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Electric drop calculator jar in Title/Summary

Voltage Drop Calculator

Voltage Drop Calculator

This application could also be called "Feeder Sizer" as it provides all information required to size feeders. Colour coding of maximum allowable ampacity values - according to CEC or NEC - helps choose the correct wire size. Voltage drop values are updated on the fly, conduit size is shown and if you size the feeder for a motor, Full Load Ampers for typical motors are built-in.

  • Publisher: MC Group Inc.
  • Home page: www.mc-group.ca
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2012
Simplified Office Software - Voltage Drop Calculator

Simplified Office Software - Voltage Drop Calculator

Calculate Amperage, Distance, Wire Size or Voltage Drop. American & Metric measurements & wire sizes. The software can be obtained from the website and can be used to calculate the things you need. The interface is simple and intuitive and is easy to handle.

  • Publisher: Simplified Office Software Systems
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2011
Hitonic JAR-Starter

Hitonic JAR-Starter

If you often launch JAR (or JAD) files, and you need to executer these files in various environments, then Hitonic JAR-Starter is what you are looking for. That's right. You launch the file in the last installed environment. Hitonic JAR-Starter allows you select the environment on the fly. Hitonic JAR-Starter launches JAR and JAD files in various J2SE (JDK/JRE) and J2ME (emulators) environments.

  • Publisher: Hitonic
  • Home page: www.hitonic.com
  • Last updated: July 3rd, 2017

Electric drop calculator jar in Description



Used by thousands of electrical designers for everyday electrical calculations. Features: AC/DC voltage drop calculator, for VD%, size, or length Voltage Drop Calculator for a series of roadway or area lights Fault current calculator, calculates complete radial systems Motor fusing and motor circuit design, three phase and single phase

  • Publisher: C+E Electronic Publishing, Inc.
  • Home page: www.edreference.com
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2014
Mechanical ToolBox

Mechanical ToolBox

This program contains several functions commonly used by mechanical engineers. These functions include a pipe database, flange dimensions, pressure/temperature ratings, hardness conversions, wire gage dimensions, minimum pipe wall calculator, units conversion, stress intensity factors (SIFs) and a pressure drop calculator.

  • Publisher: Archon Engineering, PC
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2009


PipeDrop is an advanced hydraulic pressure drop calculator for liquids, gases, and 2-phase flow in pipes and ducts for Windows (tm) based computer systems. The pressure drop calculations can be in either a laminar or turbulent flow regime. Included are 3 powerful modules for calculating pressure drops for single lines, a pump network, and orifice plates.

  • Publisher: G&P Engineering Software
  • Last updated: March 12th, 2013


GIDZip is a MS windows application that allows the archiving and unarchiving of files. It supports most common archiving formats including zip, MS CAB, Jar, LHA, Tar and RAR. The interface of GIDZip is designed to make archiving a quick and easy task.

  • Publisher: GID Software
  • Last updated: November 14th, 2010
ESBUnitConv Pro

ESBUnitConv Pro

Unit Conversion Software for Windows to easily convert between 902 units of measurement. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area, Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy, Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow and more.

Additional Electric drop calculator jar selection



MotoCalc 8 continues to be the most comprehensive, accurate, versatile, and easy to use electric flight power system selection and prediction program for the hobbyist. MotoCalc has revolutionized the way modellers choose electric power systems for their planes.

  • Publisher: Capable Computing, Inc.
  • Home page: www.motocalc.com
  • Last updated: September 14th, 2016


The Radar Configuration Tools is user-friendly setup software with installation wizard, dielectric calculator, echo curve, online help, and much more. It is an easy-to-use configuration tool and supports HART. Radar Configuration Tools supports the 3300 Series transmitter.

  • Publisher: Emerson Electric Co.
  • Last updated: March 28th, 2012
mini Ring Core Calculator

mini Ring Core Calculator

Using the mini Ring Core Calculator application will make it easier for amateur radio enthusiasts to calculate inductors, numbers of turns, wire lengths, and many other factors related to both powdered iron and ferrite toroids. The program will also enable you to calculate parameters for air wound coils used in the construction of linear amplifiers, low pass filters and antenna matching units.

  • Publisher: DL5SWB
  • Home page: www.dl5swb.de
  • Last updated: March 26th, 2008
'Love Actually' - Love Calculator

'Love Actually' - Love Calculator

The 'Love Actually' - Love Calculator is a fun application, that you can amuse yourself and your friends with, for testing the compatibility of couples. The program is easy to install, and to launch it all you need to do is click on the heart shaped icon on your desktop.

  • Publisher: JustPip.com
  • Last updated: October 16th, 2014
SF Pressure Drop

SF Pressure Drop

SF Pressure Drop for Excel is a program that calculates pressure drops of flowing liquids and gases in pipes (laminar and turbulent flows). It's also possible to calculate pressure changes caused by vertical differences of pipe and caused by changes of the kinetic energy (a dynamic pressure change) and you can combine diverse elements and so you will get total pressure drop.

  • Publisher: Software-Factory Norbert Schmitz
  • Home page: www.pressure-drop.com
  • Last updated: March 22nd, 2012
TechExams.net IP Subnet Calculator

TechExams.net IP Subnet Calculator

To control network traffic, IP Networks are often sub netted, and calculating subnets is often a difficult task. Using the TechExams.net IP Subnet Calculator helps you to speed up the task by saving you time calculating your IP subnets. Entering an IP address prompts the program to display the default subnet mask, its class prefix, the Network and Broadcast addresses and the valid host range.

  • Publisher: TechExams.net
  • Last updated: August 24th, 2022
Markosoft Interest Calculator

Markosoft Interest Calculator

Whether you're considering a new loan, or you need to keep track and work out payments, interest, or time schedules on your mortgage, car or business accounts, the Markosoft Interest Calculator program will help you to work them out. With this handy application, originally developed for accountants and bookkeepers, you can calculate payment amounts and the length of your loans.

  • Publisher: Markosoft Incorporated
  • Home page: www.markosoft.net
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2008
Jar of Marbles

Jar of Marbles

Playing Jar of Marbles you will have to make marbles vanish from a jar when you drag, drop, and match three or more of the same color. In order to win you have to empty it as fast as you can. You will also have to be beware of slippery fingers and nasty gravity.

  • Publisher: Swift Creek Games
  • Last updated: October 25th, 2011
Apollo Loop Calculator

Apollo Loop Calculator

This little, free program allows you to calculate the load of a given set of fire-detection components in the electric circuit. The program uses data from the equipment sold by Apollo Fire Detectors, a British company, so it can be useful if you use such products. Otherwise, its usefulness is limited.

Packed Column Calculator

Packed Column Calculator

The PackCol program performs hydraulic design and rating calculations for packed columns and towers. The design basis for new columns can be approach to flood, maximum capacity or pressure drop. The rating mode allows you calculate the pressure drop and approach to flood for existing columns.