Graph plot digitizer online in Title/Summary

Plot Digitizer
Plot Digitizer was designed to help the user to extract information from two-dimensional plots. Plot Digitizer is very easy to use. Converted data can be exported in different formats. The program also has tools for automating curves selection, inserting intermediate points, recalibrating y axis independently. Plot Digitizer is multiplatform.
- Publisher: Joseph A. Huwaldt
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 10th, 2019

GetData Graph Digitizer
GetData Graph Digitizer is a program built for getting raw data out of visual graphs for analytical purposes. Most of the comparative data are usually visualized by graphs and charts. This software helps you in converting these visual data in to figures and export in to sheets in desired formats.
- Publisher: getdata-graph-digitizer
- Last updated: December 17th, 2012

Bytescout Graph Digitizer Scout
Bytescout Graph Digitizer Scout is a handy and useful application that provides users with several functions. This program allows you to convert hard copy graphs, plots and charts. This efficient software enables you to digitize graphs, charts and plots using automated methods such as luminosity recognition and color recognition.
- Publisher: ByteScout
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 3rd, 2008
Graph plot digitizer online in Description

Data Master 2003
Programmable scientific and technical graphics optimized for automation of test and measurement systems and numerical data analysis. Provides extensible set of editing and calculation features and includes ActiveX-compatible scripting environment.
- Publisher: RRR
- Last updated: September 7th, 2012

GetData Graph Digitizer is a program for digitizing graphs and plots. It is often necessary to obtain original (x,y) data from graphs, e.g. from scanned scientific plots, when data values are not available. GetData Graph Digitizer allows to easily get the numbers in such cases.
- Publisher: S. Fedorov
- Last updated: December 15th, 2011

ImageDIG consists of three integrated modules which allow the user to convert 2D flat images into 3D (x,y,z) data or if a graph, convert the graph in image form into 2 dimensional numerical data for further analysis. The third is 2D analyis plotter.
- Publisher: SciCepts Engineering
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 27th, 2008
- Publisher: Encore Consulting
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 2nd, 2008

Rt-Plot is a tool to generate Cartesian X/Y-plots from scientific data. You can enter and calculate tabular data. View the changing graphs, including linear and non linear regression, interpolation, differentiation and integration, during entering.
- Publisher: Rt-Science
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 21st, 2009
Additional Graph plot digitizer online selection

Graph is an open source application that can be used to draw mathematical graphs in a coordinate system. The program makes it very easy to visualize a function and paste it into another program. It is also possible to do some mathematical calculations on the functions.
- Publisher: Ivan Johansen
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 21st, 2013

FX Graph
FX Graph understands the things that mathematics teachers need. In this graph of (tan x)/x, it has found the vertical asymptotes, the point discontinuity and marked the x axis in terms of pi. It is these small differences that make FX Graph the most useful graphing tool available.
- Publisher: Efofex Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 15th, 2018

Grapher provides multiple 2D and 3D graphing tools to accurately present your data. It also features extensive analysis charts and statistical tools to identify trends, find new insights, and locate opportunities. Grapher comes with 80 different graph types.
- Publisher: Golden Software, LLC.
- Home page:
- Last updated: April 5th, 2023

DatPlot lets you plot graphs using data sets in TXT, CSV, or similar formats. You can create line or scatter plots, label events at particular points, and easily swap the axes. Zooming and panning is quite easy - you can restrict the zooming to just the X or Y axis. You can also save your plot, along with all the labels and zoom settings, to a DatPlot (*.dpm) file.
- Publisher: Aeroperf
- Last updated: July 25th, 2015

DPlot Jr
DPlot Jr is a free scaled-down version of DPlot intended for use by programmers who want a quick method for displaying graphical output of their own applications. Unlike the full version of DPlot, DPlot Jr may be redistributed to end users without royalty payments or other restrictions.
- Publisher: HydeSoft Computing, LLC
- Last updated: April 25th, 2013

QPlot: Allow you view or digitize scatter data. Visualize scatter data starting from your NotePad; Support line point series and tabular column field data (read more for supported data format); Import export data through copy and paste; Online data coordinates tracking by mouse; Adjustable axis ratio preserved for more physical view.
- Publisher: QPlot
- Last updated: March 7th, 2008

Visual Fractal
Visual Fractal is an easy to use fractal software to create beautiful fractals. Visual Fractal has the following main features: 1. Using Newton's method to solve complex equations. 2. Creating fractal graphs of Mandelbrot set and Julia set. It is very easy to install and use.
- Publisher: GraphNow
- Last updated: August 2nd, 2022

ChartPlotter program will let you generate a conventional paper psychrometric chart to suit your barometric pressure, temperature range and humidity range. Because the chart is generated on the computer, it is possible to send data to it from other programs and it will plot your process on the chart.
- Publisher: TechniSolve Software cc
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 2nd, 2014

Starpoint Software MohrView
MohrView allows you to produce professional quality, highly customized graphs of Mohr circles and Coulomb failure envelopes. MohrView also calculates many different parameters associated with the plot. Main features: -Unlimited number of samples per graph -Unlimited number of graphs per document -Print graphs with choice or page margins, headers, footers, and graph borders
- Publisher: Starpoint Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: July 31st, 2016

Eigenmath is a small application that can make graphs to mathematical functions. It is simple to use, and has a user manual that explains all the functions, so even the novice user will be able to make graphs very quickly. It can calculate derivatives, gradients, template functions, integrals as well as make graphs to arc length, line integrals, surface area, surface integrals etc.
- Publisher: George Weigt