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Fastest compression program in Title/Summary

Compression Ratio Calculator

Compression Ratio Calculator

Computer Program to Calculate Compression Ratio, Boring, Stroking and Other Common Engine Building Dimensions. Compression Ratio Calculator is probably the most detailed compression ratio calculator program available. Calculating compression ratio, cylinder volume, and engine displacement from a variety of different inputs.

IDS Compression Estimator

IDS Compression Estimator

IDS Compression Estimator is a program tool that is used to determine the potential compression benefit of using the IDS compression feature. IDS Compression Estimator does not read the actual data pages, but depends on the statistics within the IDS catalog.

  • Publisher: IBM
  • Home page: www-01.ibm.com
  • Last updated: May 31st, 2012
Mali GPU Texture Compression Tool

Mali GPU Texture Compression Tool

Mali GPU Texture Compression Tool allows you to compress individual textures or multiple textures to reduce the bandwidth usage required to load textures in graphics applications which gives applications superior performance and reduces power consumption.

Fastest compression program in Description



GoFTP is a very fast FTP connecting application. When transferring files from (or to) user PC, the application performs these actions in multithread connection, so the transfer will optimize the bandwidth use. Also, one of the main features of this application is the file compression for getting higher speed. A particular management of the transfer buffer helps also to increase transfer speed.

  • Publisher: GoFTP Communications
  • Home page: www.goftp.com
  • Last updated: July 13th, 2022


Unzip downloads, create password-protected Zip files and encrypt confidential documents with PowerZip. It is an easy file compression & security program, thecompression / extraction wizards make working with archives simple providing advanced features. This is done with a small number of steps and some steps can be skipped to use default options.

  • Publisher: Trident Software Pty Ltd
  • Last updated: November 19th, 2009
Freebyte Zip

Freebyte Zip

Freebyte Zip is a free file compression program. It will neatly compress any number of files to help you send them by e-mail faster or when save them to a removable device of limited capacity. The program can also create self-extracting .exe files and protect archives with passwords.

  • Publisher: Freebyte!
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2009
Rapid File Defragmentor

Rapid File Defragmentor

Instead of focusing on defragmenting entire disk drives or partitions, this application works with individual files. Depending on user input, it can move unimportant data to the end of the partition and important data to the start. The program uses Windows' defragmentation API, which, unfortunately, is not that effective.

  • Publisher: Scherbakov Sergey & Danilov Oleg
  • Home page: www.rapidfd.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Courier Compressor

Courier Compressor

Courier Compressor is a compression program of PDF documents and images. This tool provides a procedure which preserves text legibility while maintaining high visual and color quality. Compresses all common image standards where already compressed file-formats like JPG can easily be compressed up to 95 %.

  • Publisher: SeaSecure Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2011

Additional Fastest compression program selection

Ashampoo ZIP Pro

Ashampoo ZIP Pro

Ashampoo ZIP Pro is a powerful file compression utility. The program contains all the basic features you would expect from a compression program / archive utility: you can read and extract from many different formats and you can also create archives in many different formats, including 7-Zip which is one of the best compression formats currently used.

  • Publisher: ashampoo GmbH & Co. KG
  • Home page: www.ashampoo.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


PentaZip is a file compression utility for Windows. It enables users to free up space by compressing files. The program can join multiple files into single archives, create self-extracting compressed executable files and convert a variety of archive file formats.

Repair Word File Free

Repair Word File Free

Take a closer look at the service of repair Word file, provided by Recovery Toolbox for Word . This application parses damaged documents of Microsoft Word format and eliminates the corruption of doc, docx, dot, dotx and rtf files that were damaged for any reason.

  • Publisher: Recovery Toolbox, Inc.
  • Last updated: October 26th, 2011


TurboZip is a file compression application that includes plenty of features for all users. It supports a wide variety of formats, from popular ones to more obscure file formats. It includes an Explorer-style navigation window where you can preview the files while still compressed in the archive. It is a great application.

WeZip Easy

WeZip Easy

WeZip Easy is a file compression program that allows you to Zip and unzip files in simple and quick steps. WeZip Easy supports various file formats such as Zip, RAR, 7Z, Cabinet and many others. WeZip Eazy can detect an installer inside an archive and helps your to install the application.

  • Publisher: iWesoft
  • Last updated: December 7th, 2012


The application allows you to split and join files.Main Features:- Very fast: FFSJ can optimize disk-cache and memory usage, this makes FFSJ 3-5 times faster than HJ-Split, WinSplit, MasterSplitter in both splitting and joining tasks. Of course, it is much faster than any compression program.



Lite8x is the compression program that accompanies Omnicalc v1.23. For more information, check detachedsolutions.com/omnicalc/.It customizes and modifies your calculator to provide extended features, such as extra functions. Functionality changes can also be enabled, such as an entries menu or a parentheses highlighter.

  • Publisher: Detached Solutions
  • Last updated: May 25th, 2008


PentaZip-PRO is the latest release of the award winning File Compression program complete with PDF Creation, PDF Editing and Digital Signatures. Compression is a technique that you can use to have files use less space than they normally would.PDF is a format defined in the early 1990's by Adobe that has since become a standard for document exchange.

  • Publisher: PentaWare Inc.
  • Last updated: October 8th, 2020


TCompress is a very useful general purpose compression program. You can use it in database applications to compress blobs, in general purpose software to store user data in compressed form or as we do here at Qivx, to archive information that must go with the application. CompRes is a utility that makes it easy to create TCompress resource files.

  • Publisher: Qivx Inc
  • Home page: www.qivx.com
  • Last updated: May 23rd, 2022
Free DIVX To MKV Converter

Free DIVX To MKV Converter

The Free DivX to MKV Converter is software that converts movies and video files in CDs to the latter file type. DivX is a video compression program that is quite popular amongst people across the world because the quality of the files remains the same even when the files are smaller.

  • Publisher: Free Converting