Design spark single sided board in Title/Summary

PCB Wizard 3
It provides a comprehensive range of tools covering all the traditional steps in PCB production, including schematic drawing, schematic capture, component placement, automatic routing, Bill of Materials reporting and file generation for manufacturing. In addition, PCB Wizard offers a wealth of clever new features that do away with the steep learning curve normally associated with PCB packages.
- Publisher: New Wave Concepts Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 27th, 2017

Bright Spark
Bright Spark is a fun circuit simulation package for exploring the world of electronics. Combining on-screen animation with realistic simulation, Bright Spark aids understanding by bringing circuits to life. It assumes no prior knowledge and comes with built-in courseware to help you learn the key principles behind electronics.
- Publisher: New Wave Concepts Limited
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 24th, 2010

Spark Modulator
Spark is a realtime modulator software for Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM), DRM+ and other radio standards. The software supports all code rates, bandwidths and robustness modes (A, B, C, D, E) published in the DRM standard as well as all mapping schemes, such as Standard Mapping (4, 16 and 64 QAM), Symmetrical Hierarcical Mapping and Mixed Hierarchical Mapping.
- Publisher: Michael Feilen
- Home page:
Design spark single sided board in Description

OBD II logger
OBD-II is the protocol used by all cars built after 1996. If you want your PC or laptop to read some of the data from the "Computer" in your car then you need some kind of OBD to RS-232 interface. There are many OBD-II interfaces out there, but most of them are very expensive. You can make your own interface if you know a bit about electronics and know how to make your own PCB boards.
- Publisher: OBD-II
- Last updated: April 19th, 2008

Genie Medical
Intuitive and easy to use – in a format that feels familiar to anyone who has used Oticon's Genie software - Genie Medical helps the audiologist to fit patients with confidence. To optimize the fitting outcome and workflow for different user groups, Genie Medical offers dedicated fitting modes and rationales for: -Conductive / mixed hearing losses -Single-sided deafness -Soft band
- Publisher: Oticon Medical AB
- Last updated: February 29th, 2012

Kesway CabiDesigner
With CabiDesigner, you can design your cabinet in a 3D view. You can see the final design result as you are working. You can design your own taste of cabinet furniture such as wardrobe, kitchen unit (base unit, wall unit, middle unit, and tall unit), bookcase, and store unit.
- Publisher: Kesway Workroom
- Last updated: February 8th, 2009

IDpack Lite
IDpack Element is a basic ID card software program for smaller and non-profit organizations. This Photo ID Software comes with an essential design and print toolbox for users wishing to import data from Microsoft Access, with few security requirements and have need of only single-sided ID cards or badges.
- Publisher: InnoTechnix inc.
- Last updated: September 30th, 2011

DRPU Wedding Cards Designer Software
This easy-to-use program helps you create wedding cards to send them by post or e-mail. It has a wizard that will guide you throughout the entire process. It also has different templates you can use. You can edit and add, delete or change elements. Also, you can print the card or send it through e-mail.
- Publisher: DRPU Softwares Pvt. Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 10th, 2013
Additional Design spark single sided board selection

DesignSpark PCB
DesignSpark PCB can be used to capture schematics and design PCB boards and layouts. It comes with an extensive library of electronics components that you can easily add to your projects. You can also create your own part models in the library editor.
- Publisher: Design Spark
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

SmartsysSoft Business Card Maker
SmartsysSoft Business Card Maker works like a great graphics editor. With which, you can create professional-looking business cards easily and quickly and then print on your own printer or bring to a professional printshop for printing.
- Publisher: SmartsysSoft
- Last updated: October 13th, 2015

DesignSpark Mechanical
DesignSpark Mechanical is a powerful 3D design program that allows you to produce highly detailed dimensioned worksheets. You can combine your creation with off-the-shelf components from RS Components and the Allied Electronics 3D library, create geometry easily with powerful and intuitive gesture-based modeling.
- Publisher: RS Components Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 3rd, 2013

Evolis Pebble4
Pebble 4 card printer is the ideal solution to print your badges on demand or in volume. Pebble 4 is suitable for any type of application that requires single-sided printing of plastic cards. Pebble offers a high quality finish, as shown by the well-cut and robust injected plastic body and the quality-driven assembly of the different printer modules.
- Publisher: Evolis Card Printer
- Last updated: December 13th, 2010

3D Reversi Deluxe
The playing pieces in Reversi have two sides - Black and White. One player plays as Black and the other as White. When it is your turn to play, you have to place a piece on the board with your colour facing up. This played piece must cause at least one your opponents colours to flip over to your colour to be a valid move.
- Publisher: Grass Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 10th, 2008

Image Cut
Do accurate HTML template,site make-up and split image in the fastest possible way; protect valuable pictures from grabbing, forcing restless users return to original site over and over again; split & optimize web content for flash loads; perform SEO.
- Publisher: XVEL Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Drawpile is a Free/Libre networked drawing program that allows multiple people to sketch on the same image simultaneously. It works with applications such as MyPaint, Krita, and GIMP. You can paint with a pixel pen, a soft brush or a watercolor brush. Brushes can be organized into presets and quick access tabs. Use a dedicated eraser tool or turn any brush into an ad hoc eraser.
- Publisher: Calle Laakkonen
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

IDpack Element is a basic ID card software program for smaller and non-profit organizations that need single-sided ID cards and fewer security options. It provides a comprehensive and flexible solution for ID card and ID badge production on the market.
- Publisher: InnoTechnix inc.
- Last updated: July 24th, 2018

McCAD PCB-ST is an integrated PCB layout design environment for the board designer who does serious layout work and requires the availability of powerful design and edit tools at his fingertips. McCAD PCB-ST is net list driven and supports full forward and backward annotation of all net and component attributes passed to and from our McCAD Schematics
- Publisher: VAMP, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 28th, 2012

Graitec - Advance Steel 2011
Advance Steel accelerates the design phase (single or multi-user mode) by offering an extensive library of smart objects, automatic joints and specific tools for creating standard structures, stairs, railing and miscellaneous steelwork. Advance Steel automatically generates all workshop and general arrangement drawings.
- Publisher: Graitec
- Last updated: January 28th, 2011