Gnome-colors patcher se7en in Title/Summary

FM Patcher
FM Patcher is a small application that lets you change Photoshop .8bf plugins that were created with older versions of FilterMeister in order to make them work under Windows Vista. Normally developers just need to recompile their plugins with the latest FilterMeister release to make them Vista-compatible, but unfortunately some developers abandoned their plugins.
- Publisher: Harald Heim & Alex Hunter
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 29th, 2008

Tango Patcher (Applications)
This is the application portion of the old Super Turbo Tango Patcher. It should work fine on its original XP, as well as Vista, and even X64. Most behaviors and caveats are unchanged from the 2600 System patcher, although they may diverge more, in the future. Migration from previous releases integrated with the system patcher is handled automatically.
- Publisher: Vertigosity
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 20th, 2008

Gnome-Colors Patcher Applications
Supported Applications so far: - 7-Zip - AIMP - ClearType Tuner - Console2 - CCleaner - Defraggler - Dropbox - Everything - Mozilla Firefox - Mozilla Thunderbird - Foxit Reader - Inkscape - Lexmark x83 Software - Miranda IM - MP3Tag - LibreOffice - SMPlayer - TClock Light - VirtualBox - WinRAR - Foobar2000 - GIMP - Opera - Video Lan Client - Winamp - uTorrent - Dexpot
- Publisher: heebijeebi
- Last updated: November 11th, 2011
Gnome-colors patcher se7en in Description

dUP 2 is a freeware patch generator which can build a small standalone patcher executable for Microsoft Windows systems. Main Features : - multiple file patcher - programmable patch procedure - offset patcher - search and replace patcher - text patcher - registry patcher - loader generator - attach files to patcher - get filepaths from registry - and many more.
- Publisher: diablo2oo2
- Last updated: August 18th, 2015

Client patcher is a software application designed for patching kRO or Sakray data files. However, Client patcher is not limited by only patching kRO or Sakray clients. With a few modifications you can make this patcher program for your own private server.
- Publisher: Sonerkoksal
- Last updated: May 30th, 2012

Windows XP Energy Blue Theme Pack
Energy Blue Theme Pack is a Visual Style to change the appearance of Windows XP. This theme resembles the look of Windows Vista. It only works with English XP/2003, since in other languages the "Start" button might be misplaced. In order to install this Visual Style, you should install Uxtheme Multi-Patcher beforehand.
- Publisher: Joni78
- Last updated: March 27th, 2012

AudioMulch Interactive Music Studio
AudioMulch Interactive Music Studio is a tool designed for live performance, audio processing, sound design and music composition. Main Features: - Performance patcher interface - The Metasurface - Built-in sound mangling effects - Easy-to-use MIDI control - Flexible automation system - True non-linear music making
- Publisher: Ross Bencina
- Home page:
- Last updated: December 5th, 2012

Advanced Shortcuts Composer
Advanced Shortcuts Composer is a neat free application that creates useful shortcuts for your most widely used applications. You can assign a pre-defined priority to each of them, and decide where in your system the shortcut will be stored (favorites, desktop, etc.). Besides, you can associate a keys combination to each shortcut, allowing you to launch it directly from your keyboard.
- Publisher: Vasilios Applications
- Last updated: January 20th, 2009
Additional Gnome-colors patcher se7en selection

XP Theme Source Patcher
The XP Theme Source Patcher application was designed to improve the Graphical interface of Windows XP. Some 370+ files have resources that this application replaces and/or modifies, and another 100+ files are simply replaced. Images, animations and icons that have been extracted from Vista are included in the Green XPtsp theme package.
- Publisher: phpBB Headquarters
- Last updated: January 19th, 2012

Universal TCPIP Patcher
Universal Tcpip.sys Patch is a File Patch. It direct modifies the file tcpip.sys on hard disk. It is a patch without press F8 key. It does not direct modify the file tcpip.sys itself, so there is no damage to tcpip.sys. There is also a advantage of Memory Patch is flexible control and modify the limited value of immediate effect.
- Publisher: deepxw
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 20th, 2010

LS 2011 Patcher ver
LS 2011 Patcher adds new features to Farming Simulator 2011. Features: - the application hasn't a free tool to decompress a, in fact the size of installation is reduced. A dll has been implemented in the application to extract and compress a zip file - you don't search manually a NAME_MOD.xml because there is a function to search this file - backup of original file system
- Publisher: BMSolution
- Last updated: August 3rd, 2012

Adobe Photoshop Elements
Go from quick photo fixes to total transformations with Adobe Photoshop Elements. Photoshop Elements makes creating and editing fun at any level. Whether you want to fine-tune the details or give your photos a whole new look, start with these popular edits.
- Publisher: Adobe Systems Incorporated
- Last updated: January 9th, 2025

UltraUXThemePatcher modifies your system files so that 3. party themes can be used. The program backups the original system files and all changes can be undone by uninstalling if you have issues. This application modifies your system files, this can lead to unexpected problems or total breakdown of Windows.
- Publisher: Manuel Hoefs
- Last updated: July 30th, 2024

Crossfire Patcher
This Patch does fix an issue with different OS version where codepages were ignored in the previous version. It will update the Crossfire launcher to version 1.55 and implement a selfupdate process. The Crossfire 1.7a Patch is an optional update for players which have problems with the automatic update of the Crossfire 1.7 mod.
- Publisher: GameClub
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 6th, 2012

Seven Remix XP
imageThe Seven Remix XP application was designed to improve the Graphical interface of your Windows XP. The installer automates the process of substitution of system files. It applies adjustments in the registry, it installs programs of third, skins and visual extras like sounds, styles, etc.
- Publisher: NiwradSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 13th, 2019

CSGO Launcher
Checks and installs all the relevant updates of the game automatically. All in-game items will be available to you: weapon skins, cases, stickers, musical sets and graffiti for free.Main features:- There are no problems with the client. - Ability to play on the network or with bots. - The game becomes available to play immediately after installing the current updates.
- Publisher: SE7EN Solution
- Home page:
- Last updated: September 29th, 2015

Adobe FrameMaker
Adobe FrameMaker is a complete solution for authoring, enriching, managing and publishing technical documentation. You can collaborate with PDF-based reviews, author with XML/DITA and DTD support, manage content using the integration with leading content management systems and Dropbox.
- Publisher: Adobe
- Last updated: August 11th, 2016

You will get everything needed for maintaining Windows 7 in a perfect condition. The program offers tools that take care of the registry, disk space and its defragmentation, installed software, HDD temperature and all sorts of things related to system's health.
- Publisher: SeriousBit
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 24th, 2018