with an OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) reader to recognize filled-in marks on forms (“fill in the bubble” forms), which automates the data collection process.
- Publisher: Principia Products, a division of Gravic, Inc.
- Last updated: October 8th, 2009

EasyPlanEx is a software application that provides a comprehensive solution for evaluating and optimizing any type of financial problems. EasyPlanEx widens the project scope because it does not only evaluate the proposed case, but it is able to evaluate all its alternatives automatically (even thousands of combinations), the result being that it shows the 20 best alternatives for the project.
- Publisher: BoraSystems
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

SWSTAT contains a number of options for statistically analyzing time-series data. The time-series data are read from a Watershed Data Management (WDM) file. The computed statistics and (or) time series can be written back to the WDM file or to a text file.
- Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
- Last updated: June 1st, 2010

KeyPoint questionnaire software gives you everything you need to conduct a professional questionnaire or survey yourself.Main features: -Create surveys in minutes -Create paper and web surveys -Easy to use -Produce web accessibility surveys -Intuitive survey design -Comprehensive data analysis -Track patient feedback -360 survey analysis wizard
- Publisher: Cambridge Software Publishing
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 11th, 2010

Statistical Product and Service Solutions is among the most widely used program for statistical analysis in social science. It is used by market researchers, health researchers, survey companies, government, education researchers, marketing organizations and others to forecast future trends to better plan organizational strategies.
- Publisher: IBM
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 2nd, 2021

XLS Repair Kit
XLS Repair Kit is an all-in-one solution for quick, reliable and fully-automated recovery of data from corrupted MS Excel documents.
- Publisher: Repair Kit, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 5th, 2015

QlikView is a platform that allows you to consolidate relevant data from multiple sources. Main features: - Market-proven, leading BI platform. - Supports the rapid creation of guided analytics applications. - User-driven exploration and analysis. - Provides more thorough comprehension and informed decision making.
- Publisher: QlikTech International AB
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2016