Program dynamic compression in Title/Summary

Compression Ratio Calculator
Computer Program to Calculate Compression Ratio, Boring, Stroking and Other Common Engine Building Dimensions. Compression Ratio Calculator is probably the most detailed compression ratio calculator program available. Calculating compression ratio, cylinder volume, and engine displacement from a variety of different inputs.
- Publisher: Performance Trends Inc
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 11th, 2009

Dynamic Info Screen
Dynamic Info Screen is a program for creating digital signage solutions using standard PC computers running Windows. An info screen project consists of one or more scenes where each scene is made of different media objects showing various types of information.
- Publisher: XemiComputers Ltd.
- Last updated: December 27th, 2011

Dynamic Dealer
Dynamic Dealer is a program that generates bridge hands that, while random, are within parameters set by the user (suit lengths and high card points). This is useful for bidding practice, hand analysis, teaching, and the like. Dynamic Dealer requires Windows.
- Publisher: David B. Howorth
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2011
Program dynamic compression in Description

ConvexSoft Audio Converter
ConvexSoft Audio Converter is a multiformat audio-only encoder and decoder that supports an extensive list of output formats, both lossy and lossless. Among the former you will find the popular MP3, AC3, RA, Ogg, and WMA audio codecs; and FLAC, AU, and AIFF are present for PCM and lossless audio compression. Any input file can also be turned into a WAV file for easy CD burning.
- Publisher: ConvexSoft
- Last updated: August 9th, 2009

DCR Calculator
Dynamic Compression Ratio (DCR) is an important concept in high performance engines. Determining what the compression ratio is after the intake valve closes provides valuable information about how the engine will perform with a particular cam and octane.
- Publisher: Patrick Kelley
- Last updated: December 22nd, 2009

Unzip downloads, create password-protected Zip files and encrypt confidential documents with PowerZip. It is an easy file compression & security program, thecompression / extraction wizards make working with archives simple providing advanced features. This is done with a small number of steps and some steps can be skipped to use default options.
- Publisher: Trident Software Pty Ltd
- Last updated: November 19th, 2009

PNGGauntlet is a .NET program that uses Ken Silverman's PNGOUT command line utility to optimize PNG files. To compress any file you just need to add it, select the output directory, the compression strategy,and press optimize. The program five compression levels varying from Xtreme (slowest) to uncompressed (fastest).
- Publisher: Benjamin Hollis
- Last updated: July 14th, 2012

FabFilter Pro-C
FabFilter Pro-C is an audio compressor plug-in in VST, VST3, and AAX formats. Pro-C 2 offers eight different, program-dependent compression styles. Apart from the classic compressor controls, you also get smooth lookahead, up to 4x oversampling, intelligent auto-gain and auto-release, a variable knee, hold, range, etc.
- Publisher: FabFilter
- Last updated: September 30th, 2017
Additional Program dynamic compression selection

AMV4 Video Codec
AMV4 Video Codec is a high speed and high compress loss-less video codec for Windows. The program supports compression color format "RGB24", "YUY2", [64-bit x64] and [32-bit x86] process codec and it is optimized for SSE4.1 [128-bit] and AVX2.0 [256-bit].
- Publisher: amaman
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 26th, 2014
- Publisher: C Point
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2020

PackBit Codec
PackBit Codec is a free application that incorporates a fast lossless codec. The specifications of the program include: --Compression ratio: MAX 13% AVERAGE 50% --Color Space: RGB24 --Maximum Resolution: 16384 x 16384 --Multithread: Supported --Instruction set: SSE2 SSSE3 SSE4.1 AVX
- Publisher: Dxtory Software
- Home page:

NonlinPro is a post-processor for the well-known nonlinear finite element analysis program DRAIN-2DX. In the past, DRAIN-2DX has been used almost exclusively by academic researchers. However, the recent shift towards performance based seismic resistant design has created a demand within the design profession for programs that can perform nonlinear static pushover analysis.
- Publisher: Advanced Structural Concepts
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

CapdetWorks is a preliminary design and costing program that eliminates the need for spreadsheet-based design algorithms that can be relatively inflexible and are often time-consuming to maintain.The activated sludge design algorithms in CapdetWorks are based on the concepts of solids retention time and influent fractionation.
- Publisher: Hydromantis, Inc.
- Last updated: April 7th, 2010

AnyZip is a Windows archiver program for compression and decompress. With it you can create and extract archive with maximum convenience and efficiency.
- Publisher: TurboSoft, Inc
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

EL-sizing is a program that assists users with the sizing of electric linear drives. After input of the parameters for a planned application the program suggests a selection of drives. EL-Sizing saves valuable time by avoiding complex recalculations. As soon as all your values have been entered, one button click brings up a list of all suitable linear drives in seconds.
- Publisher: Parker Hannifin Corp
- Last updated: April 9th, 2015

The program was developed at the Structures Laboratory, Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Patras, Greece, under the scientific supervision of professor M. N. Fardis. Its development continues by the development team. The development team is now aiming at expanding the program, by adding the capability of structural design according to EC2/EC8.
- Publisher: ANSRuop team
- Last updated: October 31st, 2011

ZipEnable offers fine-grained management of IIS 6.0 built-in HTTP compression for reduced bandwidth, faster pages, and more efficient Windows 2003 Web servers. Static and dynamic compression for (X)HTML, ASP.Net, JavaScript, CSS, ColdFusion, and PHP
- Publisher: Port80 Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2010

WinRAR is a tiny, but powerful archiver that can reduce the size of files and folders. This program uses its proprietary RAR format, which provides better compression than ZIP. WinRAR can compress files and folders into both RAR and ZIP archives. It can also be used to unpack a variety of other formats including CAB, ARJ, and Z.
- Publisher: win.rar GmbH
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 30th, 2024