Italian spellchecker in Title/Summary

GujaratiLexicon Saras Spellchecker
GujaratiLexicon Saras Spellchecker is a desktop software. Spellchecker can spell check any Gujarati Unicode text and find the suggestions for incorrect words. Saras Spellchecker is developed using the DAWG algorithm for dictionary maintenance and the correct spelling suggestions. It has been invented after long research of experts from various areas like Language, Fonts, Technology etc.
- Publisher: gujaratilexicon
- Last updated: January 23rd, 2010

Polar SpellChecker Component
Polar SpellChecker Component adds SpellChecking capability to your Windows and Web based applications. It includes 14 free-to-download dictionaries fully functional with the trial version. Full source code comes with the component - at no extra cost.
- Publisher: Polar
- Home page:

TinyMce Spellchecker Demo
A Github Project containing tutorials and source code to help programmers implement the NanoSpell TinyMce Spellchecker. Contains HTML and Javascript code which constitute a live demo for web developers.
- Publisher: Nanospell
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 18th, 2016
Italian spellchecker in Description

Tiny SpellChecker
Tiny SpellChecker is a small utility that allows you to check and correct the spelling in any Windows application.It detects a misspelled word on the fly and alerts you with a popup window.Tiny SpellChecker supports almost all available languages. It will load the appropriate dictionary automatically as you switch the input language in the Language bar
- Publisher: Tiny Soft
- Last updated: January 30th, 2011

CKeditor SpellCheck
Nanospell is the alternative, ad free 'CKEditor Spell check' plug-in . See an online demo with javascript source-code at . Nanospell has free developer licenses for PHP, ASP ASP.Net and Java.
- Publisher: Nanospell
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 8th, 2015

Mega Italian
Learn to Speak, Read and Understand Italian with Mega Italian. Puts the fun into learning Italian. Reduces your learning time by up to 50%. Gets you speaking, reading and understanding Italian instantly. It's well known that the best way to learn is by doing.
- Publisher: Libros Media Ltd
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 27th, 2012

StreamerOne is a video streaming platform which uses a p2p system that allows simultaneous audio and video handing over to a practically unlimited number of users. By this way, each spectator becomes a transmitter at the same time, which distributes the bandwidth consumption between all the users.
- Publisher: StreamerOne
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2008

Codfree is italian freeware software for the verification and search of Italian tax codes, it provides a complete database of these codes, letting the user to modify and save any information of this any particular code. It includes the amendments, municipalities and the abroad Italian states.
- Publisher: XryNet
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Additional Italian spellchecker selection

NextUp-ScanSoft Silvia Italian Voice
NextUp-ScanSoft Silvia Italian Voice is available in a variety of languages. It has high quality SAPI5 voices that average around 100mb in disk space and support speed but not pitch adjustment. ScanSoft Silvia Italian Voice for is an addon for TextAloud.ScanSoft. You must already have TextAloud or another of our Aloud products or must purchase TextAloud at this time for the voices to work.
- Publisher: NextUp Technologies, LLC
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 15th, 2008

Italian-Spanish translation dictionary
Ideal for students and businesses, this Spanish-Italian dictionary lets you translate words and phrases and conjugate verbs in an instant. So many more features than your average Spanish to Italian dictionary. this dictionary software provides on-screen translation that tells you the type of word, gender (male or female in Spanish, for example), verb conjugation, and some common usages of the word
- Publisher: IdiomaX
- Last updated: June 15th, 2010

Microsoft Office OneNote
Microsoft Office OneNote is a program that lets you manage your notes. This program installs an icon in Windows taskbar that lets you create a new note quickly. All of your notes are automatically saved in the multi-tabbed interface of your OneNote application.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: November 8th, 2021

Microsoft Office Access
Microsoft Office Access is a database tool for gathering and understanding all your information—your phone numbers, inventory, guest lists, whatever you’re tracking—and providing a convenient way to enter, navigate, and report out your data. When you can connect the dots of your data—whether its hours, contacts, or inventory—you can get a lot smarter about how you run your business.
- Publisher: Microsoft
- Last updated: November 8th, 2021

Lexibar Italian
Once you have downloaded and installed Lexibar Italian, run the software. Then either click on the special characters to insert them directly into your word processor or drag and drop them (using the left-hand mouse button). If these methods do not function, you can copy the characters to the clipboard by double-clicking on them, then paste them into your document.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 8th, 2011

Zero Click Spellchecker
ZeroClick Spellchecker is a program that watches your keyboard and whenever you make a mistake it will immediately correct it and you'll see an unobtrusive info in the corner. The program features auto correction of typos and automatic language detection.
- Publisher: ITSTH
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

English To Italian and Italian To English Converter Software
Convert English sentences to Italian and vice versa.
- Publisher: Sobolsoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 31st, 2014

OpenOffice is an office suite designed for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics and databases. It lets you create mathematical equations with a graphic user interface or by directly typing your formulas into the equation editor. You can also produce everything from simple diagrams to dynamic 3D illustrations.
- Publisher: The Apache Software Foundation
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 10th, 2025

Gaberoff Koral Italian Free Dictionary
The present version contains Italian-Bulgarian resources comprising 40 000 words in entries and phrases taken from the best-selling dictionary compiled by Sava Slavchev and Bulgarian-Italian resources comprising 40 000 words in entries and phrases by Sava Slavchev.
- Publisher: KoralSoft
- Last updated: August 7th, 2008

AutoCAD Architecture 2013 Italian Language Pack
AutoCAD Architecture 2013 language pack allows you to run AutoCAD Architecture in your preferred language. In addition, you will need to download and install a "hotfix" for Autodesk Content Explorer, that is required after installing an AutoCAD Architecture 2013 language pack.
- Publisher: Autodesk Inc.
- Last updated: April 18th, 2013