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Freeware quiz generator java in Title/Summary

Match-up quiz generator

Match-up quiz generator

The software allows anyone to create their own interactive Flash quiz without the need for programming skills or any additional expensive software. You type your questions into the interface, make your selections and then press 'generate'. The quiz is then instantly generated.

Multi-choice quiz generator

Multi-choice quiz generator

This program allows anyone to generate their own Flash-based multiple-choice quizzes. The use of Flash means that the quizzes can be used on any webpage, learning environment, intranet or just a single computer.This software has been created to provide teachers with a really simple way of creating engaging eLearning exercises.

States' Liberty Quiz

States' Liberty Quiz

States Liberty Quiz is built on QuizBuild, a text based quiz generator. It is an educational program for learning about the states, with a complete database of state capitols, order of entry into the union, year of statehood, and state bird, flower and tree.

  • Publisher: States' Liberty Party
  • Last updated: April 22nd, 2008

Freeware quiz generator java in Description



Kwizmaker is an easy to use, multiple-choice quiz generator. You decide how many questions to set, how many possible answers to choose from, insert images as required, create HTML quiz page, then preview. It's that easy and it's free for personal use.

  • Publisher: Solidsoftware(UK)
  • Last updated: September 27th, 2008
Jimpl Word Generator

Jimpl Word Generator

You need an appropriate word for your domain name, company, business, pet or you need nickname or password? Jimpl Word Generator is a simple and useful utilite, which will help you to do this. Use this generator for creating new words for free. Main Features: - Names generator - Nicknames generator - Random word generator - Password generator - The ability of saving generated words

  • Publisher: Jimpl Software, Inc.
  • Last updated: August 1st, 2011


dUP 2 is a freeware patch generator which can build a small standalone patcher executable for Microsoft Windows systems. Main Features : - multiple file patcher - programmable patch procedure - offset patcher - search and replace patcher - text patcher - registry patcher - loader generator - attach files to patcher - get filepaths from registry - and many more.

  • Publisher: diablo2oo2
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2015
Calculus Problem Solver

Calculus Problem Solver

Solve any calculus differentiation problem with this calculus tutorial software. Calculus differentiation and calculus tutorialCalculus Problem Solver can solve differentiation of any arbitrary equation and output the result. It can provide detailed step-by-step solutions to given differentiation problems in a tutorial-like format. On top of these, it can also initiate an interactive quiz in which you can solve differentiation while the computer corrects your solutions. This software is useful for beginner calculus students and can be used to learn differentiation and even practice differentiation by using the interactive quiz. Key Features Differentiation of input equations that can be solved by the following rules: Constant Rule: d(C) = 0 Sum Rule: d(E1+E2)=d(E1)+d(E2) Factor Rule: C*d(X) Multiplication Rule: d(E1*E2)=d(E1)*E2+E1*d(E2) Division Rule: d(E1/E2)=(d(E1)*E2-E1*d(E2))/(E2^2) Power Rule: d(X^N)=N*X^(N-1)*d(X) Exponential Rule: d(C^X)=ln(C)*C^X*d(X) Sin Rule: d(sinX)=cosX*d(X) Cos Rule: d(cosX)=-sinX*d(X) Tan Rule: 1/((cosX)^2)*d(X) Arcsin Rule: d(arcsinX)=1/((1-X^2)^0.5)*d(X) Arctan Rule: d(arctanX)=1/(1+X^2)*d(X): Chain Rule Detailed step-by-step solution by using the above formulas; Interactive Quiz with multiple choice and fill-in-blank questions; Save Solutions in Text Format; Print Solutions; Multiplatform (works on any machine that can handle Java Virtual Machine);

  • Publisher: Runiter
  • Home page: www.runiter.org
  • Last updated: May 7th, 2008


Quiz-Tac-Toe is a small game that features a very addictive combination, the classic tic-tac-toe game with trivia questions. As you must surely know, Tic tac toe is a game that needs two players, one using an ‘X’ and the other a circle ‘O’, who will take turns to strategically place their pieces trying to form a straight line.

Additional Freeware quiz generator java selection

Free Number Generator

Free Number Generator

This free software application can be used in different situations for various purposes. Random number generator finds its application in various areas which require an unpredictable result such as computer simulation, gambling, cryptography and randomized designs.

  • Publisher: Media Freeware
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
Free Name Generator

Free Name Generator

Free name generator is basically a software program, with a creative functionality, that can produce random names for both males and females. It can also generate common names for both sexualities. This software application can be used to generate the names of people living in different parts of the world.

  • Publisher: Media Freeware
  • Last updated: January 6th, 2017
Profit Protector

Profit Protector

Protect your affiliate links with javascript encapsulation. Profit Protector will generate HTML pages that you can link to that will hide and protect your affiliate identification.

  • Publisher: SEO Help
  • Home page: www.seo-help.com
  • Last updated: March 11th, 2008


This is an installers generator for the Java platform. It produces lightweight installers that can be run on any operating system where a Java virtual machine is available. It can be launched by a double-click or a simple java -jar installer .jar from a shell and provides a clean and unique way of distributing a project to users using different operating systems.

  • Publisher: Julien Ponge
  • Home page: izpack.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
Arensus Crossword Puzzle Editor

Arensus Crossword Puzzle Editor

Arensus Crossword Puzzle Editor is a wonderful tool that allows you to create and edit crosswords very easily. The crosswords can be saved and exported in multiple formats and you can also import crosswords made in other programs. Also, you can print your crosswords customizing the preferences as you wish.

  • Publisher: Tea Sign
  • Last updated: March 20th, 2008
CoffeeCup Free DHTML Menu Builder

CoffeeCup Free DHTML Menu Builder

This application helps you create a drop-down menu for your website. After you finish adding and customizing your items, you can generate the JavaScript code with the push of a button. The resulting menu looks decent but not too modern. Implementing the code in an HTML page has to be done manually.

  • Publisher: CoffeeCup Software
  • Home page: www.coffeecup.com
  • Last updated: October 11th, 2011


Password is a free program developed by Canadian Mind Products that allows you to generate random passwords for various applications. The generated passwords are kept on your machine and never sent over the Internet. The generated passwords can be case sensitive(mixed case), case insensitive(lower case) or include punctuation with a predetermined length.

  • Publisher: Canadian Mind Products
  • Home page: mindprod.com
  • Last updated: November 28th, 2009


Ruslanka 1.2

  • Publisher: nautavis GmbH
  • Home page: www.nautavis.com
  • Last updated: February 7th, 2011
SQL generator

SQL generator

Automatic SQL Generator is an easy to use, Java based application designed to help you create unique SQL strings. This tool basically will allow you to click, enter and export string. Features: -New Setup Tutorial -Smooth Interface -Advanced features, removed from basic interface

  • Publisher: Tim Holmen Nielsen
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2012


The RISE AJAX code generator renders JavaScript source code, that uses jQuery, for accessing your JSON enabled web services in your Rich Internet Applications or AJAX applications. The generated code implements JavaScript functions corresponding to the information interfaces specified in the RISE model.