Dynamsoft sourceanywhere git in Title/Summary

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted
Dynamsoft’s SourceAnywhere Hosted is a SQL server-based hosted/online source control service. It provides optional build automation integration. As a hosted solution fully managed by Dynamsoft, you can focus on source control for your code in just minutes.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: October 12th, 2015

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone
SourceAnywhere Standalone is SQL Server based version control software designed for both local and distributed teams. It comes with fast speed, enhanced security, cross-platform support, build automation integration support and robust scalability & reliability.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: January 16th, 2012

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone Server
SourceAnywhere Standalone is SQL server-based version control software with seamless integration with Visual Studio, Eclipse, and other IDEs, cross-platform support, and unique caching mechanism for remote performance. Being powerful source code control software designed to replace VSS, SourceAnywhere Standalone offers special optimizations for VSS users.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
Dynamsoft sourceanywhere git in Description

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone Server
SourceAnywhere Standalone is SQL Server based version control software designed for both local and distributed teams. It comes with fast speed, enhanced security, cross-platform support, build automation integration support and robust scalability & reliability.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.Dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: October 26th, 2011

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS is the fastest Internet and cross-platform Visual SourceSafe (VSS) solution. Using a client/server architecture with caching, SourceAnywhere for VSS solves VSS main concerns: slow performance over the Internet, unreliable security in a web environment, and occasional database corruptions.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: October 1st, 2015

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server
Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server is an SQL server-based hosted/online source control service. It remotely manages the users, groups, access rights, and other configurations of the hosted database. Data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database, and it provides a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: March 14th, 2016

SourceAnyWhere for VSS is a fast internet and cross-platform VSS solution. It is recommended to VSS 6.0 and 2005 users for fast, reliable and secure access to SourceSafe over TCP/IP. Utilizing a client/server architecture with caching, SourceAnywhere for VSS solves VSS's main issues: slow performance over Internet, unreliable security in a web environment and occasional database corruption.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Git Extensions
Git Extensions is a toolkit aimed at making working with Git under Windows more intuitive. The shell extension integrates into Windows Explorer and presents a context menu on files and directories. The program offers the necessary tools to work with Git, but it's intended for experienced users.
- Publisher: Henk Westhuis
- Home page: gitextensions.github.io
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023
Additional Dynamsoft sourceanywhere git selection

GIT by github
Git is a fast, scalable, distributed revision control system. Git allows and encourages you to have multiple local branches that can be entirely independent of each other. The creation, merging, and deletion of those lines of development takes seconds.
- Publisher: github
- Home page: git-scm.com
- Last updated: July 24th, 2024

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone
Need an integrated source control & bug tracking solution to manage your whole software development life cycle? SCM Anywhere Standalone is right for you.Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone is the SQL-based software configuration management (SCM) solution with fully integrated version control, issue tracking and build automation.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Last updated: April 11th, 2012

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Hosted
SourceAnywhere Hosted is SQL server-based hosting/online source control service. The server is hosted in a world class data center to ensure the most reliable access to mission-critical data and uncompromised security. Building the version control software from scratch, we understand and control every detail of the service.
- Publisher: Dynamsoft
- Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
- Last updated: November 9th, 2010

Microsoft Visual Studio Tools for Git
Microsoft Visual Studio Tools is a free extension for Team Explorer to provide source control integration for Git. This neat and handy extension also enables integration with local Git repositories and provides tools to work with remote repositories.
- Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
- Last updated: May 17th, 2013

Git Large File Storage (LFS) is an open source Git extension for versioning large files. It replaces large files such as audio samples, videos, datasets, and graphics with text pointers inside Git, while storing the file contents on a remote server like GitHub.com or GitHub Enterprise.
- Publisher: GitHub, Inc
- Home page: git-lfs.github.com
- Last updated: September 30th, 2016

Git Source Control Provider
Visual Studio users are used to see files' source control status right inside the solution explorer, whether it is SourceSafe, Team Foundation Server, Subversion or even Mercurial. This plug-in integrates Git with Visual Studio. VS 2010 users, it is recommanded to install Git Source Control Provider within Visual Studio by selecting Tools | Extension Manager.
- Publisher: Yiyi Sun
- Last updated: June 22nd, 2011

NetBeans IDE
Apache NetBeans IDE lets you create applications in Java, PHP and many other languages. Its editor interface provides various tools to simplify coding; it highlights source code syntactically and semantically, and lets you easily refactor code. Programs created in NetBeans can be run on all operating systems that support Java, such as Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and BSD.
- Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
- Home page: www.netbeans.org
- Last updated: February 29th, 2024

psqlODBC is the official PostgreSQL ODBC Driver. After installing this, you can create and access databases through custom applications. Visual Basic, VBA, C#, C/C++, and other programming languages can be used with PostgreSQL ODBC. Being open-source, you can also access the source code at psqlODBC git repository.
- Publisher: PostgreSQL Global Development Group
- Home page: odbc.postgresql.org
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Ubuntu on Windows allows one to use Ubuntu Terminal and run Ubuntu command line utilities including bash, ssh, git, apt and many more. To launch, use "ubuntu" on the command-line prompt (cmd.exe), or click on the Ubuntu tile in the Start Menu. To use this feature, one first needs to use "Turn Windows features on or off" and select "Windows Subsystem for Linux".
- Publisher: Canonical Group Limited
- Home page: www.ubuntu.com
- Last updated: December 11th, 2017

Brackets is an open source text and code editor for designing web applications. With real-time connection to your browser, you can edit HTML and CSS code and instantly see those changes on your screen. With Brackets you can use Quick Edit and Live Highlight with your LESS and SCSS files which makes working with them easier.
- Publisher: Brackets team
- Home page: brackets.io
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023