Excel electric wire calculator in Title/Summary

Excel Loan Amortization Calculator Template Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to calculate when a loan will amortize. Simply enter loan information such as APR and loan period, and a payment schedule is automatically generated.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: October 12th, 2009

Excel Payroll Calculator Template Software
This software offers a solution to users who want to record business labor costs. By entering data such as employee name, state and federal tax rates, and hours worked, charts are automatically generated displaying all employee tax data.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page: www.sobolsoft.com
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2014

Wire-MoM is a method of moment program for the analysis of wire structures. The wire structure can be placed in free space or over an infinite perfectly conducting ground plane. Wires can also be connected to the ground plane.The program computes the current in the wires in the frequency domain due to either voltages sources on the wires or an incident plane wave.
- Publisher: SP Swedish National Testing and Research Institute
- Last updated: February 11th, 2012
Excel electric wire calculator in Description

ESBUnitConv Pro
Unit Conversion Software for Windows to easily convert between 902 units of measurement. Includes Units for Temperature, Distance, Mass, Area, Volume, Pressure, Velocity, Acceleration, Force, Energy, Power, Fuel Consumption, Flow and more.
- Publisher: ESB Consultancy
- Home page: www.esbconsult.com
- Last updated: July 18th, 2023

Professional Shunt Calibration Calculator applicationSome features:- Guides the user through the shunt calibration using a step wise approach - Works with following bridge configurations: - Quarter bridge: 2 wire and 3 wire - Half bridge: bending, poisson, self temperature cancellation and bending cancellation
- Publisher: StrainMatics
- Last updated: June 29th, 2010

mini Ring Core Calculator
Using the mini Ring Core Calculator application will make it easier for amateur radio enthusiasts to calculate inductors, numbers of turns, wire lengths, and many other factors related to both powdered iron and ferrite toroids. The program will also enable you to calculate parameters for air wound coils used in the construction of linear amplifiers, low pass filters and antenna matching units.
- Publisher: DL5SWB
- Home page: www.dl5swb.de
- Last updated: March 26th, 2008

Magnetics Designer
Magnetics Designer is a standalone software program for Windows that designs all types of layer (and sector/split bobbin) wound transformers and inductors, and generates a corresponding SPICE model. Magnetics Designer produces a complete transformer or inductor design based upon electrical specifications, including a winding sheet report and a SPICE-compatible model with parasitics.
- Publisher: Intusoft
- Home page: www.intusoft.com
- Last updated: November 10th, 2008

Electric Eddie
Electric Eddie is a puzzle game about a dedicated electrician who is in trouble. The outlay of the game features Eddie who seems to be confused with tricky cables and wires. The game features a huge pack of switches, pliers, bulbs. As a player you will have to find your way in a labyrinth of these presets.
- Publisher: 300AD
- Home page: www.300ad.com
- Last updated: March 16th, 2008
Additional Excel electric wire calculator selection

SpreadsheetConverter is an add-on to Excel for Windows. After you’ve installed the program it appears in Excel’s menu. Just press the Convert button in the menu and your spreadsheet is converted to a modern, cross-platform web page with HTML and JavaScript. You can also build a mobile app or a server application for Node.js or ASP.Net servers.
- Publisher: Framtidsforum IM AB, Sweden
- Home page: www.spreadsheetconverter.com
- Last updated: November 14th, 2017

Deskcalc Pro
DeskCalc is a feature rich paper tape calculator with all of the functions you expect from a mechanical adding machine plus capabilities associated with a Windows environment. It includes features such as check-strip with ergonomic text input options, data correction features, built-in formula interpreter sales tax functions and more.
- Publisher: DeskCalc GbR
- Last updated: August 19th, 2024

MotoCalc 8 continues to be the most comprehensive, accurate, versatile, and easy to use electric flight power system selection and prediction program for the hobbyist. MotoCalc has revolutionized the way modellers choose electric power systems for their planes.
- Publisher: Capable Computing, Inc.
- Home page: www.motocalc.com
- Last updated: September 14th, 2016

The Radar Configuration Tools is user-friendly setup software with installation wizard, dielectric calculator, echo curve, online help, and much more. It is an easy-to-use configuration tool and supports HART. Radar Configuration Tools supports the 3300 Series transmitter.
- Publisher: Emerson Electric Co.
- Last updated: March 28th, 2012

Loan Calc
Loan Calc is an easy-to-use tool intended to calculate loans and mortgages repayments in a very simple way. Loan Calc calculates repayments amount, monthly and total interest, total repayments and generates a full repayment list from a start date. Loan Calc is currency-independent so it can be used with any currency.
- Publisher: Max Programming, S.L.
- Last updated: December 8th, 2022

Euro Calculator
Euro Calculator is a calculator and currency converter with internet agent that collects daily rates. Features include a spreadsheet interface and translucent skins. Calculator and euro conversion functionality never expire (freeware).
- Publisher: Cloanto Corporation
- Home page: www.currencysystem.com
- Last updated: August 10th, 2012

WorldCalc is a simple calculator program with the basic mathematics functions and a clean interface. The main objective of this small program is to show you the results of any math operation converted to different currencies automatically. Besides, the program is able to update the conversion rate every time you start the program, giving you precise results.
- Publisher: Cloanto Corporation
- Home page: www.currencysystem.com
- Last updated: September 22nd, 2020

ADInstruments DMT Normalization
The DMT Normalization Add-On for LabChart provides an easy method for the calculation of optimal pretension conditions for microvascular or any small tubular tissue research. It provides a micrometer setting for achieving desired pre-tension conditions by determining vessel normalized internal circumference.
- Publisher: ADInstruments
- Last updated: February 6th, 2015

Mechanical ToolBox
This program contains several functions commonly used by mechanical engineers. These functions include a pipe database, flange dimensions, pressure/temperature ratings, hardness conversions, wire gage dimensions, minimum pipe wall calculator, units conversion, stress intensity factors (SIFs) and a pressure drop calculator.
- Publisher: Archon Engineering, PC
- Last updated: October 16th, 2009

Currency Server
Currency Server was designed to be the most advanced currency-enabling component on the market.It provides exchange rate information and currency internationalization, conversion and rounding services via COM/ActiveX, .NET and SOAP Web services, and Ajax-style scripting.
- Publisher: Currency System, Inc. and Cloanto Corporation
- Home page: www.currencysystem.com
- Last updated: May 20th, 2022