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Whois xml lookup free in Title/Summary

Whois XML Proxy

Whois XML Proxy

The XML Proxy Server runs as a Windows Service (no IIS needed) and listens on port 43, just as a regular Whois server does. It takes a simple string of input and returns the same XML as the web service.Special features of the installable proxy server: - Provides a means of limiting quantity and rate of usage by IP address on a local network - Can cache XML results in a SQL Server database

  • Publisher: Hexillion
  • Home page: hexillion.com
  • Last updated: November 16th, 2011
SI Lookup

SI Lookup

Free visual IP Lookup tool for Windows. If you have a domain name, you can use one of the numerous Whois tools to determine its owner. Whois provides complete information about the owner of any domain name, up to the level of mailing addresses and telephone numbers

  • Publisher: Software Institute
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2008
Free XML Editor

Free XML Editor

Free XML Editor is a free program which allows you to edit XML files. With this program, you can access and develop web pages that are coded using XML. Free XML Editor features: easy to use interface, you can edit one or many files in the same time, etc.

Whois xml lookup free in Description

TrueSocks Admin

TrueSocks Admin

TrueSocks Admin can be used to manage your TrueSocks.net account settings. TrueSocks.net is a proffesional socks service which is offered only to its registered members. TrueSocks also offers some features like browse, search, sort in proxy archive and some tools like Whois IP Lookup.

  • Publisher: TrueSocks.net
  • Last updated: November 5th, 2009
Trellian Toolbar

Trellian Toolbar

Trellian Toolbar is a comprehensive application that includes multiple tools and can be disabled or enabled at any time. It allows you to obtain search results from multiple search engines such as Altavista, Fast, Google, Inktomi, MSN, Teoma, among many others. What is more, with the PPC Meta Search, you can search in three PPC search engines at a time, with Findwhat, Overture and Kanoodle.

  • Publisher: Trellian Limited
  • Last updated: April 12th, 2008
AutoPAD Submit

AutoPAD Submit

One of the toughest parts of starting a decent software site is having enough content and the ability to consistently grow. A few services out there can sell you a fully populated database, but I feel that they are cost-prohibitive and offer no promise of continued growth.

  • Publisher: BetterWindowsSoftware.com
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2017


"ProjectWhois" integrates domain related whois queries to your desktop. It uses the whois query services as provided by "www.domaintools.com" and displays the results in a web browser. The tool works with Internet Explorer or Firefox with a Plugin. The program resides as a small icon in your desktop system tray.

  • Publisher: DomainTools, LLC.
  • Last updated: November 1st, 2011
SI NetworkMechanics by Software Institute

SI NetworkMechanics by Software Institute

SI Network Mechanics implements RWhois (Referral Whois) to accurately retrieve information about the owner of a domain name.Where a regular Whois tool would provide scarce information at best, SI Network Mechanics discloses full details about the owner of the domain name.

  • Publisher: Software Institute
  • Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Additional Whois xml lookup free selection

Syntext Serna Free

Syntext Serna Free

Serna Free XML editor is an easy-to-use open source WYSIWYG XML editor for those who wish to smoothly adopt the XML technology. Indeed, Serna Free is the most powerful among free and open source XML editors for WYSIWYG authoring. Most people will find Serna Free XML content editor easy to use as it hides all the complexities of the underlying XML technology.

  • Publisher: Syntext
  • Last updated: December 26th, 2011
Free XML Formatter

Free XML Formatter

As the name suggests, the Free XML Formatter allows users to format their XML files so as to make them readable and usable. There are a number of editing options available and hence, it can prove to be very handy for all software professionals. It is a simple to use app which makes it an ideal choice for novices.

  • Publisher: Media Freeware
  • Last updated: September 21st, 2017
RegEx TestBed

RegEx TestBed

RegEx TestBed is a free regular expression testing and benchmarking tool. RegEx TestBed helps you test your regular expressions in WYSIWYG manner. Main window of RegEx TestBedBesides all the standard features of a normal text editor like Notepad, RegEx TestBed also has the facility to export the matches in XML or CSV format. Features: Incremental as well as continuous search Support for replace function Backed by powerful .NET RegEx engine Displays the captures and groups Exports matches to XML and CSV format.

  • Publisher: CrackSoft
  • Last updated: May 6th, 2010
Squad Editor

Squad Editor

Squad Editor has everything you need to edit an squad.xml file. Free and easy to use, Squad Editor is the perfect application to create an squad.xml file. Enter the information about the squad and start to create! Its simplicity is perfect for novice users and a joy to use for power users.

  • Publisher: NeZz_DK
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2022
XML Notepad

XML Notepad

XML Notepad 2007 is a small free application from Microsoft that aims to provide a small environment for editing XML files quickly. With a lot of handy features, it's really comfortable to work with complex files thanks to the unique "nudge" and "change to" operations.

Whois One-Click DNS Lookup

Whois One-Click DNS Lookup

The Whois One-Click DNS extension for Google Chrome provides DNS records of a domain (like google.com) or sub domain(like chrome.google.com). You can also share your query result by posting the result to Twitter. It supports DNS lookups on A Records, NS(NameServer) Records and MX(Mail Exchanger) records.

  • Publisher: www.whois.com.au
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: April 28th, 2015
Domain Availability Checker and Whois Lookup

Domain Availability Checker and Whois Lookup

This Google Chrome plugin checks the availability of a domain name straight from your toolbar. It fully supports IDN Domains encrypted with PunyCode for safe transmission. You can add a domain to favourite list by clicking on the star when you search. This list is sortable and you can quickly filter by typing in the input box on the favourites tab.

  • Publisher: www.seoheap.com
  • Home page: chrome.google.com
  • Last updated: December 6th, 2015
XML Copy Editor

XML Copy Editor

XML Copy Editor is an XML editor with DTD/XML Schema/RELAX NG validation, XSLT, XPath, pretty-printing, syntax highlighting, folding, tag completion and tag locking. The spelling and style check supports inclusive language, harmonizes preferred spellings and converts documents from Commonwealth to American spelling (and vice versa).

  • Publisher: Gerald Schmidt
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2014
JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

JPEXS Free Flash Decompiler

JPEXS is an open-source Flash SWF decompiler and editor. It can be used to extract resources from Flash animation files. You can also use it to convert SWF to FLA format, edit ActionScript code, and replace images, sounds, texts, or fonts. Various output formats are available for saving the resources.

  • Publisher: JPEXS
  • Home page: github.com
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024
XML Marker

XML Marker

XML Marker is an XML and Json Editor that uses a synchronized table-tree-and-text display to show you both the hierarchical and the tabular nature of your XML data.It automatically produces a tabular display of any selected tag by collecting repeating attribute and tag names and then arranging them into columns. The result is a clutter-free and informative tabular display.

  • Publisher: Symbol Click Software LLC
  • Last updated: February 23rd, 2012