Guitar hero iii pc game in Title/Summary

Guitar Hero Three Control Panel
Guitar Hero Three Control Panel allows you to manage Guitar Hero 3 data. The software is updated regularly and it's available as a free release. The software requires that original Guitar hero 3 must be installed before use. It supports mp3 files and Guitar Hero : Aerosmith.
- Publisher: MaXKilleR
- Home page:
- Last updated: October 27th, 2010

Native Instruments Guitar Combo III
Native Instruments Guitar Combo III is a tube amp simulation program for experienced and new users of the Behringer USB guitar that provides users with a professional studio sound emulating the sounds and tones of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. Features include a noise gate, post and pre-amp effects, and a preset manager with a drag and drop function available.
- Publisher: Native Instruments Software Synthesis GmbH
- Last updated: October 15th, 2008

How to play the guitar - Volume III for intermediate to advance
This is a companion volume to the beginner and intermediate course. Through eleven studies inspired by various forms of the Blues this third volume will teach you more guitar tricks and technique that will take you to the advanced level. The cyclic structure of this musical style produces pieces which are easy to remember, however the majority of these songs are not meant for beginners.
- Publisher: Terre Mouvante Cie
- Last updated: December 23rd, 2008
Guitar hero iii pc game in Description

Frets On Fire
Developed by Unreal Voodoo, Frets On Fire consists in hitting the right keys and strumming in sync with the melody and the notes that are scrolling down the screen. You get points for hitting the notes accurately. Frets On Fire is essentially a port of Guitar Hero and Rock Band, but for PC, Mac and Linux.
- Publisher: Unreal Voodoo
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 5th, 2008

Performous is a simulation game that lets you play great songs and improve your musical skills. No special hardware required, you may play guitar on your PC keyboard, sing on your laptop microphone and so on. If you do have SingStar microphones, Guitar Hero or Rock Band instruments, or dance pads, just plug them into your USB ports and start playing.
- Publisher: Performous
- Home page:
- Last updated: November 18th, 2024

Sky Hero Adventure
Sky Hero Adventure is a superb arcade game you cannot miss to play. Completely free, this Pacman-like game is the perfect choice to kill time. Playing the part of a courageous Sky Hero, the game involves going deep into the confusing and intricate network of passages where you will be in charge of picking up crystals and gems as you move forward.
- Publisher: My Real Games Ltd.
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 19th, 2008

Wiinput is a free utility for Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7 that allows you to use the wireless remotes that come with your Nintendo Wii console to control games and applications on your computer. Configuration files are used to define what Wiimote events to capture and what actions to execute when those occur.
- Publisher: wiinput
- Last updated: July 17th, 2018

Quake Live Mozilla Plugin
Quake Live is a browser-based version of Quake III. You need a browser plug in to play it online. With the Mozilla plug-in you can play with FireFox or SeaMonkey. The performance is better than with the IE plug-in and the size is smaller. Overall, the Quake Live game is fun and smooth to play. This is the future of gaming.
- Publisher: id Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 1st, 2012
Additional Guitar hero iii pc game selection

Quake Live Internet Explorer Plugin
Quake Live is a web-browser plug in that allows you to play Quake III Arena in your browser. After you download the plug-in and some basic game files, you can then play the game against others around the world. The basic Quake III game elements are available. An excellent option to play Quake anywhere in the world.
- Publisher: id Software
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 6th, 2012

Chess Hero
Chess Hero is a free chess training tool. The program picks random positions from the PGN files and challenges you to guess the best move computed by a chess engine. And on every attempt you are given a penalty (the difference in score between your move and the engine best).
- Publisher: Innokuo
- Last updated: October 11th, 2014

SH3 Commander
SH3 Commander is the ultimate tool for Silent Hunter III. It does for your career what the major super mods do for your game. With it you control many parameters of the game, such as crew fatigue, water clarity, wave height, deck gun reload times, and more. Also, you can add random malfunctions and sabotage and randomize U-Boat crush depth.
- Publisher: JoneSoft
- Home page:
- Last updated: January 26th, 2009

Home Game Hero
Home Game Hero is a free tournament blinds countdown poker timer. Home Game Hero Features: - Choose between 10, 15, 20 30, 40, 45, 60, and 90 minute poker blind timer intervals. - Two built in blind structures. - Ability to create, save and load custom blind schedules.
- Publisher: SandyKnoll
- Home page:

HeroQuest Game Master
the HeroQuest Game Master is for you. It removes the need for an Evil Wizard player, without taking anything away from your board game experience i.e. you still get to use all the figures, furniture, cards etc. and you still get to roll dice. It is NOT an arcade game though - it's a utility.
- Publisher: Keld Hjortskov
- Home page:
- Last updated: February 11th, 2020

The MaGui mod is a free modification for the Silent Hunter III game that brings you the story of a U-Boat in the World War II. The mod features navigation map tools, a huge compass at nav map, front side and back side of attack disc, 3-bearing AOB tool and attack scope with torpedo settings panel showing.
- Publisher: makman94
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 16th, 2014

Black ICE Mod
Black ICE is a mod for the Hearts of Iron III game. The mod adds to the game many events for all the majors and specific theatre events such as Barbarossa and North Africa, more than 80 unique techs and more than 70 unique units. You can also choose an extra bonus for various aspects of your espionage and intelligence services.
- Publisher: Black ICE Mod Team
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 15th, 2013

Heroes of Might and Magic III
Heroes III is a strategy videogame in which the player controls an army composed of heroes and a wide variety of creatures in order to defeat the other armies fighting to control the stage, or to meet other status of victory specified in each scenario. Heroes of Might and Magic III Complete is a compilation of The Restoration of Erathia and both expansion packs.
- Publisher: New World Computing
- Home page:
- Last updated: March 6th, 2008

Warcraft III Frozen Throne
Warcraft III The Frozen Throne is the expansion to Warcraft III Reign of Chaos, and offers new features that improve and balance this already addictive game. New campaigns, new troops, new buildings, new spells, new escenaries, a greater balance make this expansion an obligatory purchase for Warcaft's fans.
- Publisher: Blizzard Entertainment
- Home page:
- Last updated: May 26th, 2020

Age of Empires III
This third part of Age of Empires focuses on the era of discovery, setting aside the old world and challenge to enter the new continent unexplored with their richness by exploiting some indigenous to conquer. This version has several bugs and lacks some features present in version 1.1, like some out-of-sync bugs and multiplayer scenarios.
- Publisher: Microsoft Games
- Home page:
- Last updated: June 3rd, 2013