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Galactic civilizations in Title/Summary

Galactic Civilizations

Galactic Civilizations

Galactic Civilizations is a space based strategy game in which you are in control of humanity's destiny. The year is 2178, the Terran Alliance has invented a new technology -- Hyperdrive. But the secret has leaked to the other civilizations starting a race for all the inhabitable worlds in the galaxy!

  • Publisher: Stardock Corporation
  • Last updated: March 14th, 2008
Galactic Civilizations II - Gold Edition

Galactic Civilizations II - Gold Edition

Galactic Civilizations II: Gold Edition is a free version of this turn-based strategy game. In this edition you will help conquer the galaxy with a combination of military might, technological prowess, diplomatic skill, and industrial power. The Terran Alliance and their coalition are fighting a desperate interstellar war with the evil Drengin Empire and their ruthless allies.

  • Publisher: Stardock Entertainment
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2008
Galactic Civilizations - Altarian Prophecy

Galactic Civilizations - Altarian Prophecy

The "Altarian Prophecy" is a campaign that takes the player on a multi-game journey to solve the mystery alluded to in Galactic Civilizations. In doing so, it introduces two new civilizations: The Dominion of the Korx and the Drath. These two civilizations hold the secret to Altaria's past.

  • Publisher: Stardock Corporation
  • Home page: www.galciv1.com
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2008

Galactic civilizations in Description

Galactic Civilizations II - Ultimate Edition

Galactic Civilizations II - Ultimate Edition

In the 23rd century the known galaxy is at war. The Terran Alliance and their coalition are fighting a desperate interstellar war with the evil Drengin Empire and their ruthless allies. Behind the scenes, the precursor civilization called the Dread Lords pulls the strings on both sides.

  • Publisher: Stardock Entertainment, Inc.
  • Last updated: September 28th, 2012
Elemental: War of Magic

Elemental: War of Magic

Design your sovereign in terms of talents, profession, race and appearance. Learn spells of increasing power to unleash on those who oppose you. Found new cities and build them up by researching new technologies, recruiting specialists or trading knowledge. Send your champions on holy quests to recover ancient artifacts, gain allies, or recover the great wealth lost during the Cataclysm.

  • Publisher: Stardock Corporation
  • Last updated: September 22nd, 2010
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond The Sword

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond The Sword

Beyond the Sword is the second expansion pack for the Sid Meier's Civilization IV game. Developed for PC by the famous studio Firaxis Games, Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword offers the widest array of developments in the history of the Civilization franchise.

  • Publisher: Firaxis Games
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords

Sid Meier's Civilization IV: Warlords is the first official expansion pack released for Civilization IV, the acclaimed turn-based strategy game. Among other developments, this expansion includes 6 new civilizations, 10 new leaders of civilization, 8 new scenarios and new units and buildings.

  • Publisher: Firaxis Games
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2008
Galactic Magnate

Galactic Magnate

Galactic Magnate is a free game that merges several gaming concepts. Game basics are similar to a popular classic board game. However, the rules of Galactic Magnate are made to minimize the impact of luck, so the game outcome is almost totally dependent on players' choices. This makes Galactic Magnate very similar to strategy games.

Additional Galactic civilizations selection

Race for the Galaxy

Race for the Galaxy

In Race for the Galaxy, players build galactic civilizations by game cards that represent worlds or technical and social developments. Each round consists of one or more of five possible phases. In each round, each player secretly and simultaneously chooses one of seven different action cards and then reveals it. Only the selected phases occut.

  • Publisher: Rio Grande Games
  • Last updated: December 19th, 2014
Galactic Voices

Galactic Voices

For all those who feel that the normal human voice isn’t really what they wanted, and fancy being blessed with an option to sound like out-of-this-world creature, the MorphVOX Galactic Voices 1.3 is just the right kind of deal, which comes as a free add-on for the MorphVOX Pro Voice Changer software.

Spore: Galactic Adventures

Spore: Galactic Adventures

Spore: Galactic Adventures is an expansion pack for the game Spore. This expansion enables users to create their own adventures with the Adventure creator. Players can create their own missions and customize them the way they want, including creatures, buildings, and vehicles. There are also several more powerful weapons to add to your character.

  • Publisher: Maxis
  • Home page: www.spore.com
  • Last updated: March 1st, 2010
Galactic Junk League

Galactic Junk League

Galactic Junk League is an MMO that brings you a unique combination of tactical sandbox building and skill-based multiplayer shooter. Combine superior technology with forgotten galactic junk to build anything that moves and shoots - from agile frigates to lumbering battleships.

Galactic Arkanoid

Galactic Arkanoid

Overcome all hardships along with courageous heroes.

Galactic Express

Galactic Express

In Galactic Express you will load colorful cargo into futuristic transport ships for fun and profit. You must assist new planets with special orders and powerups as you make your way through the solar system. Main Features: - Earn tokens to buy special power-ups. - Animated space backgrounds with screen saver. - Two game modes to play.

  • Publisher: HipSoft LLC
  • Last updated: February 5th, 2014
Galactic Odyssey Solitaire

Galactic Odyssey Solitaire

New patience game with two types of gameplay and a lot of levels. You are Galactic Odyssey knocking about the cosmic world. Move from one planet to another and return to the Earth where Penelope is waiting. There are twenty planets with 5 levels in each, so 100 levels in sum for your continuous pleasure.

  • Publisher: Card-Board-Games.com
  • Last updated: January 7th, 2012
Rise and Fall Civilizations at War Multiplayer

Rise and Fall Civilizations at War Multiplayer

Rise and Fall: Civilizations at War is a real-time strategy game for Windows users. The game incorporates segments of both third-person and first-person shooter gameplay, by allowing the player to temporarily control a "hero". Rise and Fall is based on the first millennium BC and features four playable civilizations: Persia, Greece, Egypt, and Rome.

  • Publisher: Stainless Steel Studios
  • Home page: www.moddb.com
  • Last updated: December 14th, 2017
Galactic Geometry

Galactic Geometry

Galactic Geometry introduces 3D objects in an outer-space arcade setting. After viewing instructions, players encounter geometric figures in the form of large rocky obstacles looming closer and closer. They must analyze the shapes and calculate the volume or surface area to fire off the correct laser charge before impact.

  • Publisher: Curry K. Software
  • Home page: www.curryk.com
  • Last updated: November 22nd, 2009
Monopoly Galactic Imperia

Monopoly Galactic Imperia

This game is a real boon for those who like to play monopoly. Long-awaited continuation of a big business is finally realized. A monopoly in the real estate is already set long ago. This is not true for space. Space is a quite unmastered area. In this economic strategy You will have to master space on the basis of monopoly laws!

  • Publisher: Switlle
  • Last updated: December 29th, 2008