Global whois lookup in Title/Summary

Domain Availability Checker and Whois Lookup
This Google Chrome plugin checks the availability of a domain name straight from your toolbar. It fully supports IDN Domains encrypted with PunyCode for safe transmission. You can add a domain to favourite list by clicking on the star when you search. This list is sortable and you can quickly filter by typing in the input box on the favourites tab.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 6th, 2015

Whois One-Click DNS Lookup
The Whois One-Click DNS extension for Google Chrome provides DNS records of a domain (like or sub domain(like You can also share your query result by posting the result to Twitter. It supports DNS lookups on A Records, NS(NameServer) Records and MX(Mail Exchanger) records.
- Publisher:
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 28th, 2015

SoftFuse Whois
SoftFuse Whois is a desktop domain lookup utility. In just a click, it does a lookup search for a domain and presents you with all available information, such as administrative, technical or billing contacts, domain location, hosting provider, creation and expiration date. It also shows Google™ Page Rank and Alexa™ Traffic Rank for the specified domain.
- Publisher: SoftFuse Development
- Last updated: August 29th, 2012
Global whois lookup in Description

"ProjectWhois" integrates domain related whois queries to your desktop. It uses the whois query services as provided by "" and displays the results in a web browser. The tool works with Internet Explorer or Firefox with a Plugin. The program resides as a small icon in your desktop system tray.
- Publisher: DomainTools, LLC.
- Last updated: November 1st, 2011

AddInternet Domain Search
AddInternet Domain Search is a free software that allows you to search for domain names available for registration as well as find out who is a domain owner by searching the global Whois database.
- Publisher:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2012

MultiLook is a free multi-threaded Whois-client (bulk Whois client) for MS Windows. MultiLook allows Whois lookup for entire list of domain names and has additional useful features. MultiLook also gives you domain availability checking and visualization (please note, that due to nature of the Whois-database availability status is NOT guaranteed).
- Publisher: MultiLook
- Last updated: January 5th, 2010

Domain Search
Domain Search is a free software that allows you to search for domain names available for registration as well as find out who is a domain owner by searching the global Whois database.AddInternet Domain Search features a single and easy to use interface where you can perform all domain searches.
- Publisher: AddInternet
- Last updated: May 22nd, 2012

SI NetworkMechanics by Software Institute
SI Network Mechanics implements RWhois (Referral Whois) to accurately retrieve information about the owner of a domain name.Where a regular Whois tool would provide scarce information at best, SI Network Mechanics discloses full details about the owner of the domain name.
- Publisher: Software Institute
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008
Additional Global whois lookup selection

Magic NetTrace
Magic NetTrace, as its own name suggests, is a simple yet powerful application that will let you track the route between the network hosts, and obtain detailed information about each one of them. Besides, the program will also display the "whois" information about the domain that you typed.
- Publisher: Tialsoft software
- Last updated: January 8th, 2009

Bandwidth Vista
Bandwidth Vista 2, The Next Generation bandwidth monitor with GEO-IP Connection Mapper. Displays Real-Time TCP and UDP Connections including Country and City. Holds a full log of bandwidth usage.
- Publisher: Bandwidth Vista 2
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008

Domain Inspect is high-end, feature-rich domain name management, as well as a domain checking software. It enables you to find out about domain names you would like to register, or to collect information about a specific domain. You can load a text file or an XLS file and use it as the basis for your search of domain-related data, along with the possibility of adding domain names manually.
- Publisher: AntsSoft
- Last updated: May 9th, 2008

Active Whois
Active Whois is an easy-to-use network tool for the retrieving of all information such as country, email and postal addresses for the owners of IP addresses and Internet domains. Unlike other WHOIS clients, Active Whois does not require special skills to collect the desired information.
- Publisher: Ivan Mayrakov
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 13th, 2022

Whois Network Tool is a client utility that communicates with WHOIS servers located around the world to obtain domain registration information. It will lookup information on a domain, IP address or a domain registration information. It supports IP address queries and automatically selects the appropriate whois server for IP addresses.
- Publisher: Nsasoft LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2021

GO-Global for Windows is a cross platform solution that delivers centralized Windows applications to virtually any location, platform and operating system as though the applications were running locally. It eliminates the time and expense normally needed to rewrite existing Windows applications for the Web.
- Publisher: GraphOn Corporation
- Home page:
- Last updated: August 26th, 2014

Panda Global Protection
Panda Global Protection protects all your data regardless of the device or operating systems used. It provides protection against viruses and other threats for every device (PC, Mac, Android: smartphones and tablets) and prevents identity theft while you are surfing.
- Publisher: Panda Security
- Last updated: April 20th, 2018

Pokemon Global Revolution
Pokemon: Revolution is a free game that allows you to play in an offline environment. You can choose from 6 characters each with his unique powers and skills, explore the Hoenn Region: the region beginning at Littleroot and ending at Slateport and you will be able to see all the badges that you have collected during the game.
- Publisher: Pokemon Global
- Last updated: August 31st, 2022

AT&T Global Network Client
AT&T Global Network Client is a program that enables your Windows computer to easily connect to the Internet or your's company private network over any connection. Main Features: - Fix for database error on startup due to file permission error - Fix for crash in NetCfgSvr.exe after client starts on Japanese XP etc.
- Publisher: AT&T
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2023

IP-Tools can provide important info about the network traffic going through your computer’s adapter. This tool is definitely intended for advanced users with a knowledge of networks. It comprises various utilities, such as the Local Info utility, which scans your computer and shows data about it; and the Adapter Statistics program, which provides data with support of most network protocols.
- Publisher: KS-Soft
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 29th, 2017