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Global spellchecker in Title/Summary

GujaratiLexicon Saras Spellchecker

GujaratiLexicon Saras Spellchecker

GujaratiLexicon Saras Spellchecker is a desktop software. Spellchecker can spell check any Gujarati Unicode text and find the suggestions for incorrect words. Saras Spellchecker is developed using the DAWG algorithm for dictionary maintenance and the correct spelling suggestions. It has been invented after long research of experts from various areas like Language, Fonts, Technology etc.

  • Publisher: gujaratilexicon
  • Last updated: January 23rd, 2010
Polar SpellChecker Component

Polar SpellChecker Component

Polar SpellChecker Component adds SpellChecking capability to your Windows and Web based applications. It includes 14 free-to-download dictionaries fully functional with the trial version. Full source code comes with the component - at no extra cost.

TinyMce Spellchecker Demo

TinyMce Spellchecker Demo

A Github Project containing tutorials and source code to help programmers implement the NanoSpell TinyMce Spellchecker. Contains HTML and Javascript code which constitute a live demo for web developers.

  • Publisher: Nanospell
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: July 18th, 2016

Global spellchecker in Description

Tiny SpellChecker

Tiny SpellChecker

Tiny SpellChecker is a small utility that allows you to check and correct the spelling in any Windows application.It detects a misspelled word on the fly and alerts you with a popup window.Tiny SpellChecker supports almost all available languages. It will load the appropriate dictionary automatically as you switch the input language in the Language bar

  • Publisher: Tiny Soft
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2011
CKeditor SpellCheck

CKeditor SpellCheck

Nanospell is the alternative, ad free 'CKEditor Spell check' plug-in . See an online demo with javascript source-code at http://ckeditor-spellcheck.nanospell.com/#try . Nanospell has free developer licenses for PHP, ASP ASP.Net and Java.

Logos Global Bible Reader

Logos Global Bible Reader

Green dots on the globe indicate a user who is on schedule. Red dots indicate a user who is one or more readings behind schedule. To sign in, you must create a logos.com account. If you already have an account, but don't remember the password, you can have it emailed to you.

  • Publisher: Libronix Corporation
  • Last updated: July 20th, 2008
Global TradeStation Pro

Global TradeStation Pro

Key TradeStation Benefits: Move seamlessly between devices thanks to the latest HTML5 technology. Access over 30,000 instruments in multiple assets classes anywhere, anytime on any device. Place orders and monitor positions anywhere you go. Apply technical analysis and annotations in just a few clicks with the brand-new charting package.

  • Publisher: Euro Pacific Bank Ltd.
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2017
Diagram Designer

Diagram Designer

We sometimes need a tool for editing graphical data. These come in use when creating flowcharts and diagrams. Diagram Designer is a graphics editor tool that is used in such purposes. These graphical data contain mathematical solutions and it is not possible to edit these images in a simple editing tool.

  • Publisher: MeeSoft
  • Last updated: February 2nd, 2023

Additional Global spellchecker selection



GO-Global for Windows is a cross platform solution that delivers centralized Windows applications to virtually any location, platform and operating system as though the applications were running locally. It eliminates the time and expense normally needed to rewrite existing Windows applications for the Web.

  • Publisher: GraphOn Corporation
  • Home page: www.GraphOn.com
  • Last updated: August 26th, 2014
Panda Global Protection

Panda Global Protection

Panda Global Protection protects all your data regardless of the device or operating systems used. It provides protection against viruses and other threats for every device (PC, Mac, Android: smartphones and tablets) and prevents identity theft while you are surfing.

  • Publisher: Panda Security
  • Last updated: April 20th, 2018
Pokemon Global Revolution

Pokemon Global Revolution

Pokemon: Revolution is a free game that allows you to play in an offline environment. You can choose from 6 characters each with his unique powers and skills, explore the Hoenn Region: the region beginning at Littleroot and ending at Slateport and you will be able to see all the badges that you have collected during the game.

  • Publisher: Pokemon Global
  • Last updated: August 31st, 2022
AT&T Global Network Client

AT&T Global Network Client

AT&T Global Network Client is a program that enables your Windows computer to easily connect to the Internet or your's company private network over any connection. Main Features: - Fix for database error on startup due to file permission error - Fix for crash in NetCfgSvr.exe after client starts on Japanese XP etc.

Global DiVX Player

Global DiVX Player

Basically, this is a Multimedia Player for playing, primarily, DiVX Movies, but technically almost any video format. GDiVX Now Has PLAYLISTS! Along with many other updates, including bug fixes, updated code, Support for Multitrack VCDs, Support for more VCD formats, code optomisation, less cpu use, better subtitle support, including Subtitles in Fullscreen mode, and much more.

  • Publisher: The Wolfs Lair Productions
  • Last updated: September 5th, 2008
GO-Global Client

GO-Global Client

GO-Global is the secure cloud application delivery and Web-enabling solution that makes it easy to extend the reach of your existing Windows, UNIX, and Linux applications to your company's network or the Web. Your applications run on a secure central computer (the Host), making them available to local, remote and mobile devices (the Clients) running just about any platform and operating system.

  • Publisher: GraphOn
  • Last updated: August 22nd, 2011
Global Network Inventory

Global Network Inventory

Global Network Inventory is a powerful and flexible software and hardware inventory system that can be used as an audit scanner in an agent-free and zero deployment environments. Global Network Inventory can audit remote computers and even network appliances, including switches, network printers and document centers. You can also schedule inventory scans to run at specified time.

  • Publisher: Magneto Software
  • Last updated: September 6th, 2012
Extron Electronics - Global Configurator

Extron Electronics - Global Configurator

Global Configurator is a simple-to-use, yet comprehensive software application that allows users to configure a wide range of Extron Ethernet-enabled control products. It provides an integrated environment for defining AV control system functionality from an easy-to-use graphical user interface.

  • Publisher: Extron Electronics
  • Last updated: May 21st, 2014
Global Drive Control easy

Global Drive Control easy

Global Drive Control easy is a tool designed for operating, parameterising and diagnosing drive tasks. The program have convenient diagnostics options via various monitor windows and oscilloscope functions. Global Drive Control easy can work online or offline.

  • Publisher: Lenze Vertrieb GmbH
  • Home page: www.lenze.com
  • Last updated: September 8th, 2014
Global Liquidity Solutions Limited

Global Liquidity Solutions Limited

Global Liquidity Solutions Limited is a trading platform that enables you to buy and sell commodities, currencies, CFD stocks and indices. You can make complex chart analysis using the built-in indicators, discover trends and patterns that will help to maximize your profits or use the Expert Advisors to automate your trading.

  • Publisher: MetaQuotes Software Corp.
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2016