Sales manager force automation in Title/Summary

Sales Manager Pro
Sales Manager Pro is ideally suited for large volume sellers who routinely creates hundreds or thousands of listings. As an easy-to-use, spreadsheet-like application, any seller can use it to create listings offline. Sales Manager Pro has the capacity to launch thousands of listings at once. Even ten thousand listings or more in a single batch are possible.
- Publisher: Vendio
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009

Universal Client Sales Manager Pro
Universal Client Sales Manager Pro is a program that enables you to set up clients, contacts and sales leads, generate estimates, sale orders, invoices and statements. The program also allows you to record payments, returns and credits, track accounts receivables.
- Publisher: Golden Tier Management Software
- Last updated: April 21st, 2014

Parker Automation Manager
Parker Automation Manager (PAM) is the integrated development environment tool that assists the user of PAC, Xpress, and PSD drives family of products in programming, debugging and commissioning their application. Several features are incorporated to assist both the novice and expert users in developing code.
- Publisher: Parker Hannifin
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 27th, 2017
Sales manager force automation in Description

Introduction to GoldMine Premium Edition
GoldMine delivers its most powerful and robust version ever, to give you real ROI in real time. Retain your existing customers, and boost up your sales funnel to achieve a better position than your competition. Instantly access your centralized customer and contact information, including complete histories.
- Publisher: The Last Word
- Last updated: June 14th, 2012

EIS, BSC in both internet and client-server environment. obzen eCube Studio contains various software components of high quality and performance - OLAP, chart, report, workflow, GUI, etc… with which users can easily build their own BI/OLAP applications by recombining these software component blocks without programming effort.
- Publisher: OBZEN
- Last updated: October 19th, 2010

MX Contact is a fully comprehensive CRM, Contact Management and Sales Force Automation package. MX-Contact leverages your investment in existing Microsoft technology by avoiding expenditure on additional infrastructure and costly training programs. MX-Contact comprises a Base System, with optional Sales, Marketing and Support Modules that can be added at any time
- Publisher: ExchangeWise (Pty) Ltd
- Last updated: November 28th, 2012

ScanLite is a palm barcode software and portable PDA barcode solution. One Touch Play for your data tracking, data collection and inventory count. It is widely used in various industries over fifty countries in the world for inventory tracking, merchandising, sales force automation, medical tracking, maintenance tracking, inventory control, stocktaking, asset tracking or just home inventory.
- Publisher: Scansecretary
- Last updated: December 30th, 2009

Ace Contact Manager
ACE Contact Manager CRM Scheduler - 7.1.74 helps scheduling events and tasks for customer and to PLAN the Opportunity, manage documents for each contacts, manage expenses for each contacts and manage Links between contacts, innovate your business
- Publisher: SSGINDIA US Inc
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Additional Sales manager force automation selection

FactoryTalk Activation Manager
FactoryTalk Activation Manager is an application available for customers to acquire and manage Rockwell Automation Software Activations. It has embedded system handling reducing manual user intervention and a method for borrowing activations. The program is designed to help licensing novices easily manage activations.
- Publisher: Rockwell Automation, Inc.
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 11th, 2017

Automation Anywhere Small Business
Automation Anywhere Small Business is a professional business manager tool. Record and edit tasks and processes easily with automation technology that automatically adjusts to different environments, and flawlessly plays tasks from anywhere. Pull tasks from a centralized repository, reducing set-up time and replication efforts.
- Publisher: Automation Anywhere
- Last updated: January 28th, 2016

L-force Package Manager
The L-force Loader provides a software for transferring PLC programs, parameter sets and application data from your PC to Lenze target systems. The application runs on all major windows platform and it's available free of charge for a full job completion.
- Publisher: Lenze Automation GmbH
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2012

VMware PowerCLI
VMware PowerCLI contains modules of cmdlets based on Microsoft PowerShell for automating vSphere, VMware Site Recovery Manager, vSphere Automation SDK, vCloud Director, vCloud Air, vSphere Update Manager, vRealize Operations Manager, and VMware Horizon administration.
- Publisher: VMware, Inc.
- Last updated: March 31st, 2017

Sales Orders Organizer Pro
Sales Orders Organizer Pro is a simple sales orders processing system for small businesses. You can create open sale order and add products during the ordering period, add quickly ordered products from the database, create unique billing items specific for the customer, analyze ordered products by name, category, client, time period.
- Publisher: PrimaSoft PC
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 2nd, 2018

WinTransRC helps you to manage multilingual resource files (*.rc). WinTransRC offers to you a higher level of conviviality and increased performances in the edition of your resource files to create localized programs.
- Publisher: WinTransRC
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 19th, 2012

T-Plan Professional
The T-Plan Professional product is modular in design, clearly differentiating between the Analysis, Design, and Execution of the Test Assets.Errors or queries can also be logged and tracked throughout the Testing Lifecycle in the T-Plan Incident Manager.Test Automation using T-Plan Robot is also integrated into the test suite package, therefore creating a full testing solution.
- Publisher: T-Plan Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 25th, 2010

CRMatrix Lite
CRMatrix is a modular Customer Relation Management (CRM) system contains customer profile database, process management and smart messaging capabilities in one zone [sector]. CRMatrix-lite CRM for small business home office Contact management client history remainders meetings tasks report email , SMS
- Publisher: CRMatrix Ltd.
- Last updated: February 7th, 2010

Avidian Prophet OnDemand
The OnDemand Premium Edition is company big enchilada and comes with all of the features of the OnPremise Premium Edition (full contact management, sales opportunity management, sales automation, workflow automation) plus the added benefit that your sales information will be hosted and backup in our world class data center.
- Publisher: Avidian Technologies
- Last updated: January 2nd, 2012

Dealer Software
Dealer Software features: - Window Sticker: Create customize and print full color window stickers - Contact Manager to completely track all clients that walk in your door. What they wanted, when they wanted to buy, photos of there trades and more. - Automation of your online presence.
- Publisher: Car Dealer Software
- Last updated: October 27th, 2011