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Dynamsoft sourceanywhere for svn in Title/Summary

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Hosted

Dynamsoft’s SourceAnywhere Hosted is a SQL server-based hosted/online source control service. It provides optional build automation integration. As a hosted solution fully managed by Dynamsoft, you can focus on source control for your code in just minutes.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone

SourceAnywhere Standalone is SQL Server based version control software designed for both local and distributed teams. It comes with fast speed, enhanced security, cross-platform support, build automation integration support and robust scalability & reliability.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone Server

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Standalone Server

SourceAnywhere Standalone is SQL server-based version control software with seamless integration with Visual Studio, Eclipse, and other IDEs, cross-platform support, and unique caching mechanism for remote performance. Being powerful source code control software designed to replace VSS, SourceAnywhere Standalone offers special optimizations for VSS users.

  • Publisher: Dynamsoft
  • Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

Dynamsoft sourceanywhere for svn in Description

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone Server

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone Server

SourceAnywhere Standalone is SQL Server based version control software designed for both local and distributed teams. It comes with fast speed, enhanced security, cross-platform support, build automation integration support and robust scalability & reliability.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere for VSS is the fastest Internet and cross-platform Visual SourceSafe (VSS) solution. Using a client/server architecture with caching, SourceAnywhere for VSS solves VSS main concerns: slow performance over the Internet, unreliable security in a web environment, and occasional database corruptions.

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server

Dynamsoft SourceAnywhere Server is an SQL server-based hosted/online source control service. It remotely manages the users, groups, access rights, and other configurations of the hosted database. Data is stored in a Microsoft SQL Server database, and it provides a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connection.



SourceAnyWhere for VSS is a fast internet and cross-platform VSS solution. It is recommended to VSS 6.0 and 2005 users for fast, reliable and secure access to SourceSafe over TCP/IP. Utilizing a client/server architecture with caching, SourceAnywhere for VSS solves VSS's main issues: slow performance over Internet, unreliable security in a web environment and occasional database corruption.

  • Publisher: Dynamsoft
  • Home page: www.dynamsoft.com
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2020
SVN Cleaner

SVN Cleaner

SVN Cleaner description This tool adds three options to the Windows Explorer Context Menu: Remove All .svn Remove All But Root .svn Remove Local Repo Files This simple program removes recursively all .svn directories. In order to run remove-svn requires python.

  • Publisher: Infinite Designs
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2009

Additional Dynamsoft sourceanywhere for svn selection

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone

Need an integrated source control & bug tracking solution to manage your whole software development life cycle? SCM Anywhere Standalone is right for you.Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Standalone is the SQL-based software configuration management (SCM) solution with fully integrated version control, issue tracking and build automation.

  • Publisher: Dynamsoft
  • Last updated: April 11th, 2012
Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Hosted

Dynamsoft SCM Anywhere Hosted

SourceAnywhere Hosted is SQL server-based hosting/online source control service. The server is hosted in a world class data center to ensure the most reliable access to mission-critical data and uncompromised security. Building the version control software from scratch, we understand and control every detail of the service.

Syncro SVN Client

Syncro SVN Client

Syncro SVN Client has been designed to offer powerful actions while keeping the interface as clean and simple as possible. The program allows you to manage and browse SVN repositories. Whether you are new to version control or you are a power user, Syncro SVN Client will give you the best tools to get up and running in no time.

SVN Notifier

SVN Notifier

SVN Notifier is a simple and useful tool to monitor your Subversion project repository for changes. SVN Notifier notifies you about recent commits and helps you keep your local copy up to date. You can review all the changes and update your local copy right from the application.

  • Publisher: CollabNet.
  • Last updated: September 26th, 2012


PushOk SVN SCC is a free SCC API plug-in for any Microsoft SCC enabled IDE (MSVC 5.0-7.0, Borland C++ builder, Delphi). The plug-in includes all necessary tools for visual merging and visual browsing. You will be able to perform usual operations such as: checking, checkout, undo checkout and compare version.

  • Publisher: Pushok Software
  • Home page: www.pushok.com
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2013
Agent SVN

Agent SVN

Agent SVN is an implementation of the MS-SCCI for the Subversion version control. The plug-in allows Subversion to seamlessly integrate with the SSMS, PowerBuilder, Visual Studio, Visual C++ development environments or any other MSSCCI compliant IDE.

  • Publisher: Xidicone P/L
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2025


Many software developers like to have version control functionality integrated within their IDE.When it comes to Subversion support for the PL/SQL Developer IDE, the only option until now apparently is to integrate Subversion through Microsoft's outmoded SCC-API using the PL/SQL Developer Version Control Plugin in combination with an SVN SCC Proxy.

  • Publisher: SOPTIM AG
  • Last updated: January 9th, 2009
Axosoft Rocket SVN

Axosoft Rocket SVN

With quick setup and intuitive management RocketSVN Server (an implementation of Subversion 1.6) allows users to create, manage, and use any number of subversion repositories, right from the start. Once you create your subversion repositories they can be accessed anonymously or require authorization. Choose from two authorization flavors: via user or via group.

  • Publisher: Axosoft, LLC
  • Home page: www.axosoft.com
  • Last updated: March 3rd, 2011


TortoiseSVN is an easy-to-use SCM / source control software for Microsoft Windows and possibly the best standalone Apache™ Subversion® client there is. It is implemented as a Windows shell extension, which makes it integrate seamlessly into the Windows explorer. Since it's not an integration for a specific IDE you can use it with whatever development tools you like.

  • Publisher: The TortoiseSVN team
  • Home page: tortoisesvn.net
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025


TamTam SVN SCC is a Microsoft Source Code Control (MSSCCI) compliant implementation that seamlessly integrates the Subversion (SVN) client with products like Microsoft Visual Studio / Visual Studio.NET, MatLab, FoxPro, 3D Studio Max and other MSSCCI compliant applications.