Fluid pressure and flow.swf in Title/Summary

Fluid Pressure and Flow
With the help of this program you can explore pressure in the atmosphere and underwater. You can also reshape a pipe to see how it changes fluid flow speed. Moreover the program enables you to experiment with a leaky water tower to see how the height and water level determine the water trajectory.
- Publisher: University of Colorado
- Home page: phet.colorado.edu
- Last updated: March 15th, 2014

Blood Pressure Recorder
Blood Pressure Recorder is a free application that allows users to track their blood pressure readings. It enables users to enter their systolic and diastolic values and their pulse rate. In the comments field the users can also add any other information they consider to be relevant.
- Publisher: Lifestyle Toolbox
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Blood Pressure Browser
The Blood Pressure Browser: a program designed for self-assessment of the blood pressure at home. Arterial hypertension is one of the most common diseases in the world. Such complications as myocardial infarction, insult, renal insufficiency often lead to disability or even death. Unfortunately, not every person with hypertension feels and knows about the disease.
- Publisher: Doctor-Soft
- Last updated: November 21st, 2010
Fluid pressure and flow.swf in Description

Pipe Flow Wizard
Pipe Flow Wizard allows calculating pipe pressure drop and flow rate, being a simple-to-use, accurate and handy “what if” piping calculation solution for both liquids and gases. It comes with a simple interface that allows performing 4 different types of calculations for a single pipe based on known data.
- Publisher: PipeFlow.co.uk
- Home page: www.pipeflow.co.uk
- Last updated: March 17th, 2010

Chempak Viewer
A powerful, easy-to-use interface, Chempak Viewer lets you access the Chempak Property Database as a stand-alone application. Select any of the over 700 fluids contained in the database or assemble non-reacting mixtures on a mass or mole basis. Fluid or mixture properties may be calculated for any combination of the available input parameters, either as a single point input or a range of inputs.
- Publisher: Applied Flow Technology
- Last updated: October 4th, 2011

DensiCalc™ 3.00, utilises surface density readings to calculate: 1) The average fluid density over the length of the wellbore. 2) The average density of the fluid in the riser (if offshore). 3) The bottom hole pressure exerted by the entire fluid column. 4) The pressure exerted at the sea floor level by the brine column in the riser. 5) The density of the fluid at standard temperature.
- Publisher: Cabot
- Last updated: October 19th, 2011

AioFlo is a hydraulic calculator that can determine either the pipe diameter, fluid flow rate or pressure drop when the other two components are known. The program gives the fluid flows in mass or volumetric terms and viscosity in dynamic or kinematic units.
- Publisher: Katmar Software
- Last updated: September 14th, 2014

NDT Shop
It's a small utility which enables Engineers to know about the extent of Non-Destructive Examination as required by Process Piping Code ASME B31.3. Main Features: - It specifically mentions all the requirements of all type of NDTs as per ASME B31.3 Process Piping Code. - It takes simple inputs from the user about fluid type and service conditions.
- Publisher: thePetroStreet
- Last updated: September 18th, 2010
Additional Fluid pressure and flow.swf selection

Fluid Management Tool
The Fluid Management Tool (FMT) software operates in conjunction with the BCM - Body Composition Monitor and manages your patients’ data on your personal computer (PC).Main features: -displays results relative to reference ranges of healthy individuals and dialysis patients -shows each patient’s progress by depicting the results in plots for easy monitoring
- Publisher: Fresenius Medical Care Deutschland GmbH
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2010

Pipe Flow Expert
Pipe Flow Expert is a program for designing and analyzing complex pipe networks where the flows and pressures must be balanced to solve the system. It features Isometric 3D drawing and standard 2D piping layouts, customized PDF reports, robust calculation engine that can solve complex pipe networks, modelling of up to 1000 pipes with the full license, and more.
- Publisher: Daxesoft Ltd.
- Home page: www.pipeflow.co.uk
- Last updated: February 21st, 2017

Vertus Fluid Mask
Fluid Mask 3 gives you easy to use tools to isolate difficult areas - making the tricky parts, easy! Professional super fine mask selections mean complex hair blending is a breeze, delivering fantastic results. Image processing time is dramatically reduced, with features such as patch technology, saved workspace settings and more.
- Publisher: Heligon Limited
- Last updated: October 31st, 2016

Pipe Flow Advisor
Pipe Flow Advisor is a utility that can help you calculate flow rate, depth or volume for water flowing through pipes, tubes, channels and weirs or the time taken for a tank to empty. The developer specifies it that the results are estimates obtained using the Manning formula, and that more accurate results are obtained with practical measurements.
- Publisher: PipeFlow Software
- Home page: www.pipeflow.co.uk
- Last updated: January 10th, 2009

SF Pressure Drop
SF Pressure Drop for Excel is a program that calculates pressure drops of flowing liquids and gases in pipes (laminar and turbulent flows). It's also possible to calculate pressure changes caused by vertical differences of pipe and caused by changes of the kinetic energy (a dynamic pressure change) and you can combine diverse elements and so you will get total pressure drop.
- Publisher: Software-Factory Norbert Schmitz
- Home page: www.pressure-drop.com
- Last updated: March 22nd, 2012

Blood Pressure Tracker
Measuring your blood pressure can help you and your doctor prevent or control hypertension and its many complications. Blood pressure readings in the doctor's office may be higher than at other times. The use of home blood pressure monitors can more accurately measure one's overall, or average, blood pressure level.
- Publisher: SoundTells
- Home page: www.soundtells.com
- Last updated: October 18th, 2011

My Blood Pressure
This program is a very comprehensive application that allows you not only to record your daily blood pressure, but also to keep statistics about it and compare your current data with those of earlier days, weeks and months. Its cost is very affordable, so it can be a wise investment.
- Publisher: My Health Software
- Last updated: August 30th, 2022

AFT Fathom
AFT Fathom is fluid dynamic simulation software for engineers, used to calculate pressure drop and flow distribution in liquid and low velocity gas piping and ducting systems. Main features: - Advanced hydraulic solver using Newton-Raphson matrix methods. - Detailed modeling for centrifugal and positive displacement pumps. - Integrated graphing and reporting.
- Publisher: Applied Flow Technology
- Home page: www.aft.com
- Last updated: November 23rd, 2015

Flash Fluid Effect
Flash Fluid Effect is a tool to easily and quickly create cool flash animation effect such as melt, vaporize, warp, blur, etc. No need to know any scripting language. Simply select an effect from library and customize it by adjusting the parameters.
- Publisher: IncrediTools
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

I-Fluid is a great game that will plunge you into an exciting and unprecedented physic-based adventure where the smallest and most common object can become your worst enemy. I-Fluid gives you a fresh adventure with dozens of original ideas that will let you experience the world from the eyes of a drop of water.
- Publisher: Exkee
- Home page: www.i-fluid.com
- Last updated: April 17th, 2009