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Eclipse count characters in Title/Summary

Count Characters Per Line Software

Count Characters Per Line Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to count characters for every line inside of a text file. Simply load one or multiple files into the list and click 'Start' to get the total number of characters for each line.

AKS Word Count

AKS Word Count

AKS Word Count, count words, characters and paragraphs in PDF, Word, Excel, HTML, Open Office, PowerPoint and RTF. The upper panel of this program consists of such buttons as “calculate word count”, “add files”, “add directories”, “remove files” and “copy info to clipboard”. In AKS Word Count it is possible to ignore certain words or figures of which can also be useful feature.

  • Publisher: AKS-Labs
  • Home page: www.aks-labs.com
  • Last updated: September 29th, 2010
Character Count Tool

Character Count Tool

Character Count Tool is fast and reliable tool adept at counting Words, Character, Lines and Pages in Word, Excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher, Text, HTML files. The software is ideal for transcription and translation industry.

Eclipse count characters in Description



TexTally is an application developed by NCH Software for the typists who need to count characters, words or lines from a specific document. Thus, you can calculate all of the afore mentioned from Microsoft Word documents, PDF files, emails or other formats which support text selection.

  • Publisher: NCH Software
  • Home page: www.nch.com.au
  • Last updated: January 25th, 2012
Manipulate Text In Many Ways Software

Manipulate Text In Many Ways Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to manipulate text using several options.



GRKda Keyword Density Analyzer will allow you to closely determine which keyword density mix is currently scoring well on any given search engine enabling you to design web pages to fit the formula a search engine is currently looking for almost regardless of what changes the search engines may make.

  • Publisher: GRSoftware
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2009


TALBreakout! software is a powerful serial diagnostics tool to allow the user to easily debug 2-way serial communications.Turn any PC or Laptop with two serial ports into a serial breakout box (serial line analyzer).Snoop in on data that is sent or received through an RS232 serial cable between any two devices or computers.

  • Publisher: TAL Technologies, Inc.
  • Last updated: November 1st, 2009
Word & Character Count Tool

Word & Character Count Tool

A word counter & character counter tool provides an extensive report about word count & character count statistics for a given text.

  • Publisher: Word Count Tools
  • Last updated: April 1st, 2015

Additional Eclipse count characters selection

Rapid PDF Count

Rapid PDF Count

Rapid PDF Count will show you how many pages are in many PDF's and generate reports for you with a few mouse clicks.



Excel Word Count is an useful addon for Excel to Count Words in Excel Workbook. You can count words in ActiveSheet, ActiveWorkbook & Selected cells. This version is very easy to use and user friendly. It is fast & reliable so you'll be able to save your precious time & money.

PDF Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software

PDF Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software

This software offers a solution to users who want to obtain word frequency counts in PDFs.

Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool

Word Count Tool is a a program that helps the user in counting words, characters, lines and pages in multiple files at one go. It can count words, lines and pages in Word excel, PowerPoint, PDF, Publisher files with ease. The program allows the user to carry out Character and word count, Line count and Page count.

Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X

Plagiarism Checker X scans the similarity within your content for free. Whether you are a student, a teacher, a blogger, or a website owner; Plagiarism Checker X can help you deal with all content similarity concerns.



EOSInfo is the successor to the 40DShutterCount utility. It is called EOSInfo since it provides more information about the camera that might be handy, including firmware version, date/time, and owner/artist/copyright strings and works on a wider variety of cameras than just the 40D*.

  • Publisher: astrojargon.net
  • Last updated: July 26th, 2022
MS PowerPoint Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software

MS PowerPoint Word Count & Frequency Statistics Software

Find word and character count as well as frequency of each word in one MS PowerPoint file. This analysis will produce a list ordered from most to least used words. Save results as text files. PowerPoint 2000 or higher required.

  • Publisher: Sobolsoft
  • Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2009
Twilight Eclipse Screensaver

Twilight Eclipse Screensaver

Twilight Eclipse Screensaver is a screensaver which includes five different images related to the Twilight saga Eclipse movie. The screensaver includes five images of the three main characters with the name of the movie and the release date. The images are shown with a different transition effect, which unfortunately, you cannot customize.

  • Publisher: Box2k.com
  • Last updated: June 28th, 2010
Word Count Manager

Word Count Manager

Transcription and translation industries can easily count words, characters, lines and pages with this professional word count software. It can be used in various file formats and is extremely accurate, fast and reliable. It is extremely time saving.

Line Count Manager

Line Count Manager

Several transcription and translation industries use professional line count software for counting lines, words, characters and pages in different file formats. It has emerged as one of the fastest and reliable . It is cost effective and time saving.