Desktop sales manager in Title/Summary

Desktop Sales Office
Desktop Sales Officefor is an application for sales professionals and sales teams. It can track, manage, and master every deal and your entire sales pipeline: revenue, dates, status, probability, journals and more. The deals are linked to contacts, related deals, documents, appointments, tasks, and web pages.
- Publisher: Software On Sailboats
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

Lokad Desktop Sales Forecasting
Integrate sales forecasting reports in your commerce/accounting application. Smart inventory management is a cornerstone of profitability. Get daily / weekly / monthly forecasts for each product of your catalog. Cut and paste to MS Excel.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2020

Sales Manager Pro
Sales Manager Pro is ideally suited for large volume sellers who routinely creates hundreds or thousands of listings. As an easy-to-use, spreadsheet-like application, any seller can use it to create listings offline. Sales Manager Pro has the capacity to launch thousands of listings at once. Even ten thousand listings or more in a single batch are possible.
- Publisher: Vendio
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Desktop sales manager in Description

Ace Contact Manager
ACE Contact Manager CRM Scheduler - 7.1.74 helps scheduling events and tasks for customer and to PLAN the Opportunity, manage documents for each contacts, manage expenses for each contacts and manage Links between contacts, innovate your business
- Publisher: SSGINDIA US Inc
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Universal Client Sales Manager Pro
Universal Client Sales Manager Pro is a program that enables you to set up clients, contacts and sales leads, generate estimates, sale orders, invoices and statements. The program also allows you to record payments, returns and credits, track accounts receivables.
- Publisher: Golden Tier Management Software
- Last updated: April 21st, 2014

Wallpaper Cycler
Wallpaper Cycler allows you to easily manage all your wallpapers and create custom desktop layouts that can include calendars, quotes, web cam images and more.
- Publisher: NuonSoft
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Vista/XP Virtual Desktops
Vista/XP Virtual Desktops is a Desktop Windows Manager for Windows XP or Vista. Using this program, you will have in your desktop thumbnail API's can be used to access thumbnails of open windows. With Vista/XP Virtual Desktops you can have as many desktops as you want and can seamlessly switch between them.
- Publisher: Z-Systems
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 13th, 2008

With money matter ruling the roost in today’s world, a desktop financial manager has become the need of the hour. 7FM – Your very own Desktop Financial Manager that provides for the very need mentioned above. Now get spending insights and monitor activity on all your accounts at a single place through 7FM’s clutter free dashboard and easily maneuverable menu bar.
- Publisher: Xangars Solutions
- Last updated: March 18th, 2010
Additional Desktop sales manager selection

Remote Desktop Connection Manager
RDCMan manages multiple remote desktop connections. It is useful for managing server labs where you need regular access to each machine such as automated checkin systems and data centers. Servers are organized into named groups. You can connect or disconnect to all servers in a group with a single command.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 19th, 2014

GrFinger Desktop Login Manager
To set it up, you need to register your fingerprints with Desktop Login and linking them to your user account. Then, when you touch the fingerprint reader, Desktop Login compares the scanned fingerprint with the ones stored in its database to verify your identity. If there is a match, it submits your account information to Windows.
- Publisher: Griaule Biometrics
- Last updated: February 3rd, 2012

Desktop Content Manager
Desktop Content Manager for Joomla is a program that enables you to edit Joomla and K2 content directly from your desktop. You can create, edit or trash your articles and change options like publishing up-and-down times, language, ordering, access level.
- Publisher: DCM Works
- Last updated: April 15th, 2014
- Publisher: Sensitech
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 4th, 2017

Cash Organizer Desktop
Cash Organizer is a program for managing your personal finances. It features the ability to control the balances of bank accounts and credit card limits, receive timely notification of upcoming payments, etc. Using Inesoft Cash Organizer cloud service, you get access to your data from any location.
- Publisher: Inesoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 10th, 2016

Unlike other operating systems that allow you to organize your work over various desktops, Windows provides just one workspace. However, VirtuaWin lets you use up to 20 virtual desktops. Although using VirtuaWin adds extra complications, its benefits in terms of productivity and organization surpass its disadvantages.
- Publisher: VirtuaWin
- Last updated: October 16th, 2012

Iconoid is a handy application that allows you to manage and arrange your icons in a simple and fun way. This easy to use program enables you to hide and show desktop icons dynamically, change text colors, remove the text backgrounds, save and restore icon positions, and quickly hide windows.
- Publisher: SillySot Software
- Last updated: August 23rd, 2010

xplorer² professional
xplorer² is a desktop file manager combining the efficiency of the legendary norton commander and the ease of use of windows file explorer. It is tough as boots, rock solid stable, industrial strength for large-scale file management, lightweight in size and system resource use, and fast.
- Publisher: Zabkat
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Desktop Password Reset
The product gives users ability to manage local computer passwords and unlock accounts without gaining privileged access to computers. The product is not shareware, please visit to obtain quote.
- Publisher: NetWrix Corporation

NuonSoft Wallpaper Cycler Lite
Wallpaper Cycler is an easy to use, yet powerful desktop wallpaper manager and changer to get rid of that boring static wallpaper on your desktop. You can change the wallpaper with a specific delay or at specific times. Wallpapers are easily managed in multi-level categories which can have time constraints to give your desktop a time or season dependent look.
- Publisher: NuonSoft
- Last updated: July 4th, 2009