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Gnome-colors patcher application in Title/Summary

FM Patcher

FM Patcher

FM Patcher is a small application that lets you change Photoshop .8bf plugins that were created with older versions of FilterMeister in order to make them work under Windows Vista. Normally developers just need to recompile their plugins with the latest FilterMeister release to make them Vista-compatible, but unfortunately some developers abandoned their plugins.

Tango Patcher (Applications)

Tango Patcher (Applications)

This is the application portion of the old Super Turbo Tango Patcher. It should work fine on its original XP, as well as Vista, and even X64. Most behaviors and caveats are unchanged from the 2600 System patcher, although they may diverge more, in the future. Migration from previous releases integrated with the system patcher is handled automatically.

Gnome-Colors Patcher Applications

Gnome-Colors Patcher Applications

Supported Applications so far: - 7-Zip - AIMP - ClearType Tuner - Console2 - CCleaner - Defraggler - Dropbox - Everything - Mozilla Firefox - Mozilla Thunderbird - Foxit Reader - Inkscape - Lexmark x83 Software - Miranda IM - MP3Tag - LibreOffice - SMPlayer - TClock Light - VirtualBox - WinRAR - Foobar2000 - GIMP - Opera - Video Lan Client - Winamp - uTorrent - Dexpot

  • Publisher: heebijeebi
  • Last updated: November 11th, 2011

Gnome-colors patcher application in Description

XP Theme Source Patcher

XP Theme Source Patcher

The XP Theme Source Patcher application was designed to improve the Graphical interface of Windows XP. Some 370+ files have resources that this application replaces and/or modifies, and another 100+ files are simply replaced. Images, animations and icons that have been extracted from Vista are included in the Green XPtsp theme package.

  • Publisher: phpBB Headquarters
  • Last updated: January 19th, 2012


dUP 2 is a freeware patch generator which can build a small standalone patcher executable for Microsoft Windows systems. Main Features : - multiple file patcher - programmable patch procedure - offset patcher - search and replace patcher - text patcher - registry patcher - loader generator - attach files to patcher - get filepaths from registry - and many more.

  • Publisher: diablo2oo2
  • Last updated: August 18th, 2015


Client patcher is a software application designed for patching kRO or Sakray data files. However, Client patcher is not limited by only patching kRO or Sakray clients. With a few modifications you can make this patcher program for your own private server.

  • Publisher: Sonerkoksal
  • Last updated: May 30th, 2012
Windows XP Energy Blue Theme Pack

Windows XP Energy Blue Theme Pack

Energy Blue Theme Pack is a Visual Style to change the appearance of Windows XP. This theme resembles the look of Windows Vista. It only works with English XP/2003, since in other languages the "Start" button might be misplaced. In order to install this Visual Style, you should install Uxtheme Multi-Patcher beforehand.

  • Publisher: Joni78
  • Last updated: March 27th, 2012
Advanced Shortcuts Composer

Advanced Shortcuts Composer

Advanced Shortcuts Composer is a neat free application that creates useful shortcuts for your most widely used applications. You can assign a pre-defined priority to each of them, and decide where in your system the shortcut will be stored (favorites, desktop, etc.). Besides, you can associate a keys combination to each shortcut, allowing you to launch it directly from your keyboard.

  • Publisher: Vasilios Applications
  • Last updated: January 20th, 2009

Additional Gnome-colors patcher application selection

Lifebook Application Panel

Lifebook Application Panel

LIFEBOOK Application Panel is a handy feature of your LIFEBOOK notebook that allows you to launch applications with the touch of a button. The program requires the previous installation of the Fujitsu System Extension Utility. It has support for products such as: - CELSIUS H720 vPro - CELSIUS H920 vPro - LIFEBOOK E752 - LIFEBOOK E752/E782 vPro - LIFEBOOK P702 - LIFEBOOK P772.

  • Publisher: Jochen Eisinger, Neil Stockbridge, Willem van Engen
  • Home page: support.ts.fujitsu.com
  • Last updated: February 4th, 2016


UltraUXThemePatcher modifies your system files so that 3. party themes can be used. The program backups the original system files and all changes can be undone by uninstalling if you have issues. This application modifies your system files, this can lead to unexpected problems or total breakdown of Windows.

  • Publisher: Manuel Hoefs
  • Last updated: July 30th, 2024
Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit

Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit

The Microsoft Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) helps customers understand their application compatibility situation by identifying which applications are compatible with the Windows 7® and Windows Vista® operating system and which require further testing.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Last updated: September 11th, 2010
Reactor Application

Reactor Application

Through Reactor Application from Ijji you can install latest multiplayer games that company offers. You have the ability to download games, install, and play, all in one single click. You can also buy G-coins from the main interface of thge program using a secure page.

  • Publisher: IJJI
  • Last updated: November 24th, 2011
LS 2011 Patcher ver

LS 2011 Patcher ver

LS 2011 Patcher adds new features to Farming Simulator 2011. Features: - the application hasn't a free tool to decompress a mod.zip, in fact the size of installation is reduced. A dll has been implemented in the application to extract and compress a zip file - you don't search manually a NAME_MOD.xml because there is a function to search this file - backup of original file system

  • Publisher: BMSolution
  • Last updated: August 3rd, 2012
Application Verifier

Application Verifier

The Application Verifier tool assesses the stability of an application and detects common programming mistakes. The tool can detect and pinpoint memory leaks, handle leaks, and leaks in graphics device interface (GDI) objects. In addition, you can also use this tool to detect several forms of heap corruption.

  • Publisher: Microsoft Corporation
  • Home page: msdn.microsoft.com
  • Last updated: March 2nd, 2008
Application Compatibility Toolkit

Application Compatibility Toolkit

Application Compatibility Toolkit contains the necessary tools and documentation to evaluate and mitigate application compatibility issues before deploying Windows 7, Windows Vista, a Windows Update, or a new version of Windows Internet Explorer in your environment.

  • Publisher: Microsoft
  • Last updated: June 20th, 2023
BankID Security Application

BankID Security Application

BankID is a citizen identification solution that allows companies, banks, and governments agencies to authenticate and conclude agreements with individuals over the Internet. It can be used with your Internet bank accounts, the Swedish Tax Agency, or the Swedish Social Insurance Agency.

  • Publisher: Finansiell ID-Teknik BID AB
  • Last updated: April 30th, 2017
Fujitsu OneClick Internet Application

Fujitsu OneClick Internet Application

Fujitsu OneClick Internet Application is a free program that enables you to connect to the Internet in a fast and secure manner. You can set up different Internet profiles, turn radio stations on and off, view traffic statistics, check your email messages and enables roaming alerts.

  • Publisher: Fujitsu
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2009
Avid Application Manager

Avid Application Manager

You can now easily manage your software licenses from the Avid Application Manager utility. Main features: - Enable or disable notifications for applications and feeds. - Allows data connection. - Download MC plugins and MT plugins. - Intuitive interface.

  • Publisher: Avid Technology, Inc.
  • Home page: avid.force.com
  • Last updated: June 1st, 2016