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Guitar hero iii in Title/Summary

Guitar Hero Three Control Panel

Guitar Hero Three Control Panel

Guitar Hero Three Control Panel allows you to manage Guitar Hero 3 data. The software is updated regularly and it's available as a free release. The software requires that original Guitar hero 3 must be installed before use. It supports mp3 files and Guitar Hero : Aerosmith.

Native Instruments Guitar Combo III

Native Instruments Guitar Combo III

Native Instruments Guitar Combo III is a tube amp simulation program for experienced and new users of the Behringer USB guitar that provides users with a professional studio sound emulating the sounds and tones of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Features include a noise gate, post and pre-amp effects, and a preset manager with a drag and drop function available.

  • Publisher: Native Instruments Software Synthesis GmbH
  • Last updated: October 15th, 2008
How to play the guitar - Volume III for intermediate to advance

How to play the guitar - Volume III for intermediate to advance

This is a companion volume to the beginner and intermediate course. Through eleven studies inspired by various forms of the Blues this third volume will teach you more guitar tricks and technique that will take you to the advanced level. The cyclic structure of this musical style produces pieces which are easy to remember, however the majority of these songs are not meant for beginners.

  • Publisher: Terre Mouvante Cie
  • Last updated: December 23rd, 2008

Guitar hero iii in Description

Frets On Fire

Frets On Fire

Developed by Unreal Voodoo, Frets On Fire consists in hitting the right keys and strumming in sync with the melody and the notes that are scrolling down the screen. You get points for hitting the notes accurately. Frets On Fire is essentially a port of Guitar Hero and Rock Band, but for PC, Mac and Linux.



Performous is a simulation game that lets you play great songs and improve your musical skills. No special hardware required, you may play guitar on your PC keyboard, sing on your laptop microphone and so on. If you do have SingStar microphones, Guitar Hero or Rock Band instruments, or dance pads, just plug them into your USB ports and start playing.

  • Publisher: Performous
  • Home page: performous.org
  • Last updated: November 18th, 2024


Wiinput is a free utility for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 that allows you to use the wireless remotes that come with your Nintendo Wii console to control games and applications on your computer. Configuration files are used to define what Wiimote events to capture and what actions to execute when those occur.

  • Publisher: wiinput
  • Last updated: July 17th, 2018
AdrenaLinn Sync

AdrenaLinn Sync

AdrenaLinn Sync is a software plug-in from Roger Linn Design that provides the same unique beat-synced filter modulation and sequencing effects of our AdrenaLinn III guitar pedal, plus quite a bit more. Though intended for guitar, it adds fascinating rhythmic tonal effects to any instrument or processed audio.

  • Publisher: Roger Linn Design
  • Last updated: October 28th, 2010
500 Rhythm Guitar Licks

500 Rhythm Guitar Licks

A rhythm lick is a sequence of chords and notes that are used to build the rhythm section of music, and many people think that rhythm guitar is simply the strumming of chords. But that's quite not true - there are many tricks and techniques available to the rhythm guitar player to play and create powerful, musical works.

  • Publisher: Get It All.Net!
  • Last updated: August 23rd, 2010

Additional Guitar hero iii selection

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Heroes of Might and Magic III

Heroes III is a strategy videogame in which the player controls an army composed of heroes and a wide variety of creatures in order to defeat the other armies fighting to control the stage, or to meet other status of victory specified in each scenario. Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete is a compilation of The Restoration of Erathia and both expansion packs.

Warcraft III Frozen Throne

Warcraft III Frozen Throne

Warcraft III The Frozen Throne is the expansion to Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, and offers new features that improve and balance this already addictive game. New campaigns, new troops, new buildings, new spells, new escenaries, a greater balance make this expansion an obligatory purchase for Warcaft's fans.

  • Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Home page: www.blizzard.com
  • Last updated: May 26th, 2020
Gothic III - Forsaken Gods

Gothic III - Forsaken Gods

After having banend the influence of the gods in Myrtana, the nameless hero and Xardas have left this world in order to prevail the balance of power. In their exile located somewhere between space and time, they watch the actions of the mortal beings. As they discover a growing of the differences between orcs and humans again.

  • Publisher: Trine Games
  • Last updated: August 30th, 2011
ReValver Mk III

ReValver Mk III

ReValver is nothing but a state of the art virtual guitar amplifier modeling software with which you can choose infinite combinations of classic amps, preamps, power amps, and effects to create your own signature tone. ReValver MK III is the software which models the 15 most popular guitar amplifiers.

  • Publisher: Peavey Electronics
  • Last updated: June 6th, 2017
The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind

The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, usually called simply Morrowind, is a single player computer role-playing game developed by Bethesda Game Studios, and published by Bethesda Softworks and Ubisoft. It is the third release in The Elder Scrolls series of games.

Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete HD

Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete HD

Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete HD is a non-official fan made add-on (multifunction patch) for Heroes of Might and Magic 3. Initially, the add-on was created to change the original game resolution 800x600 to a bigger but now it has even more features.

  • Publisher: Alexander Barinov
  • Home page: sites.google.com
  • Last updated: October 31st, 2016
Age of Empires III

Age of Empires III

This third part of Age of Empires focuses on the era of discovery, setting aside the old world and challenge to enter the new continent unexplored with their richness by exploiting some indigenous to conquer. This version has several bugs and lacks some features present in version 1.1, like some out-of-sync bugs and multiplayer scenarios.

Guitar Pro

Guitar Pro

Guitar Pro is a tablature editor software for guitar, bass, and other fretted instruments. You can create your own professional scores for one or several instruments and capture your notes quickly, use various tools to optimize your practice sessions (tempo, looper, metronome, chord and scale library, guitar and piano fretboard), print your tabs and export it in various formats, and more.

  • Publisher: Arobas Music
  • Last updated: January 10th, 2025
Warcraft III

Warcraft III

The demo version of Warcraft III, Reign of Chaos features a two-mission tutorial that introduces you to one of the main Heroes of Warcraft III, three missions showing the Orcs' battles and allows playing through Battle.net™. The missions included in this demo are totally new and do not appear in the full version of the game.

  • Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Last updated: January 30th, 2020
Diablo III

Diablo III

Diablo III is a hack-and-slash action role-playing game for Windows users. You can choose one of six character classes – Barbarian, Crusader, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor or Wizard, and your task is to defeat the Lord of Terror, Diablo. The game gives you unprecedented control over your skills and powers, changing elemental damage types, accuracy, and area of effect.

  • Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
  • Home page: eu.diablo3.com
  • Last updated: November 3rd, 2020