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Free j1939 simulator qt in Title/Summary

J1939 Simulator Configure

J1939 Simulator Configure

The IC can be used in the test equipment for J1939 device in the production line. It supports both 8 bytes data and length up to 1785 bytes data. You can use free configuration software to customize the source address and 8 bytes of device name, and provide 2 extra customized PGNs.

  • Publisher: Dafulai Electronics
  • Last updated: December 1st, 2010
SAM Simulator

SAM Simulator

SAM Simulator is a free surface to air missile system simulator. The game provides realistic vehicle controls from inside and outside view. You have the possibility to test a wide range of ground vehicles.

SemSim Router Simulator

SemSim Router Simulator

Router simulator for CCNA students & engineers. Includes FREE CCNA exam like troubleshooting lab. Supports over 200 commands, over 30 interactive labs, 6 CCNA exam like practical troubleshooting scenarios,70 randomized flash cards,3 router tests

  • Publisher: Batia InfoTech
  • Home page: www.semsim.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Free j1939 simulator qt in Description

UKTS Freeware Route Pack - Candlewick

UKTS Freeware Route Pack - Candlewick

UKTS Freeware Route Pack - Candlewick is a free train simulator add-on set in the Steam era and is approximately 6.25 Miles long. It operates a local passenger service between Edison, Lumens and Faraday. It includes two Free Roam Scenarios and one Standard Scenario along with a manual detailing the background to the route.

  • Publisher: UKTrainSim
  • Last updated: June 5th, 2014


TSim+ is a free trading simulator and live order management front end for day trading with your Interactive Brokers account (if you don't have an IB account, check out TSimLite). It uses live prices direct from the stock market or futures market of your choice, to enable you to 'paper trade' by simulating Buy and Sell orders.

  • Publisher: TradingSimulation
  • Last updated: December 11th, 2008
Golf Master 3D

Golf Master 3D

Golf Master 3D is a free golf simulator. Your goal is to put the ball into a hole by striking it with a club. The lower the number of strikes you need to accomplish that the better. There is a number of strikes considered the average for each hole. That number is called "par". Your score will be based on how many strikes, below or over the par, you need in order to put the ball in the hole.

  • Publisher: NowStat.com
  • Last updated: August 25th, 2009
20-20 World Smash

20-20 World Smash

20/20 World Smash is a free cricket simulator game. 20/20 World Smash features: - 46 international teams. - spectator mode, if you wish to simply simulate the tournament. - you can export to HTML all your match scorecards and results. - detailed tactical options.

  • Publisher: Rockingham Software Ltd
  • Home page: www.cricketweb.net
  • Last updated: October 10th, 2012
Iris Mig-29 Mega Pack FSX & P3D

Iris Mig-29 Mega Pack FSX & P3D

Iris Mig-29 Mega Pack FSX & P3D is a free flight simulator add-on that comes with many models, textures and effects. The List of repaints includes: Russia, Malaysia, Czech Republic, Iran, Iraq, India, Cuba, East Germany, Luftwaffe, Soviet, Romania, Hungary, Bangladesh, Algeria. The package also includes a high quality VC with corrected textures for FSX/P3D.

  • Publisher: IRIS Flight Simulation Software - Repack by Alex Guerreiro
  • Last updated: February 20th, 2015

Additional Free j1939 simulator qt selection



Celestia is a really nice tool that lets you explore the Universe as it provides real-time 3D visualization of space. Celestia is impressively comprehensive as it is based on the Hipparcos Catalogue (the result of the European Space Agency's "astrometric" mission from November 1989 to March 1993) and therefore contains more than 100,000 stars.

  • Publisher: Celestia Development Team
  • Home page: celestiaproject.net
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2023
Amusive Checkers

Amusive Checkers

The checkers simulator will help you to master your playing skills, to train your intellectual capacity and, above all, give you lots of entertainment. The game includes three version of checkers: Russian, English and give away.



Ping Pong or table tennis is a racket sport that can be played by two or four players. Now MyPlayCity gives us the option to play this particular game on our computers, providing us with a free 3D simulator, where we can feel the excitement of the game in a virtual world.



OpenBVE Object Editor is a small, simple, easy to use application specially designed to offer you a modeling program for openBVE, the free railway simulator. It will not have fancy effects, but the basic functionality to allow creating objects simpler.

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator

Quite Universal Circuit Simulator is an integrated circuit simulator. By using this free program, you will be able to setup a circuit through QUCS´ graphical user interface (GUI). To do that, you can select eeach required component from the wide library the program has.

POKéMON Simulator

POKéMON Simulator

The game can be played just with our mouse. After opening View POKéDEX we can get information for all 386 POKéMON characters with their type,attack type and the level at which they can be evolved. With the money won, we can bet or purchase several items, such as POKéBALLS,Great Balls,Ultra Balls,Potions and Super Potions

8085 simulator

8085 simulator

8085 Simulator has a very user friendly interface and the best part is, its FREE to download. You can master 8085 programming in matter of days now. full graphical illustration of the Microprocessor simulator.



The idea of the new CncSimulator is to provide the machining industry with a contemporary competent Fanuc-like CNC ISO simulator. It will simulate in full 3D with visible cutting tools for operations like drilling, slot milling and more.CNC Machine profiles will allow users to define machine data for their own systems for a realistic simulation.

  • Publisher: CNC SIMULATOR
  • Home page: cncsimulator.info
  • Last updated: December 3rd, 2010
Cok Free Auto Clicker

Cok Free Auto Clicker

Cok Free Auto Clicker is a simple, small and neat tool that allows you to set mouse clicks to be simulated and performed automatically on any place on your screen and at any time interval you prefer. It lets you set the mouse clicks to be performed as often as one every 0.01 seconds, to up to one every 10 seconds.

  • Publisher: Cok Software
  • Home page: coksoft.com
  • Last updated: January 22nd, 2013
Christmas Shopper Simulator

Christmas Shopper Simulator

As its name implies, Christmas Shopper Simulator lets you go into a shopping mall to purchase different items during Christmas season. If you want to live virtually the experience of Christmas shopping any time of the year, then you may want to try this game, which is absolutely free to download and play.

  • Publisher: Game Retail Ltd.
  • Last updated: December 13th, 2014