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Draft survey calculation xls format in Title/Summary

DraftSurvey Lt

DraftSurvey Lt

DraftSurvey Lt is a user-friendly Draft Survey calculation program for Merchant Navy Officers and Marine Surveyors. DraftSurvey Lt complies with the latest UN ECE standards for Draught Surveying.

  • Publisher: Crystal Software Solutions
  • Last updated: January 17th, 2010


DBF to XLS (Excel) Converter allows you to convert your dbf files to XLS (Microsoft Excel) format. MS Excel up until 2007 version used a proprietary binary file format called Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF) as its primary format. Excel 2007 uses Office Open XML as its primary file format. XLS is a wide-used format, many programs allow saving information in XLS format.

  • Publisher: WhiteTown Software
  • Home page: www.whitetown.com
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2012
Free PDF to Excel XLS

Free PDF to Excel XLS

When you have tables in a PDF document and you want to transfer them to Excel worksheet to calculate and analyze the data, Free PDF to Excel XLS provides the solution. It can convert PDF to Excel and recreate the forms to make it editable. The app allows you to adjust alignment or combine all tables in different PDF pages into one worksheet.

  • Publisher: PDFtoX Co.,Ltd.
  • Home page: www.pdftox.com
  • Last updated: October 27th, 2016

Draft survey calculation xls format in Description

DBF to XLS Converter

DBF to XLS Converter

But MS Excel does not understand some types of dbf files, it does not understand memo fields, it does not understand long character fields. DBF to XLS (Excel) decides these problems. It allows you to transfer your dbf files to XLS or XLSX (Excel 2007) formats quickly and easily.

  • Publisher: WhiteTown Software
  • Home page: www.whitetown.com
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2018
Birdie XLSX to XLS Converter

Birdie XLSX to XLS Converter

Convert XLSX to XLS tool easily converts .XLSX file to XLS file without loss of any data in other words this software successfully converts the .XLSX file with all details - contents, data, tables, rows, etc to .XLS file accurately & correctly that gives the benefit to the users to manage the data easily.

Excel XLSX To XLS Converter Software

Excel XLSX To XLS Converter Software

As its name clearly says, this tool was created with the sole and plain purpose of helping you convert the newer default format of Excel files, XLSX, to the one that was supported by the older versions, up until Excel 2007, the XLS format. At this moment you cannot load and use XLSX files using the older versions of Excel, but you can use this tool and convert them to the compatible XLS format.

Convert Excel To XML

Convert Excel To XML

Convert Excel to XML offers to convert Excel datasheets to XLS format. Several reasons would justify this conversion. First, XLS can be used on any platform. Second, it is fully compatible with many applications. Third, it is so portable that can be used on large networks using different platforms. Finally, as it is an independent format, it assures exchangeability without data loss.

  • Publisher: Excel-Tool
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2012
Xls to Image Converter 3000

Xls to Image Converter 3000

Xls to Image Converter 3000 is a flexible and easy Excel XLS to image file converter. You can batch convert your XLS format files to different types of images like JPG, JPEG, PNG, TIF, RLE, GIF, TGA, WMF, EMF, BMP, etc., with ease. The output image quality is high and preserves the original text, tables, image, layout of your Excel document.

  • Publisher: Head Document Tool Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 19th, 2011

Additional Draft survey calculation xls format selection

Convert XLS

Convert XLS

Convert XLS can perform file conversion of MS Excel, TXT, HTML, XML, and CSV file formats. It features an intuitive interface where you can specify the list of source files, sheets to convert, range to convert, etc. This program can also merge data from multiple sheets/workbooks during conversion.



PDFTOEXCEL is an excellent tool to convert any PDF (Portable Document Format) to Excel (.xls) format (spreadsheet). This program runs individually, its configuration is easy and fast. The Main Menu has all the elements to transfer your PDF Format into Excel format.

XLS to Image Converter

XLS to Image Converter

Excel to Image(JPEG/JPG/TIFF/BMP/EPS/PS/PNG/PCX) Converter V4.0 is the fast, easiest way to convert Excel XLS document to professional-quality JPEG/JPG/TIFF/BMP/EPS/PS/PNG/PCX file formats. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create JPEG/JPG/TIFF/BMP/EPS/PS/PNG/PCX files by simply click the "Save as Image" button from MS Excel.

Convert Multiple OpenOffice ODS Files To XLS Files Software

Convert Multiple OpenOffice ODS Files To XLS Files Software

Create multiple XLS files from multiple ODS files.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Last updated: October 29th, 2009
A-PDF Data Extractor

A-PDF Data Extractor

A-PDF Data Extractor is a simple utility program that lets you batch extract certain text information within the PDF to XLS, CSV or XML file format. It provides a visual PDF data extraction rule editor to verify and define what data fields to be gathered conveniently and automatically.

  • Publisher: A-PDF Solution
  • Last updated: May 27th, 2020
Pdf to Xls Converter 3000

Pdf to Xls Converter 3000

Pdf to Xls Converter 3000 is a powerful application that can help you batch convert your PDF files to XLS format files with ease. It can preserve original layout, text, images, and vector drawings of your PDF file. You can also edit and reuse your PDF content in Excel.

  • Publisher: Head Document Tool Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 10th, 2012
Ailt XLSX XLSM to XLS Converter

Ailt XLSX XLSM to XLS Converter

This program lets you batch convert Excel 2007-2010 format files to Excel 97-2003 format file, while preserving the original layout, text, and images of your files. It has the ability to combine the contents of each sheet of Excel XLSX/XLSM to single XLS format file.

  • Publisher: Ailtware,Inc.
  • Home page: www.ailtware.com
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2015


PDF2EXCEL is a converter program that will help you to convert PDF (Portable Document Format) to Excel (xls) format. There are plenty of these converters programs, choose the program that helps you more, let me share some information about this one. It runs individually, you can convert any PDF format file to Excel format.

Quick Recovery for Microsoft Excel

Quick Recovery for Microsoft Excel

Quick Recovery for MS Excel is able to fix corrupt Excel files. The software has the tools needed to complete all file repair tasks. The program will automatically analyze the Excel files with .xls format and quickly identify the problems. The software is effective in recovering and repairing Excel files because it was developed by experts that know and understand what they are doing.

  • Publisher: Unistal Systems Pvt. Ltd
  • Last updated: August 19th, 2022
Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway

Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway

The Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway is a type 2 JDBC driver for MDB format Microsoft Access databases. The Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway provides JDBC access from Java applications, application servers and servlets to MDB files. If you configure your Java security policy to allow the Easysoft JDBC-Access Gateway to load its native component, the driver can also be used with Java applets.

  • Publisher: Easysoft Limited
  • Home page: www.easysoft.com
  • Last updated: March 16th, 2016